
ducky's super secret blog

@duckysblog-blog / duckysblog-blog.tumblr.com

Call me Ducky.
I like roleplaying, Brendon Urie, and a dumb pirate named Clive.
On like hiatus or something but I mean I'm still around.

Do you ever have that moment when a kid is looking at you and you realize that they’re looking at you as a grown up? Then its like no child im a children too, dont. Im sorry my outward appearance confuses you.

Anonymous asked:

What's your fave sort of bird? Except ducks

I can't pick ducks? Boo. No but seriously, friend, I'm actually a big fan of birds of prey. Owls in particular. To be honest, I don't particularly like ducks.


Gentle reminder that people working in customer service are paid to be nice to you and you should not fucking flirt with them because you’re probably making them extremely uncomfortable you piece of shit don’t force us into engaging your gross ass


Parrot caught singing let the bodies hit the floor

I was so done when it whispered…I would shit bricks if I heard that when I got up to get a drink in the middle of the night…

“Let the bodies hit the….FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!”

oh my god he’s so into it


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