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@snugdae / snugdae.tumblr.com

your local mountain potato ;;
vixx biased multifandom.
part time table flipper, full time girl group stan.
currently catching stars and achieving dreams
sorta here/sorta on hiatus
previously snugbin

hello my loves - a while ago i reached a milestone, a goal that i had been waiting for a long time! so i wanted to make this follow forever to show how much i appreciate you guys

i feel like im not prepared enough for this lmao but i fucking love you whether your name is here or not but yes, @followers ilu thanks for following my trash semi-aesthetic j*ngkook-based blog

i wanted to include everyone ;; sadly, tumblr is an asshole!! so if u arent here then i give you my deepest apologies

also i dont only follow bts blogs but i still love your blogs so if u see this and are like ?? then pls!! do not be alarmed!! i just want to love you even if we are different pls take my hugs and love me too ty

i- i love u anyway here you go uwu: # - a; ♡  @150625@1jin@4bts@7oshua@90-93 ♡ @921509@99yoongi@a-little-too-obsessed@aclockworkleo@adoreseokjin@allkpopgifs@altaernative@amazingmaia@antidaegu@artimisthena@artistaehyung ♡ 

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