
Learning Muslimah


To be beautiful is to be like what ALLAH told you to..You not necessarily to be accepted by others..It's enough when ALLAH accepts you.

Was talking with a friend and he went on to say something and started with “though I’m not a practicing Muslim..”. So I just asked him, what is a practicing Muslim? He goes, well, you know me. And to be honest it still doesn’t sit right with me. Like I know you believe, I know you pray, and I know you fast. I just don’t know why we short change our selves. Really, what is a practicing Muslim? Someone who seeks knowledge? Doesn’t that just make you someone that seeks knowledge? You do some haram stuff, doesn’t that just make us disobedient? Don’t we have repentance? Are ‘practicing Muslims’ infallible?

I think of that story of the man who our Prophet (saws) said is a man from Jannah. So Abdullah Ibn Amr stayed at his home to see what it is that made our Prophet say that. The man didn’t pray in the night. He didn’t voluntarily fast. And he didn’t even recite Quran that much. Abdullah became frustrated and asked him, what makes you a man from Jannah? I don’t see you doing anything that a man from Jannah is supposed to do? And the man replied, you’re right, but I make sure that when I go to sleep, I have no feelings of hatred or jealousy in my heart towards my fellow Muslims.

And I think its unhealthy for us to think this way. Allahu alam. Some of us even abandon our faith because of our bad deeds. We overlook character and manners. We overlook the power of repentance. Isn’t one who repents like one who has never sinned? Is it our deeds that take us to Jannah or is it Allah’s pleasure and mercy? We’re Muslims, we’re sinners, and we’re different. Allah SWT didn’t reveal this religion for just a few excellent individuals. He revealed it to humanity. It’s undeniably necessary to acknowledge ourselves and our shortcomings so we can work around them and repent for them. But I feel awkward equating practicing Islam with someones religious aesthetic or their level of knowledge. We have our 5 pillars of Islam, our 6 pillars of faith, and a Merciful and Kind Lord who gave us a beautiful religion. And He knows best.

This really touched me.

“The moment we love anything more than our creator, that very thing we love more will become the cause of our greatest pain.”

Yasmin Mogahed (via islamicrays)


As we grow older

As we grow older,

We have a clearer vision on what to be, on what to possess , on what to keep, on what to toss away.

As we grow older,

We become more attached to our parents , as we know how it hurts  to miss them so much, how it hurts to loss them ,how it hurts to not be able be with them all the time.

As we grow older,

We ignore what they say about us, as we know ourselves much more them do.

As we grow older,

What we ever wanted is.. Allah’s blessings in everything we do..



Bagi salam betol2 boleh?

Kalo nk bagi salam tu,sebut btol2 boleh x? Ni 'kom' , 'samekom' mmg la org xkn jwb.. Ucapla..assalamualaikum kan elok

One of the best Dua’as out there.. اللهم لا تعلق قلبي بما ليس لي - واجعل لي فيمن احب نصيب Oh dear God, don’t let me yearn and hold onto something that isn’t mine - however, let my destiny be with who my heart desires for.

I shouldn’t be too attached to people..especially my friends.

You’ll never find happiness in what Allaah has forbidden. Persisting in disobedience only increases your depression and anguish.

You missed a prayer...

You missed a prayer. It’s been hours. You kept delaying it while busying yourself with something worthless. Guilt finally pushes you to get up and make wudhu. You feel like a failure still. Just know that Allah is being so merciful to you right now. After you disobeyed Him, He put that guilt in your heart so you can get up and do good. All is not lost. Repent. Pray.


| Half our Deen |
Oh! Allah grant us from you righteous spouses and children. Ameen! There are Muslims and then there are Practicing Muslims. The difference is that of the Heavens and the Earth
- www.LionOfAllah.com

Say: Alhamdulillah Say: Astaghfirullah Say: SubhanAllah Say: Allahu Akbar Say: La ilaha illAllah Now Reblog :)

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