

@little-improprieties / little-improprieties.tumblr.com

Just remember, the feeling is mutual.
Anonymous asked:

I’m an criminal defense attorney. I’m not a youtuber, because I actually practice law (and I think that’s important to note with the youtubers that are commentating…they want to be future courttv correspondents, they don’t want to practice. practicing law is harrowing and a lot of people try to find a way out of it bc of the pressure. for example, I bet heard’s lawyers are absolutely torn up by the response to their work…which has been normal at its worst and stellar at its best, but everyone’s commentating on it like they have any idea how to conduct a cross examination. and JD was kind of a hostile witness, I’d be absolutely over him. basically the lawyer youtubers are trying to gain a following by taking the popular stance so they don’t have to go back to their shitty firms.) anyway, I wouldn’t have wanted to be johnny’s lawyer in a criminal court. after examining the evidence (the real kind that was proffered to the court), I think he would have been convicted for simple battery for the boston plane incident, and potentially felony battery for the james corden incident. to me, both of those could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. even in incidents that seem clear to me that she hit or has hit him, it isn’t apparent to me that any of his claims could reach a criminal standard. his allegations are vague and they all have practically built in defenses in her favor that cause doubt. mostly because he doesn’t even really allege anything specific, just “she has hit me” okay, when? where? did you or did you not shoot down your own “proof” by admitting to it being your own doing? if there are so many videos why haven’t they been admitted into evidence? why is the metadata on your audio and pictures from random times not corresponding to your testimony? doubt doubt doubt

This is extremely informative. Thank you!


I’m watching The Good Place and they finally arrive in The Bad Place

oh what’s that

how is this show so good

(it says Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Haunted Crow’s Nest or Something, who gives a crap. Now playing everywhere forever)


I absolutely emailed Melissa’s publicity team, her agents, and her managers, buuuuut someone is in fact on vacation so at least one is out of the office until the 25th. 

Even so, I sent it to a handful of others and I’m posting it because I want to do right by all of you. I attached some screenshots of quotes that I had permission to use that aren’t pictured here, and the email addresses of Melissa’s representatives were attained professionally. I hope this message is well-received because I think that as a community wlw deserve a lot better than what our Supergirl showed us today. ♡

I just want to make it clear that while my initial email was more general in nature and focused a lot on the community the response includes very personally directed statements about my actions and my character and I do not want any of you to send/tweet anything on my behalf for the sole purpose of defending me. 

I feel disrespected and patronized and I don’t accept this as any kind of apology or reconciliation.

(this screenshot is illegible and the full text is under the cut)


Vision board finished! This here is the most important little corner though. The last couple of years have been difficult to get through, but even when I doubt myself, I know I'm doing 100% better.


Logan and Odette were dating then engaged all the while living in different countries? They didn't give a shit about eachother, Odette was probably screwing around in france herself. Then Mitchum sees Logan having lunch with the only girl who could throw a wrench in his "dynastic plan" and all of a sudden, Odette is moving in. After how long of being together? THAT was the point of the Mitchum restaurant scene. No one can tell me different!



I think Amy and Dan see Logan as Christopher from a story perspective. For me as an actor, that’s not something actionable that I can play. I can’t play Christopher. I’ve always seen Logan as someone who pushes Rory to take risks and push her life in new directions. He’s helping her to achieve her dreams and providing her with the means to achieve those dreams—whether that be help from his father or the key to the house. He’ll do anything he can to help her.

Matt Czuchry (via emilydoesthething)

Source: TIME

This cutie pie here was Maya. Now, the reason why all of the pictures are a blurry mess of her is because she could never sit still long enough for anyone to take a decent picture of her. She was a happy, bouncing, bubbly mess; always jumping up and down, always begging to be walked, always trying to make friends with all the other pets, and just taking advantage of just how much everyone eventually gave in and spoiled her rotten.

Maya begged for a walk early this afternoon, and she was barely out the door when the dumb kid that lives behind our house sped past our side porch like he always does, like he’s been warned not to do, going so fast that it pulled her off her harness. This stupid kid, I don’t even know how old he is, doesn’t even have a license to drive. The police was called and they said that unless it was a DUI, they couldn’t give him a citation because they were not there to witness him driving without a license, even despite all of us being eyewitnesses, which I think is just fucking ridiculous!

The entire household is grieving her loss, especially because save for my mom and dad, we were all there as she died, and felt completely helpless to how severely she’d been injured. Everyone that knows us knows our cats are assholes we love despite them being assholes to us all the time. Little Maya could be annoying as fuck but she set a happy beat to our home from very early in the morning until very late at night. You could tell we were all miserable fucks compared to how happy and bubbly she always was. And I mean ALWAYS. She leaves behind her best friend Rory Pond (also pictured), as well as Lilly who was too grouchy to play with her, and Harry the bunny who made her very happy to have someone to jump around with.

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