
zombie's in the fog



if Broadway doesn’t want bootlegs floating around then they need to get their act together and make legal recordings.  you can say all you want that theater is meant to be enjoyed live, but the fact of the matter is not everybody can get to NYC to go to a Broadway show.  not everybody can afford to take the time off of work and buy a plane ticket to NYC and buy a night in a hotel AND get the ticket to the show.  people want to see the shows, that’s why there’s a bootleg market in the first place, but it’s unreasonable to expect that everyone has the time, money, and ability to make it out to the one place in the world to see something on Broadway, especially if it’s a limited engagement.  so record that shit, slap some subtitles on it, and sell it so we can buy it legally.

Reblogging this every time I see it. Copyright is important for creators but it should not support cultural elitism. Affordability and accessibility of cultural content is key unless we want to live in a very divided society.


Acab because the people that made this meme thinks the cops should just kill someone like this

Cops having a chuckle because they’re too cowardly to take a beating in order to save a life. All cops are cowards.

I can’t stress this enough, the people agreeing with this meme think having a psychotic break should carry a death sentence.


ma reggel benneragadtam a threads-ben, mert ugye látszik mindenhonnan is, és lenyűgöző, majdnem olyan, mint egy vonatszerencsétlenség, vagy nem tudom, az algoritmus megállás nélkül tolta elém a lakossági threadeket, és én amúgy magamtól nem nézek facebook csoportokat / publikus commenteket, szóval viszonylag egy irányba szűrt közösséggel találkozom az interneteken.

majdnem olyan, mint amolyan normál emberekkel belekeveredni beszélgetésbe, ahol nem lehet kikeveredni a ház körüli dolgok (gyerek, fűnyírás), a generic munka és a populáris sorozatok -filmek témáiból.

ilyenkor rájövök, h kurva nehezen beszélgetek (fél)idegenekkel

de a lelkemet eladtam azért, hogy egész estéket tudjak azzal tölteni, hogy a szabályrendszer zárt skillekkel dolgozzon-e, vagy jobb-e a közösségnek, ha laza tageket alkotunk, és rábízzuk a játékosokra a próbák megoldását


Y'all, the world is sleeping on what NASA just pulled off with Voyager 1

The probe has been sending gibberish science data back to Earth, and scientists feared it was just the probe finally dying. You know, after working for 50 GODDAMN YEARS and LEAVING THE GODDAMN SOLAR SYSTEM and STILL CHURNING OUT GODDAMN DATA.

So they analyzed the gibberish and realized that in it was a total readout of EVERYTHING ON THE PROBE. Data, the programming, hardware specs and status, everything. They realized that one of the chips was malfunctioning.

So what do you do when your probe is 22 Billion km away and needs a fix? Why, you just REPROGRAM THAT ENTIRE GODDAMN THING. Told it to avoid the bad chip, store the data elsewhere.

Sent the new code on April 18th. Got a response on April 20th - yeah, it's so far away that it took that long just to transmit.

And the probe is working again.

From a programmer's perspective, that may be the most fucking impressive thing I have ever heard.



