
Hunger Games One-Shot Recs

@hgoneshotrecs / hgoneshotrecs.tumblr.com

Looking for something quick to read that's complete? Look no further than a One-Shot! This blog is dedicated to finding the best short stories from the Hunger Games Fandom. We also take recommendations from our readers.

Title:  Gingerbread Mess

Author:  hpfanonezillion

Rating:  T

Length:  Ficlet (657)

Pairing:  Katniss/Peeta

Summary:  Johanna and Finnick aren’t being very kind to Peeta while he makes gingerbread cookies for a Christmas party.

Why This is Good:  Hilarious fic of Johanna and Finnick being juvenile pranksters - but in a great way.  Also, Katniss’s lines are perfect.


The State of the Community

We hope you enjoyed our second anniversary celebration.  We promised you an important announcement today.  So here it is!

As of December 1st, we’ll be making some changes to @hgoneshotrecs.

First: We are looking for new mods.  The three of us all have a ton of real life commitments so we’ve had to cut back on fun things like reading.  Which unfortunately means we’re no longer able to rec fics every day. 

We considered closing the community entirely, but we don’t want to have to do that if we can find another way.  We love this community and still believe that there are lots of great one-shots out there, but time has become an issue.

Hence the call for mods!

We are searching for between three and five new mods to take over at least some of the reccing.  While the three of us will still be a part of the community as admins, we need assistance in finding and reccing enough stories to maintain the daily recs. 

Requirements for mods include:

  • A grasp of spelling and grammar
  • A willingness to rec a variety of types of fics, including multiple pairings, multiple lengths, multiple settings, and multiple ratings
  • A willingness to rec a variety of authors
  • A commitment to reccing at least six fics per month, including five one-shots and one multi-chapter or series.

The more people we get, the easier the workload.  LOL  If you are interested in joining us as a mod, please send us an ask or a message with your email address and we’ll contact you from there!  The deadline for applications is December 15th.

Second: While we search for new mods, we will be taking a hiatus during the month of December and possibly into January.  This will be so we can go through and do some clean up of tags and the like.  We may pop in a few holiday fics if we have time.  LOL

Third: If we do not find new mods, the community won’t shut down.  But it will no longer post daily.  We will rec fics when/if we find time to read them. This may result in bursts of fics, then periods of silence.  It’s either this or we stop posting entirely.

Thank you for following us over the last two years!  We love you and this community! 

We still have no applications, so if you’re even remotely considering doing this, please, please, let us know!  We’d love to continue this community, but we need your help to do it!

We have interest from two people - thank you both so much - but we’re looking for at least one, preferably two or three, more mods to help with this community!  Please come join us!


The State of the Community

We hope you enjoyed our second anniversary celebration.  We promised you an important announcement today.  So here it is!

As of December 1st, we’ll be making some changes to @hgoneshotrecs.

First: We are looking for new mods.  The three of us all have a ton of real life commitments so we’ve had to cut back on fun things like reading.  Which unfortunately means we’re no longer able to rec fics every day. 

We considered closing the community entirely, but we don’t want to have to do that if we can find another way.  We love this community and still believe that there are lots of great one-shots out there, but time has become an issue.

Hence the call for mods!

We are searching for between three and five new mods to take over at least some of the reccing.  While the three of us will still be a part of the community as admins, we need assistance in finding and reccing enough stories to maintain the daily recs. 

Requirements for mods include:

  • A grasp of spelling and grammar
  • A willingness to rec a variety of types of fics, including multiple pairings, multiple lengths, multiple settings, and multiple ratings
  • A willingness to rec a variety of authors
  • A commitment to reccing at least six fics per month, including five one-shots and one multi-chapter or series.

The more people we get, the easier the workload.  LOL  If you are interested in joining us as a mod, please send us an ask or a message with your email address and we’ll contact you from there!  The deadline for applications is December 15th.

Second: While we search for new mods, we will be taking a hiatus during the month of December and possibly into January.  This will be so we can go through and do some clean up of tags and the like.  We may pop in a few holiday fics if we have time.  LOL

Third: If we do not find new mods, the community won’t shut down.  But it will no longer post daily.  We will rec fics when/if we find time to read them. This may result in bursts of fics, then periods of silence.  It’s either this or we stop posting entirely.

Thank you for following us over the last two years!  We love you and this community! 

