
Do the Voice Thing

@korisuoh / korisuoh.tumblr.com

My blog. My rules.

twenty honey did not get enough appreciation


The Atlas personality, drawing on the myth of the giant Atlas from Greek mythology upholding the world, is typically found in a person who felt obliged during childhood to take on responsibilities (extending beyond normal household chores or looking after siblings) such as providing psychological support to parental figures, often in a chaotic family situation.

They are thus liable to develop a pattern of compulsive caregiving in later life.

The result in adult life can be a personality devoid of fun,

and feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders

Depression and anxiety

as well as over-sensitivity to others 

and an inability to assert their own needs, are further identifiable characteristics. 

In addition, there may also be an underlying rage against a parent for not having provided love, and for exploiting the child for their own narcissistic needs.

While Atlas personalities may appear to function adequately as adults, 

they may be pervaded with a sense of emptiness and be lacking in vitality.

(Write-up sourced from wikipedia.)


Sometimes I say self loathing things to my therapist and he looks at me dead in the eyes before saying “You fucking moron.” and tbh same

Me: I think I don’t exist.

Therapist: Listen, you do exist, and if you didn’t, someone would have to create you because the world would be a much sadder place.

Me: Jerome, how dare you saying something so sweet when I’m dissociating.

Me: Honestly, (thing that is totally fucked up for any ‘sane’ person) is normal, right?

Therapist: No.

Me: Wow.

Therapist: You’re just a fucked up bitch.

Me: I do agree with the fucked up bitch part.

Therapist: That’s a start!

Me: I guess he’s still my friend?

Therapist: Considering what you told me and how much you wanna beat him to death, he’s not. You pretty much hate him despite knowing him for years.


Me: Why did I need to come here to realize that.

Therapist: Because that’s my job to help you to understand some stuff. Also because you’re way too kind and you would let someone punch you in the guts and still consider them as your friend while they stab you.

Me: I don’t need that kind of call out, Jerome.

Me: Hey, I brought you coffee. And croissants too, but I ate them. *puts Starbucks coffee in front of him*

Therapist: Oh that’s nice!!... Oh my name is on it!!

Me: Yeah!!

Therapist: It’s wholesome but... *very confused and silently*... How do I drink it?

Me, not being able to come to my appointment and having to call him: I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, I’m so so so sorr-

Therapist: I dare you to say sorry one more time. I dare you.

Therapist: Hey I wanna show you this super funny image I found the other day.

Me: What-

Therapist: *turns his screen and show me THIS* 


Me: Jerome.

Therapist: You went to the gaypride?

Me: Yeah, I went.

Therapist: Was it something you enjoyed?

Me: Mh. Yeah. Sorta.

Therapist: Did you see some bears?


Me: Jerome wh-

Therapist: That’s the only term I know outside of the LGTB one, I wanted to use it. 

Therapist: Are you sure you’re not becoming roommate with (name) because of pity? Kinda sacrificing yourself?

Me: No, I want it!!

Therapist: Finally, you’re not forcing yourself for the others! And you’re doing something you want! I’m proud of you!

Me: You’re more of a dad than my own father.

Therapist: That’s not very hard.

Me: I always wondered, are you queer?

Therapist: I am not.

Me: Ooh.

Therapist: Or am I?

Me: Ooh!

As an update, Jerome gave my appointment to someone’s else today so we were both in the waiting room, confused and he walked in, patted my head and said sorry but honestly it was hilarious.

The secretary came to tell me that Jerome actually forgot to write me down on the appointment list.

This is a 100% normal situation with Jerome as my Therapist.

As an addition, more than half of my friends want Jerome to adopt me and refer to him as “Therapist dad”.

He’s aware of it and think it’s hilarious.

Me, after complaining for the 25 times about my birth father: Idk if you noticed, but I’m full of anger against him.

Therapist: Oh, really, I never noticed. You know, you should turn that anger into indifference. It would help you.

Me: Unholy gods, I wish it was me.

Therapist: You know, people will still love you even if you don’t offer them things all the time. You don’t have to do that.

Me: What??

Therapist: Why don’t you send a mail to your psychiatrist when you have a bad mood swing?

Me: Like what? ‘Hey Joël wassup, I’ve been very suicidal lately last night I wanted to die. Hope you have rad vacations and the weed is good save some good kush for me, kissy kissy.’ ?

Therapist: Exactly.

Me: You’re as bad as me with human interactions Jerome, y’know.

Me, heavily dissociating: I don’t exist-

Therapist: Can I touch you to prove you that you do?

Me: Dinner first.


Therapist: Damien, you moron.

Therapist: You need vacations.

Me: I’m broke.

Therapist: Oh yeah.

Therapist: You still need vacations tho.

Me: Jerome, I am still broke.

Me, by text: Hey, you just walk by me!

Therapist, by text: Oh sorry. I didn’t see you.

Therapist, by text: Wait. Were you at the tattoo shop?

