
Raven's SWTOR Blog

@raven-has-a-tor-blog / raven-has-a-tor-blog.tumblr.com


Anyone have access to collector’s edition vendor?

I’m looking for an item and the game tells me its only sold there, but i bought my game before the collector’s edition came out. I will happily give credits to someone to get it for me if its still available at the vendor. 


SWTOR guilds

I want to put it out there again that The Hidden Empire and But We Had West are the impside/pubside halves of a swtor guild that is recruiting on star forge we started back in 2011 on Ebon Hawk, played for years together, and then around five years ago most of us took a break from swtor for various reasons, and got pushed to Star Forge in the merges my spouse and i are the original founders and we’ve brought back some old guildies and some new blood with us this year after a five year break, and we’re looking to rebuild the guilds we have - an optional guildcanon RP storyline - guild flagships that are in the process of being fully unlocked, but well furnished - fully unlocked and well decorated guild strongholds - a wide range of experience in play, with both experienced players and total newbies - a shitload of goofy times - membership interested in and involved with all aspects of play including pvp, pve, prog, rp, gsf, ops, and space!barbie/space!sims - a large number of characters with whom to interact or team up - people who are always willing to roll a new alt - guaranteed conquest completion in both factions - coordinated efforts for Galactic Seasons - a discord server we are looking for - mandalorian clan members willing to follow a new Mand’alor - sith flocking to the banner of the self-proclaimed sith’ari - sith forces coalescing to oppose the self-proclaimed sith’ari - do-or-die specialists willing to join Chimaera Squad, the crack team of fascist hunters from the republic (inglorious basterds + howling commandos, a ragtag bunch of misfits) - people interested in supporting the resistance against zakuul from a hidden base on yavin iv - people interested in taking the fight to the empire or the republic in myriad ways - players who enjoy playing mostly in group content (especially flashpoints and operations) - players who enjoy pvp - players who enjoy pve (especially flashpoints and operations) - players who enjoy playing mostly by themselves - players - comrades what we are not looking for: - sexists - racists - transphobes - cops - class traitors if you want to join, send me an ask or a dm or one to @ventoren-legacy and we’ll get all the details sorted


Alright so I posted a bit ago that I was back on the game and such. 

I think I’ve got the hang of it again lol

We are revamping our old guilds Hidden Empire (Imp) and But We Had West (pub) we have guild ships and strongholds and are building towards being able to do more content. 

If you want to play with me sometime let me know and we can get together on discord or something I missed some of yall a lot. Also if you are interested in running some operations or have a spot open on some operations let me know (I don’t have anyone at 75 yet cause I haven’t worked through all the new content but I’ve got some 75+ and Aikiyc is 70+ now. 

Also just in general if we used to hang out hit me up to add on discord if you want


Guess who is back y’all

So its been like 6 years and I have no idea if I still have any followers but I’m back and playing SWTOR again so hello 


Things Mandalorians are canonly not supposed to be:

  • Racist
  • Sexist
  • lgbtq-phobic

Things the fandom thinks Mandos are:

  • Racist
  • sexist
  • lgbtq-phobic

And by extension I highly doubt they’d be against polyamory. So long as you follow resol’nare, teach as many kids as you want with as many lovers as you want.

They are also NOT the proud warrior race guy. They are far more warrior poet. They use their emotions healthily, they can make lovely art and literature.

The Mandos helped commit genocide but please do not forget all the times the Sith, the various Empires, have done the same. Do not act like somehow the Mandos don’t get the same pass. 

Next to that remember the Mandos have been the victims of ethnic genocide. You can’t tell me they haven’t when you have all the blonde haired, blue eyed, white people with the New Mandos. whatever happened to taking representatives from any race who could wear the beskar’gam?

Do not forget Galidraan either, gods fucking dammit. THE JEDI DID THAT. For no good reason. There was zero proper justification for the massacre.

Do not pretend that the Mandos aren’t an oppressed group in perpetual state of diaspora. 

And it becomes so transparent when you bend over backwards to defend jedi but damn the Mandos for a lot of the things the jedi are guilty of as well.

I see you fandom.



Sooo my birthday is coming up in like a week. 

Just as a note, if anyone is interested in getting me anything, what I want most of all in the whole world is my new service dog prospect. Donations towards that can be sent to my gofundme or my paypal (ravenscarbrough@gmail.com) 


Mandalorian candy!