We still have no applications, so if you’re even remotely considering doing this, please, please, let us know!  We’d love to continue this community, but we need your help to do it!


Title:  Comfort

Author:  Prussian Blue

Rating:  K+

Length:  Ficlet (728 words)

Pairing:  Gen

Summary:   Katniss quietly relishes the comfort and contentment of friendship. Katniss/Peeta/Finnick/Johanna cuddle pile, written for a Tumblr prompt.

Why This is Good:  Exactly what it says on the tin.  Sometimes you need a little victor fluff.  The timing of this is unknown... although I personally like to think of this as a missing scene in Catching Fire... it could feasibly take place in Mockingjay.


The State of the Community

We hope you enjoyed our second anniversary celebration.  We promised you an important announcement today.  So here it is!

As of December 1st, we’ll be making some changes to @hgoneshotrecs.

First: We are looking for new mods.  The three of us all have a ton of real life commitments so we’ve had to cut back on fun things like reading.  Which unfortunately means we’re no longer able to rec fics every day. 

We considered closing the community entirely, but we don’t want to have to do that if we can find another way.  We love this community and still believe that there are lots of great one-shots out there, but time has become an issue.

Hence the call for mods!

We are searching for between three and five new mods to take over at least some of the reccing.  While the three of us will still be a part of the community as admins, we need assistance in finding and reccing enough stories to maintain the daily recs. 

Requirements for mods include:

  • A grasp of spelling and grammar
  • A willingness to rec a variety of types of fics, including multiple pairings, multiple lengths, multiple settings, and multiple ratings
  • A willingness to rec a variety of authors
  • A commitment to reccing at least six fics per month, including five one-shots and one multi-chapter or series.

The more people we get, the easier the workload.  LOL  If you are interested in joining us as a mod, please send us an ask or a message with your email address and we’ll contact you from there!  The deadline for applications is December 15th.

Second: While we search for new mods, we will be taking a hiatus during the month of December and possibly into January.  This will be so we can go through and do some clean up of tags and the like.  We may pop in a few holiday fics if we have time.  LOL

Third: If we do not find new mods, the community won’t shut down.  But it will no longer post daily.  We will rec fics when/if we find time to read them. This may result in bursts of fics, then periods of silence.  It’s either this or we stop posting entirely.

Thank you for following us over the last two years!  We love you and this community! 


Title:  ice

Author:  the unbirthday girl

Rating:  k+

Length:  Drabble (452 words)

Pairing:  Gen

Summary:   he meets her on the train and is reminded of a wolverine.  tiny, fierce, a survivor  /  sweet, clueless boy  /  now you see, now you see, how cruel she can be  — he dies in a beautiful place

Why This is Goo:  A lovely minimalist fic from the POV of a doomed tribute.  It’s chilling and that is not a pun.


The State of the Community

We hope you enjoyed our second anniversary celebration.  We promised you an important announcement today.  So here it is!

As of December 1st, we'll be making some changes to @hgoneshotrecs.

First: We are looking for new mods.  The three of us all have a ton of real life commitments so we’ve had to cut back on fun things like reading.  Which unfortunately means we’re no longer able to rec fics every day. 

We considered closing the community entirely, but we don’t want to have to do that if we can find another way.  We love this community and still believe that there are lots of great one-shots out there, but time has become an issue.

Hence the call for mods!

We are searching for between three and five new mods to take over at least some of the reccing.  While the three of us will still be a part of the community as admins, we need assistance in finding and reccing enough stories to maintain the daily recs. 

Requirements for mods include:

  • A grasp of spelling and grammar
  • A willingness to rec a variety of types of fics, including multiple pairings, multiple lengths, multiple settings, and multiple ratings
  • A willingness to rec a variety of authors
  • A commitment to reccing at least six fics per month, including five one-shots and one multi-chapter or series.

The more people we get, the easier the workload.  LOL  If you are interested in joining us as a mod, please send us an ask or a message with your email address and we’ll contact you from there!  The deadline for applications is December 15th.

Second: While we search for new mods, we will be taking a hiatus during the month of December and possibly into January.  This will be so we can go through and do some clean up of tags and the like.  We may pop in a few holiday fics if we have time.  LOL

Third: If we do not find new mods, the community won’t shut down.  But it will no longer post daily.  We will rec fics when/if we find time to read them. This may result in bursts of fics, then periods of silence.  It’s either this or we stop posting entirely.

