
I am moving away from this blog.

I don’t want to delete it, but I am starting fresh on another blog.  Thank you for following me if you have been.


Why is it cute and trendy for girls to wear men’s flannel shirts and baggy boy’s sweatpants, but when a boy tries to wear anything remotely close to girl’s clothes, they are considered “girly” or “gay”?

Do you know why? 

Do you want to know why?

Because our society thinks its degrading to be feminine. 


No its because most boys look ridiculous in girls clothes, but girls look decent in “boyfriend” clothes. Stop trying to make EVERY THING into some form of female oppression.

It’s not “boyfriend” clothes. Clothes do not inherently have gender, they are pieces of fabric and no one cares about your hetero insertions. There was a time when it was normal for young men to wear dresses, clothing was much more gender neutral. 

Cute little boys in their boy dresses!

And dresses and skirts look fine on men:


In different cultures around the world different items of clothing are worn that in many countries would be seen as feminine: 

And they all look fabulous as fuck, like wow!

The only reason you think so now is because you are socialised differently. Which is ok, that happens, but when you assert things as facts and don’t look at any of the culture behind them you looking like an anal fissure. 

Do not project your issues onto other men, men can wear whatever the fuck they want and look fabulous as hell. 



Religious leaders in Los Angeles are forming an underground network of homes as part of an effort to provide shelter for families facing deportation, CNN reported Thursday.

According to CNN, the Rapid Response Team network could shelter hundreds and potentially thousands of undocumented immigrants across Southern California.

“That’s what we need to do as a community to keep families together,” said Pastor Ada Valiente, after showing CNN a house that is ready to host three families.

Similar services for immigrant families are already being provided by numerous churches and religious buildings in the area.

According to CNN, this Rapid Response Team seeks to go beyond the existing measures.

Another participant who did not want to be identified told CNN he will do everything in his power to protect his guests if immigration authorities come knocking on his door.

Does anyone remember history? I can't believe we are just repeating all of our mistakes. We have a literal guide in the form of history that tells us what happens when we do things. Holocaust, the Underground Railroad? Why are we doing this all again! Seriously, stop being a bunch of asses you immigrant hating fucks.


Black Cosplayer Breaks Down Stereotypes with Diverse Fun & Creative Costumes

In a subculture, where Black cosplayers are often ignored or forgotten, many cosplayers desire to challenge the preconception of their presence for Black history Month by doing #28DaysofBlackCosplay. Twenty-one-year-old  Kiera Please joined in the challenge by transforming herself in a wide range of beloved characters.


wot n tarnation who’s mans is this


dont let tumblr make you think it’s okay to:

  • protect the world from devastation
  • unite all peoples within our nation
  • denounce the evils of truth and love
  • extend our reach to the stars above

There are fat girls with fat arms. Fat girls with no ass. Fat girls with no boobs. Fat girls with fat rolls. Fat girls with fat on their backs. Fat girls with chubby cheeks. Brown fat girls. Black fat girls. Fat girls that don’t care about makeup. Fat girls that don’t care about the way they dress. Fat girls with fat everywhere and not just the aesthetically pleasing and accepted parts to have fat. Fat girls with stretch marks on their arms, thighs and boobs. Stop representing fat girls as if we all had an enormous ass and boobs. We need more representation of fat girls that come in all shapes, colors and sizes.


[Note: When J. Elliot refers to her being classed as one of ‘your people’ in relation to black people of color, it’s based on her reputation of being an outspoken, anti-racism ally].

- Jane Elliot on the Oprah Winfrey Show panel on racism in 1992.

White people get deeply offended hearing black people speak this truth, so maybe hearing Jane Elliot say it will cut through the white fragility: White people’s default setting is racism. Because America’s default setting is racism. That doesn’t mean they cannot unlearn it, but anti-Blackness is so ubiquitous in Western culture that unlearning racism is not something that just magically happens because you think you’re a good person. It’s not something you attain and then forget about. It’s a perishable skill.

Nobody becomes “not racist” by repeatedly declaring “But hey, I’M not racist” on social media. Becoming “not racist” is defined by conscious choice, coupled with actions—like listening to black people, calling out racism, and not saying or doing racist things—that prove you aren’t racist. Being “not racist” is something that needs to be worked on CONSTANTLY.

So much truth


For anyone not so familiar with cat behavior, this cat is out of its mind excited to do this. It’s much more rare for cars to wag their tails but it means the same as it does when a dog does it. This cat is curious and proud and playing. It keeps looking at its owner too, like “LOOK AT ME, DAD” and it’s so rare to get videos of cats this happy. This is fucking rad

Nope.. wagging tails means anger or irritation in cat body language.

hey y’all, hope you don’t mind me stepping in!

you’re both right :) a wagging tail means the cat is highly stimulated (think coiled spring, ready to go off). depending on the situation, this can be interpreted differently - just like people can smile nervously at job interviews vs. happily grin at friends.

in most cases, it’s safe to interpret overstimulation as ‘you’re doing something to amp up the cat & it wants you to stop’ (ex. unwanted petting). it should be seen as a warning; all that pent-up energy COULD be released as a swat or bite.

BUT in this case, that tail-wagging ‘frustration’ is the stimulation that comes from problem-solving (where can I jump? is it safe to go here?) and the excitement of play. it’s good to be wary of ‘cute’ animals vids, but this seems like an unproblematic video!

I’d like to add to this–just look at world-famous box-loving cat, Maru, who wags his tail every time he stuffs his body into a box or other small object. He’s clearly not about to attack the person behind the camera! It’s definitely based on stimulation, but more to the point of “ahhh FINALLY I’ve gotten into the small space, now how do I get the rest of me inside”:

Source: facebook.com
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