So I have wonderful Mandalorian candy molds, and I’d like to share that with all my mando fans. So I’m selling chocolates as a way to help with my service dog fund I have going on. Candies come in mythosaur skull and mando helmets. 

Flavors: Chocolate Vanilla Dark Chocolate Chocolate pomegranate walnut Caramels Orange Creamscicle Lemon Tart  Mint chocolate A dozen candies for $10 plus shipping (usually just a dollar or two). If you are interested send me an ask and let me know. I probably should have done this -before- valentines day but its never a bad day for chocolate. 

Anonymous asked:

4, 5, 6

Aldryc goes over the top with gifts. The views it as an elaborate way to express his affections without actually having to express any emotions. Jate goes overboard if your idea of overboard is excessively large and dangerous animals he knows no one likes half as much as he does. He’s also been known to throw the sort of parties that result in too many broken things and too many drunk and belligerent Mandalorians. 

ElSevan wants lots of gifts and attention. She passes herself off as the practical agent but at heart she’s spoiled. 

Kat thinks its all cute for the younglings but otherwise just thinks the good things people do for lifeday should be done everyday and the gifts are impractical. 

Maleeq just thinks all the festivities are a distraction. 


Life Day!

It’s the Life Day event in SWTOR. So why don’t we talk about how our characters feel about it? Here’s a meme / set of fun questions you can choose to answer:

1.) Who’s out throwing snowballs at everyone with glee?

2.) Who’s cursing the snowball-slinging jerks?

3.) Who has terrible mounts and drives them around blasting holiday music?

4.) Who went over the top buying gifts/or and setting up parties?

5.) Who really wanted a lot of gifts or a party?

6.) Who thinks this is too much fuss and wants no gifts or parties?

7.) Which companions do you think love Life Day? Hate it?

8.) Ask your own question


It’s so cold. Where are my apprentices? That’s my father’s voice. I haven’t heard my father’s voice since I was very small. Am I dreaming? Why is the light so bright? Who is he talking to? Why won’t my toes move? Why can’t I move at all? Why is the light so bright WHERE ARE MY APPRENTICES it’s so cold WHAT HAPPENED TO ME who am i?

It took only a moment an eternity for her eyes to adjust to the light. The shapes looming over her resolved into faces still attached to heads and shoulders. One was a red-skinned man’s face my father’s face. It had more lines than she remembered.  The other face leaning over her was that of a woman, somehow youthful ancient but white-haired. “She’s waking up,” the woman said. Of course I’m waking up don’t you hear me talking I’m not talking I can’t move my lips why can’t i move my lips why can’t I hear my voice why can’t you hear my voice who are you who is my father why is my father here why can’t you hear me who am i who have I become?

“Can you hear me,” said the man. My father. “She’s taking longer than expected to become responsive.” Longer than expected? What is happening? “If she’s as strong in the Force as you say, she should be getting close,” the woman responded. IF? I am a Lord of the Sith I am the heir to a dynasty HOW DARE YOU but who am I? Her eyes closed, a blessed respite against the harsh glare of the medical lamp. I won’t go back. When they fluttered open again, she managed a weak groan. Her father appeared in her field of vision again, a look of concern on his face as he leaned close. “Don’t try to talk right now,” he said, calmly. “You’ve been through a lot.” I can’t even if I want to, Father. Who is she? Who am I? What happened to my apprentices? What have I gone through what happened to me how dare you I can’t move at all. Unbidden, a memory returned to her, the sight of her brother’s face - blue, unlike herself - as she slipped into sleep unconsciousness death. I won’t go back. I will never go back back where? What happened to me? How dare he? Am I still a Lord of the Sith? “Do you know me,” queried the man. My father. “Do you remember who I am?” You are Maleeq Maarvolo. You are my father. You are a Dark Lord of the Sith and you are married to my mother Kimiko. Who am I? I must be your daughter who is your daughter what is my name who have I become?  She twitched her right hand, the movement giving her focus, an anchor in reality. She concentrated on it, willing the muscles to move. Slowly, despite her confusion, the iron will of a Sith began to reassert itself, allowing her to curl her fingers. She blinked, slowly, and realized that, with control of her right hand, she had begun to feel her left as well. I am regaining my power. I will not be beaten again. Who beat me how was I defeated what happened to me? “She’s becoming agitated,” the woman said. Perkele. That’s who you are. Who are you? Who am I? I am my father’s daughter but you are not his daughter’s mother who have I become do you know who I am?  He spoke again, his words seeming to come from a great distance he’s only a few feet away in answer. “Take her, please.”  Take me? Take me where I don’t want to go back I will never go back never go back never go back who am I where are my apprentices what have they done what have I done why am I alive?