Thank you for following us over the last two years!  We love you and this community! 


Second Anniversary Roundup

A quick roundup of the fics we recced for our two-year anniversary.

As a reminder, these are all currently incomplete.  

All fics are organized alphabetically by title.  Main pairings will be listed.


Title: Inevitability

Author: Xerxia

Rating: M

Length:  Multi-chapter (17,954 words as of 11/27/16)

Pairing: Katniss/Peeta

Last Updated: 9/3/16

Recced by: FanficAllergy, RoseFyreFyre, and ForFutureReference

Summary: For Prompts in Panem farewell tour Day 2: What if?  What if Peeta and Prim hadn't been reaped?  Inspired by the canon line ‘this would have happened anyway’.

Why This is Good:

  • I fell in love with this fic when I read it during Prompts in Panem last October.  The characters!  The changes!  How Katniss and Peeta essentially switch places in a way that completely works in the Panem universe!  I love how the characters stay themselves while the world changes around them - and watching that impact them.  (RoseFyreFyre)
  • This fic is just beautiful writing.  The way it’s told is just lovely.  I liked some of the little details Xerxia included like how the Hob worked or just how unbalanced some of the system is.  The build up of the romance is nicely done.  I also adore fics that don’t treat Delly like she’s an obstacle to Everlark. (FanficAllergy)
  • The title is apt on many levels, be it the realistically-paced romance or the rumblings of discontent, despite the lack of Star-crossed lovers or a Mockingjay. Through this pacing and process, an opportunity is taken to add detail and give further insight to the culture of District Twelve. On top of this, there is wonderful fleshing out and interaction with various background canon characters, be it Katniss with Delly, Peeta with Greasy Sae, and so on. (ForFutureReference)

Title:  in which Finnick and Annie (eventually) get their happy ending

Author:  sabaceanbabe

Rating:  M (series wide)

Length:  Series (222,784 words total for series as of 11/26/16)

Pairing: Finnick/Annie 

Last Updated:  2/24/16

Recced by:  FanficAllergy


Treading Water: They don't tell you when you go into the arena that the lucky ones are those who die. (199,437 words - Complete)
Diving Under:  There are no ocean breezes in the Capitol or District 13, only the stink of artificial things... (23,347 words - Incomplete)

Why This is Good:  A beautifully written story that has a different take on Annie.  She’s still broken, but she’s not frail and she’s not a damsel in distress which is refreshing.  Finnick is still charming but he’s got a depth which makes the story.  The writing is beautiful and engaging.  It’s a well done canon-divergence.  I wish there were more of this series so I could actually see Finnick and Annie get their happy ending.   


Title: Let Me Fly

Author: FanficAllergy & RoseFyre

Rating: E

Length:  Multi-chapter (249177 words as of 11/27/16)

Pairing:  Katniss/Peeta/Gale

Last Updated: 11/15/16

Recced by: ForFutureReference

Summary: When a plague hits District Twelve, Katniss is forced to make some very hard decisions.  Together with Gale and what’s left of their families, they decide to escape District Twelve, taking a reluctant Peeta Mellark with them.

Why This is Good: That summary above should sound simple enough. The butterflies disturbed by that escape have created a ≈250k-word (though it’s important to note that this fic essentially consists of three books, plus interludes, so far) hurricane that’s anything but. The ship sailing here is polyamourous in the truest sense and develops realistically, and those who like smut won’t be disappointed; those who don’t can easily avoid it to enjoy the rest of the plot. Great character interactions and dialogue, with the different POVs conveyed in distinct respective voices that fit what we know of the characters. And the fic provides a lovely platform for fleshing out Panem and the various cultures that make it up. ... Also, the collection of tags alone can create a one-shot in itself.


Title:  Haymitch Abernathy: A Chronology of Loss

Author:  Cryelle

Rating:  T

Length:  Multi-Chapter (2921 as of 11/27/16)

Pairing:  Haymitch/His Girl

Last Updated:  10/20/16

Recced by:  RoseFyreFyre

Summary:  A series of short, backstory-related scenes that follow young Haymitch from the time he was Reaped to the a few years after the Games. Unnamed characters (including Haymitch's mother, brother, girlfriend, and mentor) are fleshed out and woven into his life -- only for him to lose each of them.

