
Manic Potato

@manicpotato / manicpotato.tumblr.com

ah, me, a potato

Regarding chapter 44's scanlation of Gangsta...

The people we get our scans from have either stopped uploading them, or have dropped this project. We don’t know! That being said, please contact wither @manicpotato or I beforehand because wee have been working on this for a while.. If anyone has the raws and would be so kind as to get them to us, please! Please do. We promise we will include you in every step of the way, and make sure we do everything we can to work with you. But… Before someone else translates chapter 44, which I assume may be coming out next month, (I hope,) contact us first, yeah? We’ve done a lot to get out quality chapters when it’s just the two of us mostly and I am upset its come to this. Gangsta is popular, support Kohske by buying a copy, and thank you to everyone who continues to support us in any capacity.


Love you, @soubixloveless <3 <3

Anonymous asked:

Now that Gangsta. chapter 43 is out, will you be translating it and the more chapters to come?

Well, I didn’t know about this, and apparently someone else has scanlated it? :’( Our source (Chinese scans) has stopped updating either because they don’t know about the new releases or they dropped it. I also am fairly proficient at Japanese as well, so the language isn’t a problem. As of yet, I’m not sure, but @soubixloveless and I will talk. Thanks for letting me know!

Anonymous asked:

Hey buddy, ily and I hope you're doing well! ☺️💖💖

buddy pls come off anon so i can love you directly


WARNING: Mature content (nudity / gore / violence).

Thank you to AJI TEAM for the Chinese scans.

These are the last of the chapters that we have. We don’t know when the next chapters will come out, but please support Kohske. She has been pretty open about her health, and you can read more about it here. This is a very good source of information for finding out about how she’s doing.

Of course, please buy her books to support her work.

Thanks so much to @variationa​ for typesetting chapter 41 (a long time ago, but we wanted to do a double release, sorry!). It’s finally here! 

And, of course, many, many thanks to my good partner @soubixloveless​ for being so understanding of my inconsistency and supporting me even throughout my very rough last year. 

It was a good run. I hope you all enjoy. :)

Chapter 41 Google Drive (contains .zip and .rar) Mediafire: ZIP // RAR

Chapter 42 Google Drive (contains .zip and .rar) Mediafire: ZIP // RAR

Anonymous asked:

I love so much potato-sama, please, please, please, Translate Gangsta Manga. it's sadly no one trasnslate it, please do that potato-sama

I believe manicpotato is still working on it!


Sorry!! :( Soubi is quality checking chapter 41, and I’m typesetting chapter 42 (the translations + cleaning are done). The chapters should be out soon!! :(

I understand that we are not doing the work fast enough, but there are two of us and Variationa has been more than kind enough to help out when she can. For now, please be patient. 41 is done, but I wanted to release 41 and 42 together. Since Potato-sama has been not only sick but busy this summer we are doing what we can. Expect it soon. Thank you for your continued support.

lol I forgot that I was sick because I repressed those 8 months from my memories............

Anonymous asked:

I love so much potato-sama, please, please, please, Translate Gangsta Manga. it's sadly no one trasnslate it, please do that potato-sama

I believe manicpotato is still working on it!


Sorry!! :( Soubi is quality checking chapter 41, and I’m typesetting chapter 42 (the translations + cleaning are done). The chapters should be out soon!! :(

Anonymous asked:

Is it safe to assume that you've dropped gangsta?

No. Chapter 41 will be out soon. :P Sorry, I was a shit and was earning money for most of this summer, so I put it off for a long while.

Anonymous asked:

Hi friend!! It's been a while since I've messaged but I hope that you're doing well, and that you're happier and with less burdens! Stay strong!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽

Thank you as always!


shit i remember from my 2007 - 2013 fanfiction.net experiences (before i finally jumped ship for ao3 like everyone else)

