The Pursuit Of Excellence.

@staedtlers-and-stabilos /

Canadian. Double majored in Law&Society and Sociology.
Calligraphy, quotes, studyspo, and study help.

Can someone just………………. explain French to me?


its spanish but you speak it in cursive

You have 11 letters. You pronounce 4 of them.

Learn to speak spanish. Now learn to speak italian. Now subtract the spanish from italian. You are left with french.

Latin, but then make it fashion


If I had only one piece of study advice to pass on, it would be constant summary pages. Every week or two, take one side of A4 and write down everything important by hand from that period. It might take 5 minutes, it might take 30. Either way, when that exam burnout sets in, you will thank yourself. Don’t use the pages as exhaustive study - use them as a contents page for your revision, or as a checklist to see what you do or don’t remember.


1. Time management.  2. How to manage your money. Pay with cash and live within your means.  3. Don’t starve for a pair of jeans.  4. Save enough cash to get home in a cab. 5. Getting good grades alone won’t get you that job 6. Don’t intern in a very small company and expect a huge outcome. 7. Work for cash as a waitress. 8. Remember your roots.  Don’t leave your old high school friends in the dust. 9. Foster relationships with your teachers and older students. Networking. 10. Be professional in order to be taken seriously. 11. Watch what you post on social media. They look, they really look. 12. Network while you’re out. 13. Learn how to collaborate. 14. Take your assignments seriously. 15. Don’t take yourself too seriously.  College is a time to experiment. 16. Travel as much as you can. Embrace your lack of commitments 17. Work during the summer.  18. Accept that you will need to get a job and grow up after graduation. 19. Don’t take time off unless it’s an emergency.   20. Finish.  21. Allow yourself to be passionate. 22. Don’t do drugs. 23. Start a blog.  24. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Put quality over quantity. 25. Don’t get a pet. Remember this is about you, not saving a dog. 26. Go home for holidays. Family is forever. 27. Don’t buy something you’re going to owe payments on28. Make sure you have health insurance. See the previous point. 29. Exercise. 


Eisenhower Matrix: There are two categories. Urgent, and Important.

Something can be:

  • important but not urgent (walking the dog)
  • urgent but not important (phone ringing)
  • urgent and important (deadline for a major essay)
  • not urgent and not important (wasting time on tumblr)

There is no formula for what to prioritize, but categorizing puts things in perspective. 

Categorize, decide what needs to be done, and do it!

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