
“us, kissing, that is ridiculous”

@chaoticsagi / chaoticsagi.tumblr.com

hey i'm juno and this is a multifandom mess of things

I got my heart broken and I survived, I failed 3 courses in university and graduated, I got rejected in the very first job I applied for and got promoted yesterday, I went through hard times with my family but then two years later, we laughed our hearts out over lunch, The closest friends disappointed me several times but I made new friends and loved them with all my heart. I did it once, I can do it again.


if I see one more fucking british person acting all smug about the shit happening in America...the uk is not innocent

  • we colonised half the world through racism and brutality so shut up
  • brexit was fucking founded on racism and anti immigration policies
  • when the Manchester bombing happened, muslims woke up to a country that hated them again
  • a black man named sean rigg was crushed to death in london when he was in the middle of a mental health crisis when officers piled on top of him. he, also, plead to be able to breathe
  • the UK is racist as fuck
  • where do you think America learned it from
  • police brutality is real in the uk, just because they don't carry guns as much doesnt mean people aren't killed
  • we are not innocent


Sansa Stark and Amy March, two of literary canon’s most despised women, who work within the conventions of “traditional” femininity instead of rebelling against it (as is the norm for any heroine to be qualifiable as strong and/or badass), lovers of art and pretty things in life, flawed, humane dreamers with castles in the sky and stars in their eyes, who like their dresses and jewels, who work hard to be recognised as proper ladies, who dream of beauty even in the bleakest of situations, who squabble and are selfish, who sometimes dare to prioritize their little impulses over their families and end up being shamed for it decades afterwards, who pine for those same families when alone several miles away in a foreign land, who remain graceful in the face of trouble, who love in their soft, fierce ways, whom readers and critics alike have reduced to the “evil, spoiled, wishy washy sister” to contrast with the more easily popular tomboyish sibling, thus ignoring their beautiful character development, refusing to acknowledge that people have different ways of adjusting to society’s norms, …….. Just know that my love for these two ladies is frightening. I’ll be their champion in trial by combat. I’ll send them all the lemon cakes and strawberries they want. I’ll cheer for them if no one else will.

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