
Alpha Princess

@theshewolfx / theshewolfx.tumblr.com

Daughter of both Morgana and Mordred. Grand-daughter to the Goddess of Water and God of Earth, Viviene and Zar. I am the prophecies child, a she wolf. Both Faef and Druid. You cross me or my family you will know of it, you will be swimming in your own blood.

"Uhm dad. I think I might have started another battle again. Oops?"


      ” —— You know what, I’ve told you off enough times to last you for the rest of both your natural and spiritual life — I shall not tell you anymore. It’s your mess, you get out of it.”


          ” —— Aveline,” he growls, his tone full of warning as he glanced up at her, “I want you to listen to me, and listen good. You are not to do anything — do you understand?” Mordred questions but cares very little for her reply. “You are to stay here, with your brother, and I and the other elders will handle it, this is no place for you, no matter what you have done.”

            A shiver ran down his spine, this wasn’t a position he wished to be in, but yet he had found that his children got him into more situations than his own mistakes had as a child. Perhaps, it was what children did, or maybe what his children did. “Go and find your mother, will you for me?”


           "Has anyone ever told you, that your a pain in the fucking ass?!" She snapped bitterly. Yes Aveline certainly had her mothers fiery attitude, though she quickly regretted what she said and winced slightly, looking away. "Yeah sorry I'm just kind of annoyed at the moment not at you but--urgh!" She threw up her hands in the air. "No I will not just sit back and watch. I am no child anymore. I got involved in the mess so I will help finish it, even without your help. Even if it kills me."

     Aveline was about to shift into wolf form when she heard his question about Morgana, and again she looked awkward. "Ah forgot to tell you about that." She grunted lowly, and raised her hand to rub the back of her neck. "I went with mum earlier to see Morgause who came to us crying. I was ushered away and all I could see was Mother crying." She admitted in a quiet tone. "Aunt Morgause told me she would return her shortly, but I'm not sure what or when her 'shortly' is."


Let the Monster Rise

Have I failed my daughter? Then, let the father die! And let the monster rise!

     ❝ Quite impressive.

                      My name is Juliette. ❞


                  "Pleasure to meet you Juliette.


                        Now I must ask, what is it you are?                                                         I myself am a Faef Wolf."



"I am the Prince of Camelot after all. I have been trained to kill since birth.  Who are you ?"he asked curiously pausing.


"So your the one that they talk about? Yeah Yeah I've been trained to kill since I was born, too. I'm Aveline. I've heard alot about you." Aveline raised an eyebrow, watching the prince.


"Uhm dad. I think I might have started another battle again. Oops?"


      ” —— You know what, I’ve told you off enough times to last you for the rest of both your natural and spiritual life — I shall not tell you anymore. It’s your mess, you get out of it.”


         For a moment, Mordred stared at her, tossing up between helping her and forcing her to find her own way out of it. At her age, he had been left no one, each mistake he had made had been his own, unguided and unassisted. All his mistakes.          ” —— As an elder, I want to tell you to do nothing, they shall come not near you. However, as your father, I know you will not do as such because you do not listen to me, or your mother, either. Therefore, any words of advice I give fall on deaf ears, Aveline. Do nothing, if Arthur knows what is good for him he shall come no where near you. Unless you go looking.”


              What exactly was she supposed to answer, to that? She knew that would be the wisest thing to do- To let them get on with it, but she still felt rather guilty about it all, and that's where her good heart came into it. Whenever she started up shit, she would always finish it one way or another.                              "But---"

The She Wolf couldn't even finish her sentence, and a frustrated growl escaping her lips, her eyes flashing ember as she began to decide between staying how she was or go into her wolf form, but for now she remained human.                             "Thats so frustrating. Ugh I have to do something even if it fucking kills me. Apparently they have a wizard with them. They call him the one who cheated death. If I get in the middle of this trying to stop it he will probably kill me. I don't know what to do because I feel so guilty!"


Hi there lovelies! I have been on a semi Hiatus for a few months now, and its time I come back. My muse has even come back to me! So I want to roleplay with new people as well as the ones who have stuck by me, so here I am. I am a Morgana roleplayer as well as Morgaine from the Arthurian Legends/Mists of Avalon.

♕———- Independent Morgana Roleplayer ♕———- 6+ Years Experience in Roleplay ♕———- Open to crack, Gif/Icon, Para(s) and Novella. ♕———- Open to OC’s ♕———- Open to AU’s ♕———- Will roleplay with any Fandom ♕———- OOC Friendly.

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