
Metro City Blues

@ladyarjuna / ladyarjuna.tumblr.com

Just another day in the fightingest town in the world! (Independent OC RP Blog, with a fighting game-2d brawler twist.) (Now Accepting Magic Anons.) Want Me To Write Your Prompt Fast? Buy Me A Coffee!

I remember discussing Tintin casting choices with a friend from Germany and remarked how it was odd he often has an English accent in adaptations rather than a Belgian one, and my friend just replied "that's because Tintin gives incredibly strong English boy energy (derogatory)"

Here in the UK there's a lot of weird classism tied into accents. Today accent diversity and representation in broadcasting is actively pursued but in Tintin's time there certainly was a preferred accent to have.

imagine this exchange happens between pages 28-29 in The Crab with the Golden Claws


I’m sorry okay

Oh god, the laugh that came out of me because of this was SO UGLY.


daily reminders

  • no human being is 100% happy 100% of the time
  • being a person is extraordinarily difficult even in the best of times
  • this is not the best of times
  • someone is grateful you exist (don't argue, it's true)
  • a bad day does not predict a bad existence
  • it's gonna be okay

Tbh the problem with ship wars is that everyone tries to find a moral high ground to prove their ship is superior when actually shipping should be about making two characters kiss like a kid playing with barbie dolls

You don't like my two characters kissing? That's fine you can go play with other people that want your two characters to kiss it's literally that easy


"Suddenly the world's turned upside down, suddenly those nice people aren't so friendly anymore, suddenly it turns out that those bits of paper they signed in a hurry--were advised to sign by people who smiled all the time--mean that they don't actually own anything at all, not patents, not property, nothing. Not even the contents of their own heads, indeed. Even any ideas they have now don't belong to them, apparently. And somehow they're still in trouble about money. Well, some run and some hide and some try to fight, which is foolish in the extreme, because it turns out that everything is legal, it really is. Some accept low-level jobs in the enterprise, because one has to live and in any case the enterprise even owns their dreams at night. And yet actual illegality, it would appear, has not taken place. Business is business."


I will pretty much instantly distrust a fellow leftist if they paint the enemy as being ugly (’all terfs have bad hair’, ‘all far-right bros are fat people with neck beards’, etc). It shows me they haven’t done some of the most basic work of un-linking appearance from character, which leaves them open to a vast array of bigoted tropes, from fatphobia, ableism and classism to homophobia, transphobia antisemitism and racism, because who we see as ‘attractive’ or looking ‘wholesome’ and who we assume to look ‘untrustworthy’ or villainous’  has been coded by all these things.

lots of people in the notes pointing out that this is also true about:

  • Dismissing people because of their age
  • Pretending that the people who disagree with you are ‘unintelligent’ and the people who agree with you are ‘smart’
  • Accusing the people you disagree with of having some mental illness.
  • Accents and speech patterns
  • Mocking personal hygiene
  • Mocking someone not getting laid or mocking genital size or shape
  • Mocking lack of productivity and independence (’you probably live in your moms basement’ stuff)

And YES. You are all right. These are all bad reasons to claim superiority over someone and every time someone brings up this stuff their ageism/ableism/classism/sexism/etc is showing.

And ya know, 99 out of 100 times, the person(s) that you’re insulting either can’t hear you or doesn’t really care what you have to say. But the fat people, disabled people, mentally ill people, etc. in your own community do hear and feel a little less safe in that community because of you. Do better.

Anonymous asked:

not roll multiple ones on your structure or not have a good day?

i would simply not

Anonymous asked:

what if you wanted a good day at your very important job, but RA said "multiples ones on your structure roll"

I would simply not


"Aaaaah, yep, that'll help." Taylor nods. "So, just. Uh, earplugs in stockings, in here? That order?"


"No. Just..." She demonstrates, dropping a few of them in the bag. "Makes it easier to find them and they've GOTTA air-dry."


"...Yeah, you're better at this girl thing, than I am." Taylor chuckles, a bit embarrassed.


"I had a mom who talked about this stuff with me."


"If I can borrow one, that would be great. Unless my regular socks will work?"


"-- Lemme get you--"

She reveals a bag that you put your stockings in. So they don't get caught by other things in the wash and have a gentler cycle.

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