A strong Force presence enveloped her, holding her spirit, cushioning and supporting her very being. Its touch was warm. More memories flooded into her mind. Her mother’s death, mother is dead? her father’s disappearance, why is he here where did he go her subsequent adoption by the traveling spacer Daric Cel-Solun Ventoren filthy Jedi I am a Sith and her brothers jedi agent twin Elfaroth. When she remembered his name, her mouth opened, a scream of rage and anger and fear ripping itself from her lungs and throat. She catapulted off the hospital bed, lightning arcing between her fingertips and dancing along her eyebrows. Her hair floated upward, streaming in a dark halo around her head, and sparks danced through it, as her body began to rise from the floor, her arms stretching out. She hovered above the floor, a dark crucifix supported in the Force. A deathly fire blazed in her eyes. Her mouth opened, and an otherwordly voice boomed from it. I am Elfarrin Ventoren, the Dark Scion of the Marvolo Dynasty, Dark Lord of the Sith, and Queen of the Seven Stars. Why have you returned me from death? You have only unleashed your doom. Lightning wreathed her, then, a corona of light from which forks of devastation lanced outward, dancing throughout Maleeq’s laboratory. The aging Sith scientist dove, carrying Perkele to the floor as lightning struck where she had been standing. Above Elfarrin, the buildup of Force power came to a head, blossoming into a dark cloud, lightning striking from it indiscriminately against equipment and tools, creating small fires and destroying instruments. Perkele stood, tugging against Elfarrin’s Force presence with her own hold, attempting to calm her, as Maleeq stepped forward, walking slowly toward his resurrected daughter. “It’s alright, Elfarrin,” he said, yelling to be heard above the Force storm, but his voice remaining calm and even. “You are safe, you are home. I’m here.” Her eyes met his, then those of Perkele, and as quickly as the storm erupted, it was over. She fell to the floor, hair falling across her face. Her eyes peeked out from between strands like a hunted beast watching through foliage. “F-father? I died…”  Her voice was shaky, strained and weak. Her torment was obvious. “I know, my love. My sweet girl.” He took her hands, stooping down to her level. “Your brother Elfaroth, and Perkele, and I - we brought you back.”


Favorite SWTOR romance:



Vette and Sith Warrior

darth baras and yelling

*stamp of approval* hell yes baras and yelling.  pissing him off is so fun

Talos Drellik and ancient stuff.

Darth Vowrawn + me = <3 forevah

In srsness though the Inquisitor and Andronikos is just awesome. Pissing off Baras should be a sport. /sagenod

it’s pretty close between doc + knight and vector + agent for me but if forced to choose probably doc (light side romance specifically)


…I really like Sith Warrior + Quinn, especially if you let him take the initiative sometimes (like him inviting you to his quarters instead of vice versa). Even with the Quinncident. I mean, c’mon, he sends you an Infant Contingency Report.

OC OTPs, of course. Otherwise, I really like JK/Kira, and Agent/Temple


But sometimes I feel like I might be the only one who feels that way. 


Chrysocolla, Dral. Diamond, Jate. Emerald, Tyrr. Hiddenite, Jhey.


Chrysocolla (Dral) a money-making headcanon: “Alright but Shyla, hear me out, hear me out. What if... you remember that hutt we worked for when we did the thing with the blown up warehouse? You remember that beast pit he threw that guy into? What if we go in there and we steal all the animals? I bet Jate would pay us to do it, I bet he would, there was a rancor down there and I don’t know what a girl rancor looks like but he’s been wantin’ one.” Diamond (Jate) a sex headcanon: ahahahaha what has Jate not done? Headcannon even after he settles down with Conor, Jate still gets messages and dirty videos from the Sith lord he banged on Makeb. He’s seriously considering using them for blackmail. Emerald (Tyrr) how my muse tells someone they love them without words: Tyrr makes sure the one he loves has all their gear checked every time they go out on a job, he cleans guns and charges power packs, mends armor and goes over job details over and over in case something happens. And when jobs are done he bandages cuts and makes tea. 

