

@emilyonthewall / emilyonthewall.tumblr.com

I worship at the alter of Chocolate Hob Nobs.
Anonymous asked:

Hank, hopefully you don't hate me for this, but I feel like people bash me because I don't support LGBT ideals. I want to make it clear that I DO NOT dislike the people who identify with this, and I am NOT trans/homophobic. I just have different opinions and don't support the idea. I do however support people's right to think and believe whatever they want. It's just that sometimes people decide to hate me because of what I believe, when all I'm trying to do is express my opinions. Thoughts?

Hello Anon, 

Every society has weird taboos and beliefs. In some places, women can show their breasts, but not their midriffs, for example. In some cultures, it’s OK for men to have sex with other men and in others it isn’t. Now I don’t know what “LGBT ideals” are, but I’m just going to assume that you don’t think people of the same gender should hook up. 

Now, I disagree with a lot of people on a lot of different things. For example, tons of people in America believe that dead people inhabit old houses and that the position of the stars when you were born affects your personality. I think these things are dumb and weird but they don’t hurt anybody or infringe on anyone’s rights, so, I don’t care. I’m not going to hate them for or be frustrated by their weird beliefs.

But the truth of the matter is, your belief that people shouldn’t love the way they do does affect other people. It is, on it’s own, threatening to people who love people of their own gender because you are disapproving of them for something they cannot and do not want to change. And when combined with a national climate that has lots and lots of people actively working to infringe upon the rights of those people, it’s not just an existential threat. 

Your beliefs are threatening to other people. Your beliefs do real harm to real human beings. 

And you’re allowed to have those beliefs, but people are also allowed to hate them and, yes, even you…that’s just an expression of their opinions. I hope that what they hate are your beliefs and not you, and I hope you know that beliefs can change and modify as we come to know more about the world and other people in it. Please don’t harden your heart, be open to the idea that your understanding of the world might change,



This may seem like an odd question but would you guys happen to know why hoods have 3 panel patterns and 2 panels? Does a 3 panel hood make it more round? Im trying to see how it effects shape x.x


It’s entirely about silhouette. Three panels gives you a broader front with less drape on the side, but typically a more “fitted to your head” look… but it’s also easier to do a look that covers the eyes. (Read: why Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed hoodies really don’t work half as well as they should.) Two pieces need way more space to fit the head, and as such look looser, more romantic and often a little “pointy headed”, especially towards the back of the head.

This is my favourite image for this, as it sums it up perfectly:

Me: Please look at this thing I found on tumblr
Friend: We are both on tumblr. We are mutuals. I see everything you reblog.
Me: look at this other thing tho
Friend: You reblogged that from me


but why

Because it got burned. All of that knowledge, lost forever.


The library was destroyed over 1000’s of years ago. The library consisted of thousands of scrolls and books about mathematics, engineering, physiology, geography, blueprints, medicine, plays, & important scriptures. Thinkers from all over the Mediterranean used to come to Alexandria to study.Most of the major work of civilization up until that point was lost. If the library still survived till this day, society may have been more advanced and we would sure know more about the ancient world.

That graphic grinds my gears every time I see it

I get the point, but that graph is so inaccurate and Eurocentric, it makes me cringe. For a graph about scientific advances, it's awfully scientifically unsound!

As a librarian, I too, bemoan the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. But we shouldn't forget that the written record is not the only way to transmit knowledge. For most of human history, it was one of the least accessible ways to get information. It was a place of record preservation, which is really important but also tonnes of work.

The Library of Alexandria is a great symbol, and we can impose any cultural meaning on something that literally went up in a beacon of flames.

What cultural institutions do we value now? Certainly not places of record preservation. And will we only begin to value what we have, when they are also gone?


30 Days of Call the Midwife - Day 10 - Favourite Episode Episode 3 of series 4 is far and away my favourite. I don’t even know where to begin with how much I love it. It solidified the hints that Patsy could be Gay which begun last series but were very strongly suggested in the previous episode. The way she looked every time anybody mentioned ‘the queers’ or Mr Amos, spoke volumes, Emerald Fennel’s acting showed exactly what it feels like to be sat around a table while everyone slags off Gay people while you just have to sit there and listen, knowing full well that they would hate you too if they ever found out. The episode was also incredibly well acted by Richard Fleeshman (Tony Amos), but also by Cara Theobold (Marie Amos). When she was talking to Patsy and saying that she couldn’t have fallen in love with Tony if he was 'like that’, I was absolutely struck by how she went from being filled with anger and hatred to turning back to Patsy and being the perfect housewife again. I don’t know the whole episode was just incredible, I’ve already gone on about this for too long and although I know it’s silly, this episode really means a lot to me.

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