
@too-young-too-wild / too-young-too-wild.tumblr.com

23 years old and no idea what i'm supposed to do with my life
Mum:hey -
Me, returning from a walk in the woods after still being unsuccesfull in getting abducted by the fair folk: I don’t wanna talk right now

Ye olden days: “ we must never go in there, the fair folk may take us away from this world”

Millennials: *banging pots and pans together in the middle of a mushroom circle during a full moon on an equinox * “IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMETHING ABUCTED ME RIGHT ABOUT NOW!”


It’s not that we don’t understand the risks. It’s that we’ve seen the alternative.


how many followers do i need to get random asks god be nosy u little shits ask me about my personal life this is fucking boring getting nothing


That is the American dream. To make your own way and be self-sufficient. He had a problem and he solved it himself.

Six year olds in other first world countries don’t have that problem, though. They get the medical care they need.

Man, what he hadn’t raised enough? Or died before he could get the service dog?

Not so feel good now,is it?

Feel good: child raises money for birthday present

Not feel good: child raises money for medical necessities

Surprise! There’s a difference.

Yeah, like if he was selling pumpkins to buy his dream bike or build his ideal clubhouse, that would be different.

But his life is literally on the line here.


What kind of person looks at a six year old and thinks “lil man needs to make his own way; can’t depend on others forever”? That’s a baby.


this is the true gen z experience

once in my sixth hour we were talking about 9/11 and i announced very loudly “more people died in hurricane maria than in 9/11 but nobody really cares because you can’t use hurricanes to justify imperialism” and then not even 5 seconds later i said “yeehaw my beets.”

man and you were only six hours old


going through my microsoft word archives is great fun because i always find the wildest shit in there and by “the wildest shit” i mean the time i tried to rewrite the entire bible from scratch at the age of eleven and a half

“And so Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, and Eve turned to Adam and said, 'Nice going, loser.‘” 


whilst you were listening to avril lavigne, i learned the way of the Lord

I would read this in its entirety.


ao3 please


me and my partner have been obsessed with the unhinged insanity of this video for the last day. I can’t stop thinking about it.

I can feel parts of my body shutting down in self-defense while watching this. The amount of damage food like this does should be criminalized. The sheer amount of dairy in it alone is a capital crime.

I’m reblogging this to find it to use as an appetite suppressant in future.

it just keEPS GOING


Can we talk about this video and how I CAN NOT.


…the fuck.


The “And One More Thing” quality of this reminds me of the Taco Town SNL sketch

i think what makes this one special is how long into the video it remains credibly edible. like “oh it’s pulled chicken. oh, chicken tacos. chicken tacos in a pizza shape? okay sour cream goes with tacos, the mayo’s weird but. hey wait what are you doing with those frying ingredients”

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