
@light-binding / light-binding.tumblr.com


lux comic good to everyone but lux and i am too tired to write fic because im depressed but here's my shower-thought-fic-outline

setting - somewhere in the future, demacia and noxus are in full blown war, jarvan iii not dead yet and crown prince jarvan iv is holding an important choke point on the warfront. the battle is not going well for demacia


lux spends 12 days weaving a spell into jarvan’s flesh. she never says this and jarvan never asks because he trusts, trusts lux implicitly, but lux spends 12 days and 11 nights weaving a spell into jarvan’s flesh and he feels the magic and it does not hurt but it is not gentle, it is not burning, it is not cold. it is familiar. he can say no more to describe it. it is familiar.

on the 12th night lux is going to lead the rear guard. they both know, unspoken, that things are not looking good. there is smoke in the distance. and she is sitting in his tent as she has 11 nights prior, but this time in silence and she puts her hand on his arm and she says : live, if we should fall, leave this place.

she does not say promise me.

jarvan remembers this. she does not say promise me.

jarvan says : there are other men who can be king, i will not turn my back on demacia. i will not value myself higher than demacia.

and lux looks at him, and sees him, truly sees him, and she offers him a smile. it is not soft. lux is not, has never been, soft. it is not bright. the bright shining lady luxanna is someone she does not need to wear with him. he can only say it is familiar. heart-achingly familiar.

she says no more, and she leaves.

she does not come back.

darius’ axe makes a killing blow. it cleaves through armor, smashes his ribs and slices his chest - or it should. but it is stopped by a shield of light and jarvan thinks.

jarvan thinks, lux spend 12 days and 11 nights weaving a spell into his flesh and she spent 12 days and 11 nights saying good-bye and she did not say promise me. she knew him, she saw him, the crown and the country and the man, she knew him. she knew no promise would keep him and she-

the magic fades, but the moment is gone and in that moment noxus’ advantage has turned. darius might have taken his life and this point and the war if only a girl had not known jarvan. it falls away from him, warm and familiar, like the water of the conqueror’s sea sliding off his skin and back to the sea.

continued from here / @lightshiield

The door had been open and Lux had slipped in without so much of a glance from either guard. Either they knew who she was or they knew what she was - it hardly mattered to Lux. Jarvan’s study was a collection of papers and they must have been interesting because the prince didn’t even look up as she entered.

Lux smiled, took in the stiffness of his posture and a certain look others might mistake for concentration, and gave a small polite cough to announce her presence.

“Xin Zhao still putting you through your paces?” The smile was brighter, less formal and courtly, clearly at his expense.


that by which she measured the world

Sometimes I feel as if you stare right through me. Tell me, what did you find beyond the Great Barrier?

Luxanna haunts the halls like a specter. She spends days at a time flitting through the dimly lit library, digging through tomes upon tomes upon tomes. She is hungry; for what he does not know, but as Luxanna peers at him from over her book, he thinks that it must be something no book can tell her. For surely if it could be found on paper, she would have long ago found her answer. If it were so, she would not stare at him with such searching eyes.

#1 Is there a story you’re waiting to write?
Lots. A few main ones, a few pet projects, a few funny day dreams. Right now I really want to finish my omnibus Lux fic haha.
#2 What’s your favorite genre to read? Is it the same as your favorite writing genre?
I appreciate good writing in any form, honestly if the writing is good and I somehow come across it, I’ll read it.
When it comes to genres though, I lean hard for fantasy / YA Lit / historical non fiction / historical / cook books ( a very specific kind ). YA Lit is ... like, I want to love it but objectively I feel like most of it is bad either in writing or plot or characters or, usually, all three. But there’s something about the genre that engenders my goodwill.
#3 What is one aspect of writing you’re really good at?
I think I’m good at distilling feelings into short pieces, a few sentences. #4 What is one part of writing you could do without?
I don’t think there’s anything I’d change about writing. I like it as it is. I will say though that I am pretty terrible at writing long things.
#5 Do you like telling people about your writing or do you keep it to yourself?
I don’t like talking about it.
Part of this is because I think writing is largely for me. It’s something I do because I enjoy it and because there are things I want to write. I believe that writing should stand on its own merit but as a result a lot of things I write I don’t publish because I never bothered setting the scene or introducing characters or shit like that. It’s not something for reader consumption.
#6 Which one of your OCs is least like you?
I try to make my OCs more interesting than me because I’m quite boring!
#7 Have you ever based a character/scene on real life?
Yes. Even when you’re writing something removed from the reality of this world, the truth is that we can only ever see things through our perspective and that is the perspective with which we understand the world. Everything I say or write is a reflection of this perspective and the life that I have lived and as I have understood it.
(tl;dr philsophy student says yes)
#8 What do you do when you have writer’s block?
Either I slam away at it and force myself through it, or I wander off and do something else.
#9 Do you write to music? If so, lyrical or musical?
Sometimes. Before 8tracks, I used to write to OSTs and other lyricless music or japanese music lmao. Then I listened to whatever was on my 8tracks feed. And then I (1) became fluent in japanese and (2) 8tracks went to shit so I just listen to uh ... whatever runs on youtube.
I don’t need music to write though, so ig most often I haven’t been writing to music because 8tracks is an unfunctional piece of shite.
#10 Do you write short stories?
Yes - 600ish word drabbles for everything.
No - I don’t actually write short stories in the literary sense. It is a short bit or the whole god damn shebang.
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