
Leader of The Red-Eyed Children

@danconcealer / danconcealer.tumblr.com

I'm Kido Tsubomi, leader of the Mekakucity Dan and member No.1. Indie RP blog, multi-ship, multi-verse. M!A status: None. (Open)

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, I SAY, that people have doxxed the fascist, Richard Spencer. Not only have they released his email address: Richard Spencer: richardbspencer@mc.com which is bad enough - but they’ve ALSO revealed that his HOME ADDRESS is 98 Elk Highlands Drive Whitefish, MT 59937 I mean GOSH, people could do really IRRESPONSIBLE things with information like that! Please, I BEG you, remember that when they go low, we go high! And certainly don’t do anything to the apartment in Alexandria, VA that Spencer is renting as a “headquarters” for his racist chums. You know, the one at 1001 King St Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone number: 571-239-2797 I mean GOSH that would be just terrible. Please warn others not to irresponsibly act on this information by copying and pasting, rather than sharing!


This is high art


Okay, I realize this hilariously late for Asexuality Awareness Week (which was last week), but due to unforeseen stressors, it didn’t really get done in time.

Anyway! I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while, and I’m proud of myself of actually getting a six page comic done within a week. (Not that it’s really anything super fancy, but it’s better than nothing lol) I do apologize for the massive ugly text wall that is page four but I had a hard time figuring out how to convey it visually while being kind of pressed for time. oh and the occasional copy/paste, I’m sorry for that too

Enjoy! Click on the separate pictures if the text is hard to read.

Wow this is actually very interesting and cleared up many of my misconceptions.

But I still don’t understand why an asexual person would consent to sex, even in things like reproduction. Wouldn’t sex with an asexual technically be rape by default?


Not really. It all depends on the individual. The very definition of ‘asexual’ is simply ‘a person who does not experience sexual attraction’. They don’t look at people, random or not, and think ‘I’d enjoy having sex with that person’.

Something I’ve seen said is that for some asexuals sex is repulsive, while for others it’s fun (but not necessary) while for others still it’s on par with folding laundry. 

If the asexual person has consented to having sex because the act itself is okay to them as an individual, then that isn’t rape. 

This is actually somewhat covered under ‘Myth: Asexuals are Cold, Loveless, and they Hate Sex’.


21st Century AU fic where the founding fathers write the Declaration of Independence using Google Docs

“You guys! Stop deleting everything I write!”

“Unalienable!” “Inalienable!”






This is a thing of beauty.

I-I found it???? The post???? The post™

imagine one for the new U.S. constitution 

“why is the red line under Pensylvania”

“bc that’s not how it’s spelled alexander”

“I am like, 100% positive I spelled it right”

“Pennsylvania has two n’s”



Another woman utterly failed by our society’s devaluation of women’s reproductive health. We can’t wait around for male doctors to decide what we need to know. This is why we need to take control and educate ourselves about our own bodies.

and here’s some comments i saw under the post. why is this a pattern?? why is this a recurring theme?? why is this information not common knowledge? what the fuck are doctors doing??


This is news to me so let’s share it so people will know!

Gross tmi: but i passed a pretty big clot after having my daughter. It was about the size of a baseball. It actually hurt worse because while 15 hours of labor opened my cervix, i passed the clot in 30 minutes. I knew it was a possibility because of my midwife and reading, but everyone Ive told after this (mostly other pregnant women) were shocked that this could happen.

In our culture, it’s much more common to do deep research about what family cars we want to buy than we do about childbirth when we ’re pregnant.

Tmi: I passed a huge clot after birth in the bathroom of my hospital room and called the nurse sobbing because I didn’t know it was normal. She treated me like an idiot, but NO ONE told me it was a possibility. And the pain associated with healing for the first couple of weeks after birth was worse than the labor imo. Again, I had no idea. They didn’t tell me a thing besides “sitz bath regularly and change your pads.” Before discharging me from the hospital.


I was most definitely told about this in school. Fucking hell, 4-6 weeks of bleeding? My periods were/are bad enough, why the hell don’t we get told this?

I didn’t know it could last so long, wtf? Is the bleeding inevitable after birth? 