Me, by text, totally at the tattoo shop: You have no proof.

For a bit of context here: Around two months ago I went to a friend’s who happened the live on the same street as Jerome, which I didn’t know. He was really surprised to see me and came to check on me, asking me why I was here with a bit of concern on his voice. And this take place earlier this month:

Therapist: So your friend lives in the same street than I?

Me: Yes. Town’s short I guess.

Therapist: Were you really going to your friend...?

Me: Yes?? Why else would I be here?

Therapist: A lot of drug deals happen in this street and I see often teenagers and young adults coming and buy stuffs. I was a bit worried for you.

Me, at 2pm: I’m sorry I’m going to be late!

Therapist: Your appointment was this morning at 11:30am, Damien.


Me: What.

Jerome is still not aware of his fame and idk how to announce him.

Therapist; What’s up with you and wanting domestic rats.

Me: I’m gonna get a rat and call him Jerome just to piss you off.


Therapist: How dare you.

Therapist: Weed doesn’t do much on me and I must admit I’m kinda disappointed.


Therapist: Do you smoke?

Me: Jerome.

On hard days I wonder how Jerome is doing

He’s doing fine, last time he shown me his fav pic of a red panda which is this one


It’s really amazing how happy people get when they find this post omg

Always reblog Jerome.

Is he now aware of his fame?

After months, he is, and he just told me “Haha, this is funny. I’m happy it’s helping people!”

I think he doesn’t realize that he’s known *worldwide*


you can unfollow me but you can’t un-read my posts so really i’m the winner here

our paths may have crossed briefly but you still had the misfortune of knowing me


Irish Tesco worker nails church acoustics in work stairwell


This is how Gregorian chant was meant to be sung.


Can I just say, uh, I’m pretty sure noticing you’re asexual is harder than noticing you’re gay, straight, pan or otherwise. Like, I just read someone’s desciption of hitting puberty and, like, there’s nothing like that. There’s no sudden ‘boob’ moment, no sudden ‘fuck, I’d fuck that’ moment, not sudden anything. You just, like, plod on through life as usual going ‘oooh, that’s pretty, I’d like that hair’ or ‘oooooh, they’re nice, I’d like to be close to them’ but there’s no like, ‘oh, someone would want to fuck that but I don’t’, you know? You just- you don’t notice, you don’t realise everyone else has ‘had a moment’ but you haven’t, you just- keep going as you always have.

And then, much much later, you start to wonder why people are getting so caught up in drama for romance or sex, like, why bother? It’s not worth it, they’re not worth it, why are you doing stupid things for something that’s so- and then you wonder if there’s something wrong with you, start mentally over compensating. Like ‘uh, okay, um, who should I date? Who can I stand to date? Who could I stand to fuck?’ like- it’s not, it’s not something you want, but you want to fit in, to be normal.

Sometimes you don’t even know that you’re doing it.

Sometimes you don’t even know asexual’s a thing.

I dunno, I guess, I just feel like, uh, people should understand more?

idk sorry thank you for listening to me

Thank you for perfectly describing it.

This is incredibly true for me. It’s just always been there, or not as the case may be.


This is what it feels like. Or rather, I never felt that sort of attraction to people. It usually was “oh they’re cute” but it never went further than that.

There just never was a sexual attraction to other people.

I didnt even realize i never had these???


I thought lusty romantic subplots where the relationship ruins the characters lives but they can’t stand not to be together (making out and having sex) was a movie trope and not a thing real people do.

Boy was I wrong.

Trans man Bokuto is such a valid concept

“But they need to have dysphagia

catch me in the gender clinic pretending to struggle to swallow water so the endocrinologist will give me my boy juice

Don’t even fucking THINK about calling yourself trans unless you can’t swallow


okay but imagine you’ve just tentatively made some new friends, but not everyone in that friend group likes you. one of them has made it pretty clear that they don’t trust you as far as they could throw you, and does nothing but mock you viciously. another is treating you a bit more like a human being, but he still takes it upon himself to constantly tease and provoke you because he knows that you have no right to retaliate. you’re hardly friends, but it’s not, like, on sight beef either. uncomfortable acquantances. then, for some convoluted reason, suddenly you’re on a road trip together. just the two of you. it’s suuuuuper awkward, because are you just supposed to not talk for hours?? you make some small talk about the weather, and you’re both painfully aware of how uncomfortable and stilted the conversation is. eventually, the conversation gets a bit more personal, and you tell him about your family. it’s clear he’s actually listening, and being really nice, actually, all things considered. and then he tells you his first girlfriend turned into the moon. quick—what do you say?


why does every band from the 2000s have a guy that looks like this:

that’s him that’s smash mouth shrek


alright ladies its time to “omg i’m so cold feel my hands” your way into a relationship season

oh no 

If you say this then hold their hand, it flirt

If you say this then immediately shove your cold hand on their face and/or neck, that's goblin best friend behaviour

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