Hiddenite (Jhey) how much of an "inner child" my muse has: More than he likes to admit. Jhey grew up too fast being the oldest of five brothers but if he can hand over the being responsible duty he’s a big kid, happy to throw snowballs and wrestling in paint.   


send me a crystal and i'll tell...

abalone: what kind of situations compromise my muse emotionally
aegerine: my muse's opinion of the supernatural
agate: how my muse calms down
blue lace agate: my muse's favorite form of communication (verbal, letters, texting, etc.)
fire agate: if my muse is brave or cowardly
moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themself
amazonite: what kind of situations call for my muse to be dishonest
amethyst: what my muse would most like to be able to shape-shift into
ammolite: how lucky or unlucky my use is
angel aura quartz: my muse's opinion of LGBT+ issues
apache tears: a sadness headcanon
apatite: a headcanon about my muse's intuition
apophyllite: my muse's religious/spiritual beliefs
aquamarine: where my muse feels most calm/relaxed
biotite: the biggest problems my muse is currently dealing with
bloodstone: how my muse sees themself as part of the world at large
calcite: my muse's social tendencies (introverted vs extroverted, parties vs one-on-one conversations, etc.)
carnelian: an art-related headcanon
celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety
chalcedony: the saddest my muse has ever been
chalcopyrite: how my muse deals with ending relationships
charoite: who my muse looks up to
chrysocolla: a money-making headcanon
copper: how I think my muse will end up when they're older
coral: how my muse views the natural world
diamond: a sex headcanon
dolomite: a sleep headcanon
emerald: how my muse tells someone they love them without words
fluorite: what my muse's room looks like
fossil: what my muse's dream job is
galena: what it's like to be in a relationship with my muse
garnet: what my muse's perfect partner would be
gold: my muse's financial situation
hematite: how squeamish my muse is
hiddenite: how much of an "inner child" my muse has
iolite: my muse's drinking habits
jade: if my muse would ever cheat on a partner
jasper: what my muse would be like as a parent
kyanite: an anger headcanon
lapis lazuli: where 'home' is to my muse
lodestone: what kind of people gravitate towards my muse
malachite: what my muse as a child thought they would be when they grew up
mica: what my muse views as their worst personality trait
moonstone: my muse's opinions on outer space
mother of pearl: if my muse tends to lift people up or bring them down
nebula stone: how good my muse's memory is
obsidian: which of the seven deadly sins my muse would be
opal: how creative my muse is
pearl: a mental health headcanon
petalite: what my muse would do if they found a wallet on the street
pyrite: a physical health headcanon
quartz: how my muse thinks other people see them
rhodonite: if my muse prefers elegance or convenience
rubellite: if my muse has any 'triggers' that inspire painful memories
ruby: a happiness headcanon
sapphire: if everyone my muse knew was hanging off a cliff and they could only choose three to save, the rest certainly dying, who they would choose
serpentine: how my muse would seduce another [alt: how my muse makes their money]
silver: if my muse prefers masculinity or femininity
tsavorite: if my muse believes in destiny or fate
ulexite: how empathetic/sympathetic/compassionate my muse is
unakite: what my muse's ideal pet would be
verdite: my muse's ethnicity/family history
zebra stone: what gets my muse excited
zoisite: does my muse believe everything's going to work out for them in the end or not?

Coruscant, Temple of Light - Small Council Chambers Jedi Master Lannis Ventoren, Presiding Master. Currently overseeing the long project of reconstructing the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Temple of Light acts as a strong representation of the Jedi on Coruscant while the main leadership and bulk of the Order has been removed to Tython or the war front in the years since the Sacking. Led by a Small Council and overseen by a single Jedi Master of high rank, the Temple of Light is little more than a Coruscant-based Jedi task force endeavoring to bring succour to the needy and downtrodden while enabling Senators, citizens, and refugees to bring concerns directly to the Jedi. The Temple of Light’s Jedi forces are given missions and tasks similar to the rest of the Jedi Order, but their focus is always on rebuilding the Jedi Temple first, and aiding the people of Coruscant second. All other concerns, even the campaign against the Sith, are tertiary. Clashes with the Sith are inevitable, however, as the Temple of Light’s Jedi endeavor to seek out and regain control of artifacts, archives, and records to replace or renew what was lost due to the deception of the Sith. The Masters on the Small Council are therefore chosen with great care, and they have a reputation for being more approachable and more sympathetic than the rest of the Order as a whole.

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