“I still remember you as a little girl who overwaters plants because she doesn’t know when to stop giving.”


do generous things without expecting anything in return. be kind without talking about how kind you are. do deeds without posting about them later. be a good person without overbragging about being a good person

“It was witches who developed an extensive understanding of bones and muscles, herbs and drugs, while physicians were still deriving their prognoses from astrology and alchemists were trying to turn lead into gold. So great was the witches’ knowledge that in 1527, Paracelsus, considered the ‘father of modern medicine,’ burned his text on pharmaceuticals, confessing that he ‘had learned from the Sorceress all he knew.’”

— Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Witches, Midwives, and Nurses - A History of Women Healers (1973)

“You are my best friend, my lover, the person who I go to when I want to smile.. you are the person I go to when I want hugs, when I want kisses, when I want to laugh, and when I want to cry.. point is, you are where I go no matter what. You are home to me, you are my home.. and that’s where I go to just be me, that’s where I can be me without any judgement at all. You are just amazing like that..”

Very, very amazing just like that - eUe

“I will not stop eating just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not stop doing things I like just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not stop listening to our favorite songs just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not lay in bed all day just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not feel worthless just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not give up just because he doesn’t love me anymore I will not stop taking care of myself just because he doesn’t love me anymore”

— repeat after me

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