
Ramblings of a spiritual being in Search of Bliss.

@awakeningthunder-blog / awakeningthunder-blog.tumblr.com

My name is Taryn. I'm 25, female, and Canadian. This blog is a reflection of the life I'm living, the life I wish to live, and the messages I feel the world needs to hear. Feel it, embrace it, love it. I also greatly appreciate anyone who checks out and is willing to read my written blog. It's really where I choose to pour my heart and soul: Moving Into Light Any writing that is on here and not quoted is my own, as are all Innocent Thunder Photography's photos. You are more than welcome to reblog, but please give credit where credit is due. All thought and expression may be universal, but we are still cells that need to survive individually. Thanks for visiting


Sometimes I feel like I am constantly looking for excuses,
For why there is this gaping hole in me that never seems to be quite filled.
This constantly festering wound of pain,
That I was born with,
That I just want to put a label on.
I remember at such a young age believing that happiness was something that should be strived for but never truly reached, and if it was reached,
it would…


I hear these opportunities
Calling me
Screaming at me
to reach
to grab them.
they yell
and I reach
I claw, climbing
as their screams seem to become whispers,
their solid forms become ghosts and shadows.
And I fall back again.
hollowed, and once again
And I sit in the darkness,
praying that I am a flower
that I am a flower and not a stone.
That I can grow and…

The Call

I heard to the call,
and so I headed
into the woods.
Listening to the sounds of what had fallen behind,
whispering their stories,
weaving memories of things to come.
And as I wandered,
listening to the sounds,
I began to hear less
as I understood more,
as the shadows
took away
my confusion.
Leaving me bear
with nothing but raw understanding and new fierce determination
to keep me warm.

The Goddess

I had a conversation with the Goddess tonight.
I found her within my pain.
She spoke of strength,
Of knowing,
Of light.
  She asked me why I’d stepped away from her,
why I was quiet
when I had things to speak.
  She asked me why my light
was dimmed
when it had been so bright as a child.
  “We used to dance and play,” She said.
“Why isn’t it so now?”
  “They told me I had to change,” I said,

The Bright Side of Flight Anxiety

I have a confession: I’m terrified of flying, and I love it.
Every time I have to fly, I get this feeling like my world could end at any moment. I get anxiety, knowing that I am going to be at an unnatural height in the air and that my fate is going to be in someone else’s hands. I get stressed out knowing that I will be in a small, confined space with no way out for hours. However, these fears…
“In the six months that have passed since the Guatemalan feature Ixcanul (Volcano) premiered at the Berlin Film International Festival, director Jayro Bustamante’s debut feature has gone on to become the most award-winning film in that country’s history, with important prizes from festivals like Guadalajara, Cartagena, Toulouse, and Berlin. Then, just before the film’s Guatemalan premiere in late August, they went ahead and kicked it up a notch: Ixcanul will be Guatemala’s first-ever submission for Academy Awards consideration. You heard right: first. ever.
Filmed almost entirely in the Kaqchikel dialect spoken in Guatemala’s coffee-growing highlands, Ixcanul dramatizes the story of María, a young Mayan woman who is promised to the coffee plantation foreman, despite her desire for a lowly coffee cutter named Pepe. Dreaming of absconding with Pepe to a romanticized vision of the United States, María eventually has the encounter with modernity she so yearned for, but not for the reasons she had hoped”
-Andrew S. Vargas for Remezcla

The Perfect Moonset

You have the shore all to yourself. Everyone has left after sunset as most people are bound to do; unaware of what they are missing out on. The warm light from the sun still escaping from below the horizon as it has just set about an hour prior to this. Faintly visible to the naked eye, I see the moon blending in with the bright hue of the sky. What a surprise. I’ve been waiting for a shot like this for as long as I remember. A perfect moment for a time-lapse.

Photographed by: Paolo Nacpil

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