
Hallowed Hellhound

@hallowed-hellhound / hallowed-hellhound.tumblr.com


good content

this is somehow already a classic short video

it gets better

  • “you know what men have? penises. you know what horses have? bigger penises.”
  • “minorities are afraid of the statue. everyone is afraid of horses. people opportunity fear!”

Equal opportunity fear is the only thing I stand for

“you know what men do? oppress people. You know what horses do? anything but that.”


Pen ink on a leaf 🍃 zooming through a puddle

The ink-mixed water behind the leaf has a lower surface tension than the water in front of it. While this gradient tries to equalize (Marangoni effect), the different adhesive forces around the leaf pull it along. (Source)

Look at it go!


earlier this month it was 120 degrees in Australia , but yeah lets continue to mock those trying to save us in the 12 years we have left to slow climate change’s effects. 

What is the worst thing that could happen if we listen to scientists and change our ways, and then it turns out they were lying? 

Slowly dying in a mad max hell world to own the libs I guess. 

this is literally why scientists stopped calling it “global warming” and started calling it “climate change”

because these dense motherfuckers couldn’t get it through their heads that an increase in the average global temperature is, has, and will lead to an increase in extreme weather events including goddamn polar vortexes.

“Fner ner ner, look at all the snow outside, what of your global warming now?? CHECK AND MATE SCIENTISTS so much for your fancy degrees and decades of research” of fucking course you’re still gonna get a winter you goddamn dingdongs! The Earth still has a fucking axial tilt – there is always going to be a portion of the year that is colder because that’s when you’re further away from the sun! 

(unless you live between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn, in which case you’re at more or less the same distance from the sun all year, but presumably then you aren’t pointing to snowfall as proof positive that scientists are spearheading a conspiracy to…i don’t even fucking know. reduce emissions? meanspiritedly destroy the fossil fuel industry, which is gentle and blameless and certainly has never been linked to enormous environmental disasters or long-term health concerns or…?)

Conservatives will be the fucking death of us

Also the reason for these extremely cold temperatures happening and doing so more often is directly a result of literal global warming. Due to rising temperatures (thanks to climate change caused by humans which is real and happening right now and fuck anyone who says otherwise), the Arctic sea ice has been melting more and more without replenishing itself during winter. To make matters worse, the more ice that melts, the more ocean is exposed, which absorbs (rather that reflecting like ice does) the sun’s energy, further heating up. 

This rise in polar temperatures is the reason the polar vortex is currently above the US and making Day After Tomorrow a reality

For those who don’t know, a polar vortex is an area of low pressure that likes to chill around the poles (both north and south but the north is more relevant here). These areas of cold, dense air are usually kept in check by jet streams: long, narrow, fast flowing air currents caused by two masses of air that are different in density/pressure/temperature etc. meeting. 

The polar jet streams in particular are caused by the meeting of cold, dense low pressure polar air and warm high pressure air from the tropics. It’s usually pretty strong, especially during winter, as the temperature gradient between the poles and the tropics is rather large. The bigger the difference, the stronger the wind, and the less likely that polar air escapes southwards.

However, due to the warming around the north pole thanks to the melting sea ice and warming oceans, this gradient is decreasing.

This results in a weaker polar jet stream, which allows the vortex to meander all over the place, such as down south into the US, bringing the cold dense air with it.

Please go forth and use this information to make sure the idiots using this cold snap as piss poor evidence that climate change isn’t real know that they’re wrong and they should feel bad. Also maybe tie them down and make them watch this video (which is where I got these gifs from) which is a good (but terrifying) explanation of how extreme weather events are becoming and will become more common as a result of anthropogenic climate change.


I posted abt some really awful cat breeds yesterday and I want to expand on a couple things A few people were asking about scottish folds and the pain they’re in. With Scottish Fold cats, the bones and cartilage do not form properly, and as a result they have the overly large head, short face and jaw. They also have short, bandy legs and thick immobile tails. The cartilage is not strong enough to work as a shock absorber in the joints and as such it wears out very quickly leading to severe arthritis and spinal issues. Cartilage is what keeps a cat’s ears standing up, and since folds have major issues in that department, that’s why their ears are floppy. The floppy ears are DIRECTLY related to the pain. Because here’s the other thing: kittens born from scottish fold litters that DON’T have the fold? Also don’t have the pain. The ear fold is a symptom of a much more body-wide, painful problem. A kitten with the Scottish Fold gene from both parents will show signs of arthritis on X-ray from as young as seven weeks old. Scottish fold cats gained serious popularity after a few celebrities (Thanks Taylor Swift, thanks Ed Sheeran) got them and these particular cats recieved a lot of visibility on social media.

Great going, guys. On the note of famous cats, you know Maru? You probably do, they’re the kitty that got famous by jumping into boxes a bunch. As you do!!

Maru is technically a scottish fold too, but without the fold, which is why Maru can lead a better, less painful life than other scottish fold cats. Chronic pain begins for folds in kittenhood and follows them for the rest of their lives. Maru is lucky, and has lots of energy, like a healthy cat would. Cats display pain differently than humans. While another animal may limp, or cry, cats will act “”””calm””””, and opt to lay down and sleep rather than display normal signs of agony. That’s why Scottish folds are so “”calm”“. Folds who are given doses of painkiller at the vet will also suddenly perk up, displaying a personality you might not even know they had. For the cats that get this experience, this will be the first time they’ve ever felt normal in their lives. So yeah! That’s a little more detail. Please don’t encourage the viral spread of popularity among unhealthy pure-breed cats like the fold.  If you have the resources to care for a Fold (or any pure-breed animal with health problems for that matter) that you find at a shelter, by all means give it all the love you can, but don’t encourage their popularity, and don’t pay breeders. 


Andy Samberg’s John Mulaney impression (x)

It’s funny to see all the people reblogging this completely unaware that these three worked together for Y E A R S of course they have a John impression

woman: i miss you like the deserts miss the rain
man: oh that's so sweet, i--
woman: i've adapted to existence without you, buried everything we made together, and prolonged exposure to you would be disastrous.
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