I’m NOT an expert but I have some working experience I can share. You need experience to become great. Here is my set of instructions, tips, and notes towards making a 12-page comic.
My method is to work backwards. Personally I work “backwards” because the end is the only wholly necessary page or set of panels in the story. Everything in between is open to editing and hacking as the most important moments are emphasized and chosen.
I even plan/draw the end page first. The end is the last page a reader sees- so spend your freshest energies on making it as epic, memorable, poignant, and beautiful as #$%^&.
If you draw the pages from 1 to 12 sequentially you run the risk of fresh to burnt out- an uneven distribution of drawing skill. (treat the first page and the 2-page splash as you would the last).
Roughly… the steps to making your comic is
  1. WRITE
  3. DRAW
…BEGIN THE WRITING (DO NOT SKIP NO MATTER WHAT) like this, in this order:
  • How does it end?
  • Does the protag succeed or fail?
  • What is the turning point of their story?
  • What the protag do that led them there?
  • Where does it start?
  • Who is this protag?
  • Guy gets mauled by a bear.
  • This is a fail on the guy’s half.
  • The bear must eat something or he’ll starve to death.
  • It’s the guy’s fault the bear can’t find other food. He caused the avalanche that buried all the cabins.
  • The guy is yodeling in an avalanche zone.
  • The guy is some guy.
CREATING “THE BEAT SHEET” Take the above stuff and reorder it to make sense.
  1. This guy yodels.
  2. Echoes roll.
  3. Snow slides down.
  4. Avalanche buries the mountain.
  5. Cabins are engulfed.
  6. This bear has no access to cabin food and garbage.
  7. Bear eats this guy.
Expand. Blow up important beats for emphasis. Keep less important beats brief.
  1. This guy is hiking in the snowy mountains.
  2. He comes across an avalanche warning sign.
  3. There is nobody around but him.
  4. A dumb expression forms over his face and he yodels.
  5. Echoes roll but nothing nearby is moved.
  6. At the top of the mountain the snow drifts twitch.
  7. Guy, satisfied, hikes away from there still yodeling.
  8. Frozen snow cracks.
  9. Snow puffs billow and great slabs of ice crash down the mountain side.
  10. Guy sees this and hightails it to safer ground.
  11. Animals, people, are all panicking and getting pushed over by the rushing snow.
  12. Cabins are destroyed.
  13. The guy takes cover by an outcropping of rocks, fastens himself securely to the rock face, and waits for the avalanche to die down.
  14. Avalanche dies down.
  15. A lone bear shambles over from the other side of the mountain.
  16. The bear goes to where a cabin used to be (only roof tiles are left). Bear sniffs a dish satellite.
  17. Bear forlornly eats a food wrapper.
  18. Bear tries to dig.
  19. Guy comes down from the rocks he as climbing and sees bear.
  20. Bear stops digging and sees him.
  21. Guy runs.
  22. Bear chases him down.
  23. Bear eats the guy.
  • After the beat sheet, write up all the sound effects and speech bubbles and conversation/dialogue you want to be in your comic.
  • Since comics are a visual medium, highest priority is given to the beats. If a story can’t be told with the art without the dialogue– you messed up and it’s time to rethink your life choices.
  • Try to keep all your text chunks as short as a tweet. Professionally you don’t want more than 25 words per speech bubble and no more than 250 words per page.
  • Next is translating the beats to pages…
[1] point of entry, in media res, hero intro
[2][3] conflict. establish conflict, setting, and mood by the third page. [4][5] rising action/false resolution to conflict/investigation
[6][7] turning point/plot twist/epiphany (this one epic image, to page spread is pivotal, spend a lot of effort into creating this)
[8][9] aftermath/“darkness before dawn”/struggle [10][11] recovery/“rise and conquer”/“fall”
[12] resolution/final end/cliffhanger
[front cover][interior] [interior][back cover]
My maximum per page is nine panels but I’ve seen pages that have way more. I like to have about 3 to 4 panels per row or less but I’ve seen the “rules” broken before. Advanced comic book artists manipulate time with the number of panels and the size of each panel.
remember, DIAGONALS!!! open up an issue of batman, superman, spider man, deadpool or whatever youre reading theyre everywhere.
  • Page 12,
  • Page 6 and 7 (this is typically one large image that takes up the space of two pages),
  • Page 1,
  • and then the rest.
  • Page 12 and 1*
  • Page 6 and 7,
  • and then the rest.
*Draw the first and last page as a spread in situations where the beginning of the story mirrors the end of the story.
Cover is dead last.
(If at the very end you find out you need more pages and it’s absolutely unavoidable and totally necessary you have to add them in fours. Try to stick to 12 pages for this crash course.)
  • Plan and draw the pages in spreads (the twos) since this is how it will appear in print and when you submit them to an editor for review guess what, the pages with an exception to the first and last will be reviewed as spreads.
  • You at most only need one establishing panel of the setting and environment (scene) per page.
  • Forget “true to life” perspective outside of the establishing panel). Practice diagonal composition of objects and subjects within panels. For dynamism.
  • You don’t have to present the text all in one go (one paragraph or bubble). You can and should break up paragraphs, sentences, and if you need to single out words– to make smaller, more easily managed bubbles to scatter through the panel.
  • Less important moments have smaller panels and or lesser detail. More details (or more word bubbles) slow down time. More drawn detail also creates a concentration of values (it’s darker and sometimes combines together as one shape or mass)
  • Know your light sources. Control the blacks. Control the values.
TIPS | COFFEE? :3 | dA | IG |  
(more coming soon 11/22/2016)

Link to a (free) PDF from the notes: gumroad.com/l/vJFSK

Virga, the phenomenon of rain not reaching the ground. Virga is produced when rain is falling from the base of the cloud but evaporates in dry air before reaching the ground surface.

diversity loss this trans man is just as much of an emotionally unavailable avoidantly attached brick as any cis guy

he has a pussy yes but does he have a heart. post cancelled that sounds like a taylor swift lyric

my boy he has a pussy but he doesn't have a heart

he's playing games with me just like i'm mario from kart

i'm a published writer btw

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