Bleeding is inevitable after birth - your uterine wall is shedding a fuck ton of lining. It can last from three to six weeks (possible longer) and it tapers off.

More TMI - I passed a MASSIVE clot after my fourth birth. At this point I already knew this could happen - it’s normal. What I DIDN’T know, was that I had caused it.

My post birth contractions were so bad after the birth that it felt like full transition labor. And they don’t give you anything for the pain. So I used a hot water bottle, without the nurses knowing, and it caused me to bleed even more. I lost so much blood that by the first time they sat me up to go to the bathroom, I fainted. It took three more tries until I could sit up.

Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, the next morning I passed a clot the SIZE OF ANOTHER PLACENTA I KID YOU NOT, and I know what is and is not normal. So I called for the nurse and through the door told her I had passed a huge clot, and her response was - “It’s not big. I know what big is.” She hadn’t even looked. So I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, no. It’s big, I’m telling you.”

So, sounding extremely put upon, she asked me to open the door. I did, and after a long pause she goes, “Okay, yeah, that’s a little big.”


The point I’m trying to get across is that this shit is so common - women not knowing this stuff is so expected, and it keeps getting reinforced. People don’t expect you to know anything, don’t teach you anything, and then make you feel like you’re totally ignorant and a burden for your lack of knowledge when THEY WON’T SHARE.

Fucking learn EVERYTHING you can when it comes to childbirth, girls. It is the single most empowering thing you can do for yourself. And if you missed something, that’s okay. But the more knowledge you arm yourself with, the more in control of your situation you’ll be.

A few post partum tips:

  • DON’T use a hot water bottle - lol.
  • ONLY pads - NO tampons. Tampons can cause severe infection, not to mention, you probably don’t want to be shoving anything up there any time soon.
  • If you’ve had stitches, sitz baths DO help relieve the pain. Another great pain reliever? Dampen some pads and freeze them. Let one thaw slightly and use it on top of another pad. This will help with the pain as well as reduce swelling. Change the pad out as soon as it’s thawed completely. This REALLY helps on the first couple days after giving birth.
  • If you pass a clot, don’t sweat it. Even the one I passed, which was fucking massive, just required that we keep an eye out to make sure it didn’t happen again. If it does, talk to your doctor.
  • Take a pain killer half an hour before nursing. Because YES - your uterus is contracting after you give birth, to get back to its original size, and nursing causes much stronger contractions. Taking nursing-safe painkillers won’t prevent the pain, but it will reduce it. 
  • Buy disposable underwear for the first few days after birth. They will get VERY dirty. Or use your ratty old pairs that you’re ready to get rid of. Double up on pads - line them all the way up your ass-crack. I am so serious. And wear dark pants.
  • Pee in the shower. You do NOT want to wipe down there right after birth because ow. Peeing in the shower lets you just rinse afterwards. Especially if you’ve had stitches, peeing in the shower, with the shower-head rinsing AS you go, keeps stinging to a minimum. And fuck everyone else - keep on peeing in the shower until you feel ready to move back to toilet paper. Middle of the night and need to pee? Get your pants off - get in the shower and just go.

This is just a few things, but PLEASE feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions about ANYTHING childbirth/pregnancy/nursing related. I have four incredible kids. I’ve done it all - c-section, vacuume birth, episiotimy, stitches, with an epidural, without an epidural. I’m here.

….I know I keep reblogging this but people keep adding super important information.

I feel like no one tells women this stuff because if a woman was even a little on the fence about having a baby before this would kinda make them run for the damn hills.


…..you are correct, typing.



peri bottles, witch hazel or anti-pain anticeptic spray are your friends. Also passing large clots after birth is a WARNING SIGN. Bigger than a half dollar is a sign that you have not passed your entire placenta (this is most common in hospital vaginal births where the mother is not allowed to naturally birth the placenta and instead has it ripped out by the doctor) if there is any placenta left in your uterus you can get extremely ill. This happened to both myself and my mother in law

WOW I didn’t know any of this and I’m terrified of what more I’m unaware of about my own body :( Honestly when will we fucking abolish this taboo about the female body…

I had pretty great sex ed in school (lots of contraceptive information, and totally acknowledged that teenagers might have sex) and all of this is news to me.