  • “don’t like don’t read”
  • uses of the terms “lemon” and “lime” (apparently there was a difference. lemons were porn but i’m STILL not sure what a lime is. i also have NO idea how “lemon” came to mean “porn”. not sure i want to, tbh.)
  • soooo many “i do not own please don’t sue me” disclaimers
  • fics where the whole premise that the whole cast was trapped someplace together and the reviewers would leave questions in their comments and then the characters would answer them in-story. like “ask that guy with the glasses” except shitty and usually self-indulgent towards the author’s preferred ships. (i may have written one of these when i was 12.)
  • authors who legit updated on a schedule (and stuck to it). some every fucking day. (you still see this on ao3, but not NEARLY as much.)
  • fanfic authors who basically had a following and fandom of their own. (again, this still happens, but not as much. not sure if that’s a good thing or not.) not bad considering most of them were 13.
  • “yaoi!!! that means boy kisses!!! don’t like don’t read!!!”
  • putting “————-” or “xxxxxxx” bc ff.net wouldn’t let you insert a horizontal line to show the end of a section
  • very long, very rambley author’s notes
  • some of which had the authors interacting with/talking to the characters in the fic.
  • fics that weren’t so much stories as they were a chapter-by-chapter detailing of all the cliche plots and tropes used in that fandom’s shitty fanfics. (i actually sorta miss these, tbh)
  • songfics. no, not fics inspired by songs. fics where the lyrics were put in between every paragraph, with some lyrics altered to fit the characters. it was horrific.
  • fics that were up-front about the oc being a stand-in for the reader so they can read about themselves getting with their fave character. as in, it was written in second person and the summary outright said the pov character was meant to be the reader.
  • the forums being used for roleplay before tumblr rp was a “thing”
  • long, LONG author profiles, filled with things like “copy/paste if you’re a [whatever] shipper!” or obviously fake sickly sweet anecdotes (think chain email levels of bad), or worst of all (in my opinion), a pro-life anti-abortion story from the point of view of a fetus. it was as bad as it sounds, if not worse.
  • listing all your ships on your author profile page
  • seeing a title that was all lowercase letters and thinking “lazy” rather than “aesthetic”
  • “101 one ways to annoy [insert character here]” (voldemort was popular for these things)
  • it being fucking impossible to find f/f fic that wasn’t porn
  • writing ships as “characterxcharacter” instead of “character/character”
  • author’s notes in the middle of the story. literally you would be reading a fanfic and all of a sudden, in between paragraphs… A/N: awwww isn’t it cute how they’re thinking the same thing!!! XD”
  • for that matter, author’s notes using the XD emoticon
  • people FLIPPING THEIR SHIT whenever their fave author (or just a well-established author in the fandom) changed their username. ESPECIALLY if they changed it from something fandom-specific to something more neutral.
  • “character x/character y. NO CHARACTER X/CHARACTER Z.” bc apparently you think i’d think your fic clearly marked character x/character y would be nothing but character x and character z making out.
  • trollfics trying to capitalize on my immortal’s infamy. there are still trollfics, of course, but they tend to be more subtle. 
  • for that matter, trying to pass a trollfic off as a legitimate fic rather than just admitting it’s a parody
  • specifically reading fics for your notp just to bash it in the reviews
  • people putting replies to reviews for the previous chapter in the author’s notes (this died down a LITTLE once ff.net finally added a reply function, but not much)
  • the great fanfiction.net purge (ahh yes. history lesson time. basically, back in the olden days of fanfiction, when everyone actually used ff.net, one fateful day, back in biblical times – 2011 – ff.net decided to make MA rated stuff – basically porn – not be allowed on the site anymore. ofc people kept posting it anyway, but then ff.net started deleting stories from the website with no notice to the authors. just poof! gone. the aftermath was HORRIFIC. people were FURIOUS, as a lot of people had no backup and just lost their stories. so ff.net stopped enforcing the rule, but the damage was done. this was when people began to officially leave for ao3, i think.)
  • lots of harry potter fanfics about the my immortal versions of the characters interacting with the canon characters. some of these were actually quite funny – i think they’re still around, but i don’t see them as much. (i actually wrote one of these stories. it is still, to this day, the most popular story i ever wrote.)
  • drabbles that were ACTUALLY 100 words long.
  • fictionpress (a sister site for original fiction. it was like wattpad before wattpad was wattpad. it never really took off. come to think of it, i may still have some stuff on there from when i was 12 i need to take down)
  • “crackfics” that consisted mainly of “lulz iM SO RanDOm!!!111!!!!!oneone XD cheeeeeeeese!!!!!!” humor
  • “i suck at summaries”
  • “this is my first story so please be nice”
  • “i’ll only update if i get 10 good reviews”
  • AUs before “AU” was a really widely used term, so the author’s note would have a length explanation for why they had to change things for the story and apologizing over and over instead of just noting the AU in the summary
  • AUs out of laziness rather than for creative/plot reasons (ie, “luna’s a gryffindor in this fic because i couldn’t find another reason for her to be here”)
  • authors notes apologizing for late updates
  • being genuinely shocked when you found a GOOD fanfic


Shawn Wasabi, someone I am very privileged to call my friend, has been tweeting tonight that his car got broken into and his one-of-a-kind Midi Fighter 64 was stolen from it, along with his macbook and backup harddrive. The Midi Fighter is this cool launchpad he plays.

The police are refusing to do anything about it, because his eyes were red (from crying) and they decided he and his friends had been smoking. They won’t even let him file a report.

Please, please keep your eyes peeled for his Midi Fighter. It is the only one of its kind in the world. That Midi is his entire musical life and he’s devastated that it got stolen. If you know or see ANYTHING, PLEASE contact the San Francisco police.

I’m so angry. He is a wonderful person and did not deserve this.




Please signal boost this

Dear DreamWorks Studios,
As moviegoers and fans of the original 1995 Ghost in the Shell film, we respectfully request that you cast an actress of Japanese descent for the lead role of Motoko Kusanagi rather than Scarlett Johansson.
The American film industry is already unfriendly to Asian actors without roles in major films being changed to exclude them. One recent survey found that in 2013, Asian characters made up only 4.4% of speaking roles in top-grossing Hollywood films.
Please use this opportunity to help talented Asian-American actors receive recognition for their work. There are so few opportunities for them to shine in Hollywood, and this film would be a perfect platform.

in middle school, i told myself, “my life will begin after middle school.”

in high school, i told myself, “my life will begin after high school.”

in college, i’m telling myself, “my life will begin after college.”

well shit


Thank god for Russian dash cams to bring us wonders like this

they’re saying it’s 3am and they’re so tired and lets just drive and get out of here and then it happens and they’re like ‘well that woke me up”

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