
@disappointinglyforte / disappointinglyforte.tumblr.com

megan / percussionist / cellist / future chemical engineer

Also people need to stop being so conerned with “trashy” vs “Classy” in hockey. like you watch maybe the most juvenile sport ever where grown men get put in fucking time outs because they can’t stop punching each other and getting offended by chirps like “Who are you” or “you have bad hair.” like re fucking lax. if you’re so cncerned about whether or not a fanbase doing something completely unproblematic that’s just annoying or “trashy” then you’re probably just reaching for reasons to dislike a team. stop pretending you’re above having fun and just hate a team because you hate the team. it doesn’t have to be deep.

i mean….i agree with this post on the level of like…tumblr because yeah, it’s a fucking website, no one cares

but like in the last pens/philly game of the playoffs, philly fans were literally throwing beer cans (not empty, mind you) onto the ice. that’s not even a question of trashy vs classy, that’s just like…basic fan etiquette

that was just an example, im not bashing philly but like…there’s gotta be a line because there’s real-world consequences for some of these things

I don’t see where I said that throwing beer cans on the ice fell into the trashy vs classy argument? I mean what you’re saying is 100% correct but it is completely irrelevant to what I was saying.

Liek throwing things on the ice is against league policy and actually dangerous. So i have no idea really what the point of this addition was? because it doesn’t actually relate.

sorry, i shouldve explained myself more clearly! i was going off of this:

"if you’re so cncerned about whether or not a fanbase doing something completely unproblematic that’s just annoying or “trashy” then you’re probably just reaching for reasons to dislike a team."

there's people that would call a lot of shitty things (like throwing beer cans on the ice for example) not an issue or "unproblematic" on the basis that they're just worked-up sports fans, they don't mean any harm, etc etc, and ive seen so much of it that this part just kinda rubbed me the wrong way


Also people need to stop being so conerned with “trashy” vs “Classy” in hockey. like you watch maybe the most juvenile sport ever where grown men get put in fucking time outs because they can’t stop punching each other and getting offended by chirps like “Who are you” or “you have bad hair.” like re fucking lax. if you’re so cncerned about whether or not a fanbase doing something completely unproblematic that’s just annoying or “trashy” then you’re probably just reaching for reasons to dislike a team. stop pretending you’re above having fun and just hate a team because you hate the team. it doesn’t have to be deep.

i mean....i agree with this post on the level of like...tumblr because yeah, it's a fucking website, no one cares

but like in the last pens/philly game of the playoffs, philly fans were literally throwing beer cans (not empty, mind you) onto the ice. that's not even a question of trashy vs classy, that's just like...basic fan etiquette

that was just an example, im not bashing philly but like...there's gotta be a line because there's real-world consequences for some of these things


pay attention to state elections this year please!!!

Your governor has more power over your day to day life that the president. Please vote and inform yourself since these elections will strong impact your community!!!

for example, let’s say you live in California and don’t want the border wall, California can actually stop the wall being built at least in California (this was proposed by canidate Gavin Newsom btw cough cough).

ALSO the primary elections are actually very important in some states, because a few states have a “top two” vote rather than a party vote. (For example, if the federal elections were top two it would have been Hillary & Bernie rather than Hillary & Trump)

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