And, as a 28-year-old person with a uterus, I’m extremely appalled I’m just learning this.


Long, but very important information, even for those who don’t plan to have children, because you will almost certainly know someone who will, and you might be able to to help them. Or at least increase your level of empathy for them.




people loooove to make out like pregnancy and childbirth are this beautiful thing that a woman’s body is made to do, and leave out all this incredibly important and scary info.

the healthcare system fails women in so so many ways, especially around sexual and reproductive health, and it needs to stop.


Since Halloween is almost here, send me "Boo!" for a thread based around our muses being locked inside a haunted house together


I'm very sorry

//That I haven't been on lately and I haven't been doing replies, I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE that I'm not ignoring anyone or I don't want to rp with you if I haven't replied to a thread or a starter or an ask, I've just been busy with school and tired and really /really/ obsessed with some ships. I will hopefully do some replies soon, after finals are over, but I wanted to throw this out there because I feel bad and I wanted to apologize real quick ^^;


Handwriting Asks

Send me a number and I’ll handwrite the answer for you!

1. write your URL

2. write the URL of the person who sent the ask

3. write your blog title

4. write the blog title of the person who sent the ask

5. your name

6. your birthday

7. where you live right now

8. where you were born

9. today’s date

10. current time

11. relationship status

12. the first 5 words that come to your mind

13. your number of followers

14. the number of blogs you’re following

15. the URLs of your tumblr crushes

16. draw your tumblr activity graph :)

17. describe the lastest post on your dashboard

18. favorite band(s), musician(s)

19. favorite song(s)

20. favorite lyric(s)

21. favorite album(s)

22. favorite color(s)

23. celebrity crushes

24. favorite food

25. favorite beverage

26. favorite TV show(s)

27. favorite movie(s)

28. favorite actors or actresses

29. describe what you’re wearing right now

30. write something for the person who sent the ask

31. ships?

32. favorite season(s)

33. favorite ice cream flavor(s)

34. a place you wanna go on holiday

35. favorite number

36. favorite meme(s)

37. favorite animal(s)

38. favorite quote(s)

39. a random fact about yourself

40. write your name with your non-dominant hand

41. handwrite a message to your followers

42. something of your choice (specify in ask)


I would love this


My muse’s memories were erased during an experiment. What does your character do to make mine remember them?


Describe your life in two words

I’m late

Oh fuck

my bad

Oh well

It’s Alright

This blows


fuck off

sad smol

Easily replaceable.


An adventure.

uh oh

y god

its different


Why me


Huh, interesting.

check please

where’s waldo

what even

death’s opposite

Depression buffet

Well shit

Fuck this

uh. Fuck

Fuck this

Okay then


I’m Fucked…

This sucks

do not

Touka Kirishima



Anonymous asked:

“send me a ♬ and a number between 1-10 and i’ll put my itunes on shuffle and skip to that number and write a starter with my favorite lyric from that song.“

“Breaking the Habit” by: Linkin Park 

Everyone else is out, about, enjoying the summer sun, but not her, holed up in her room another day, feigning a feeling of illness that won’t concern them as much as the truth. Under the fabric of her hoodie lie secrets, kept closely and fearfully, scars she can’t let them see. Knowing she can’t truly be strong, she fakes it as well as she can, taking refuge in the moments she won’t have to pretend, taking advantage of opportunities, and solace in the precious minutes she can spend not worrying about keeping them in the dark; the minutes she can try to bring herself out of her own bitter darkness.


Memories consume like opening the woundsI’m picking me apart againYou all assumeI’m safe here in my roomUnless I try to start againI don’t want to be the one the battles always choose

The thoughts of her past, drowned in terrible clarity, driving her to the edge of her willpower, the edge of her ability to hold herself together. They can’t know. She reminded herself, trying to draw restraint and sensibility from that single thought. It seemed to help, at least a little. It wouldn’t last long, though, this she knew. A single thought can’t keep one sane forever.

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