
Paula Shin

@paulashins / paulashins.tumblr.com

Artsi blog ~

I wonder where the break happened that such wide swaths of younger fans don’t grasp fandom things that used to be unspoken understandings. That fic readers are expected to know fiction from reality,  that views expressed in fic are not necessarily those of the author, that the labels, tags and warnings on various kinkfics are also the indication that they were created for titillation and not much more, please use responsibly as per all pornography. The ‘problem’ isn’t that so-called ‘problematic’ fic exists but that some of the audience is being stupid, irresponsible, at worst criminal, at best not old enough to be in the audience to begin with. And that’s on the consumer, not the author who told you via labels, tags, ratings, warnings and venues what their fic was about and what it was for.

I can’t stress enough how important this post is




How to Listen to your Heart

1. First, quieten your rational mind as it has a tendency to hush, distort or quash the intuition of your heart.

2. Practice mindfulness. This is grounding yourself in the present moment, and being aware of all the sights, sounds and sensations that are happening in the here-and-now.

3. Go with the flow. Don’t try to force your heart to speak to you. Instead, simply “be” and allow your heart to speak in its own time, and in its own way.

4. Get into the habit of paying attention to every nudge and whisper from your intuition. We are taught to silence those inner tugs and pulls – so begin to notice, and to listen to, them.

5. Trust and act upon your intuition. It’s important to treat those inner messages as valid, and then follow your instincts – and notice where they lead you.

You’ll find that life is more rewarding if you listen to your heart – as well as listening to your rational mind.


there’s nothing wrong with admitting you were once toxic.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you made a couple people feel like shit.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you fucked up and were horribly arrogant and parasitic.

there’s nothing wrong with admitting you did anyone wrong, especially if you’ve learned from it. If you’re humble enough to admit it, I guarentee there’s a bit of a good person inside of you. 


The real reason how they got down there. ((am I late to make this comic lmao.)


Assorted insect studies from photos.  Trying out a lot of different approaches and combinations of pens.

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