Why This is Good:  Haymitch!  This fic really gets into Haymitch’s POV and what he’s feeling in all that backstory we skipped over in canon.  We get to meet his family and his girlfriend and the previous Twelve Victor - and all of them are fully formed characters despite having just a line or two of mention in canon.


Title:  A Soul in Any Other Body (Would Love as Loyally)    

Author:  midnighteverlark

Rating:  E

Length:  Multi-chapter (14,138 words as of 11/26/16)

Pairing:  Katniss/Peeta

Last Updated:  1/31/16

Recced by:  FanficAllergy

Summary:   The Capitol never hijacked Peeta. Instead, they warped his identity in a different way: they made his body female, so that he wouldn't be recognized by the rebels and therefore couldn't act as a symbol or leader to them. Katniss only ever wanted Peeta back. Who is she to complain what form he came back in? After all, a body is a body. He's still Peeta, and he still loves her.

Why This is Good:  This fic tackles a very difficult subject and does it really, really well.  There are other fics out there that have switched Peeta’s gender, but none have them have really been as sensitive or have gotten as much right.  The author doesn’t switch pronouns (which is important) and the body horror is real and palpable.  The love story between Katniss and Peeta is also beautiful.  I’ve always sort of felt Katniss was demisexual and it’s nice to see her portrayed this way.  This fic isn’t for everyone, but it is damn good and I highly recommend it and I’ve been waiting for the last chapter with breathless anticipation.


Title: Seldom Spent in Vain

Author: EStrunk

Rating: T

Length:  Multi-chapter (35601 words as of 11/27/16)

Pairing:  Gale/Madge

Last Updated: 2/8/16

Recced by: ForFutureReference

Summary: The war is over and everyone in Panem is trying to pick up the pieces. President Paylor has given Gale Hawthorne an impressive title and a boring job where he happens to run into a major missing piece. Madge Undersee doesn't want his pity or his protection, but she may not have any choice.

Why This is Good: Living as an Avox isn’t something that’s likely to easy, and this fic effectively conveys realistic challenges faced by those who survived the war; both in terms of actual physical and psychological challenges for the Avoxes themselves, and bigotry towards them. In turn, there are realistic hangups that can serve as speedbumps to the ship. Despite this, the interactions between Gale and Madge are quite heartwarming. On Gale’s end, a lot of thought is put into his life in the military.


Title:  A Softer Place to Land

Author:  SoThere

Rating:  T

Length:  Multi-Chapter (68,835 as of 11/27/16)

Pairing:  Katniss/Peeta

Last Updated:  3/14/16

Recced by:  RoseFyreFyre

Summary:  After giving Katniss some surprising news, Prim disappears from her sister's life. While trying to move on, Katniss receives a phone call that will challenge everything she knows about life and love.

Why This is Good:  Definitely not the way I would expect this relationship to build, but Katniss and Peeta work in this story.  SoThere weaves pieces of canon into a modern AU and makes it work really well.  The slow build is just perfect.


Title:  swim until you can't see land

Author:  seaglassblue

Rating:  M

Length:  Multi-Chapter (14.629 words as of 11/26/16)

Pairing:  Finnick/Haymitch

Last Updated:  12/2/14

Recced by:  FanficAllergy

Summary:   Finnick isn't sure what unsettles him more, remembering that he's capable of killing, or knowing that he's capable of killing and that he's on his knees anyway.

Why This is Good:  So there are three things I absolutely love about this fic. 1. Finnick’s POV.  He’s so broken and falling, and is trying to figure out how to pull himself together.  This is pre-Annie and it shows how we got to the Finnick in the books.  2.  Haymitch’s character voice.  He’s so perfectly gruff and oblique and he’s got just the right amount of self-loathing and desire to actually do something.  It’s a joy to read and I’m SUPER PICKY about my Haymitch.  3. The depiction of the Capitol.  This story has one of the best depictions of how the Capitol works.  It’s so decadent and depraved and there are parts in here that I want to steal and use for my own headcanons.  The saddest thing about this story is that it hasn’t been updated in a long time and it really is a damn good fic with an interesting Rare Pair that actually works and weirdly the fic is set far enough into the past that it could be canon-compliant.  LOL. Make sure to watch out for the trigger warnings though.  Because there are doozies.

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