
more than a little haunted

@atinyspid3r / atinyspid3r.tumblr.com

chelsea (she/they) // 33 // artist, forest dweller, & thousand-yard-stare gold medalist

I don't have any glasses for the eclipse someone relay it to me when it happens

sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, no sun :(

more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, sun again

It's like I'm there


Bioluminescence Oil, 18 x 24 in, 2015, First in the Bioluminescence series. The light of life and the natural world. In all the vastness of space, as of yet, we know of only one planet that supports life. At least within some great distance from here, life is rare. Each organism being the exquisite and detailed product of billions of years of evolution, life is precious. This point of light and inspiration stands in contrast to the lanterns and lights that are historically thought to be sources of illumination but are now dimmed; mythologies and superstitions humans have created as we struggled in the dark of ignorance to understand our world. But the process of science has revealed a luminous, living planet, more amazing than we could have ever imagined. Where the intricacies of biology are miracles of evolution and our consciousness is a gift of natural processes that allow us to experience what it is to be alive. Prints: https://robrey.storenvy.com


every single time israel fires on people picking up food or humanitarian aid it truly cuts me to the core. obviously it's equally horrible to fire on civilians escaping the invasion or to bomb hospitals or refugee camps or people just living in their own homes. but there's something so brutal about hitting people right when they have gathered for life-saving aid. by firing on them there the IOF have set up an impossible dilemma where starving people have to choose between death by bullet or death by hunger. they have left no room for palestinians to choose life. i do not know how my government or any other government can just sit by and watch while innocent people continue to be gunned down for the crime of existing in israel's eyeline.

here is a list of fundraisers for families trying to leave gaza. this post also has links for places to help. this is the irish palestinian solidarity campaign website. finally this is a post with the esim donation guide. i know most of you have probably seen all of these links and more but i just need to do something.


i respect people who want to keep their menstruation to themselves but i have to make it everyone's problem. Literally if it was socially acceptable to lead every conversation with "I'm menstruating" i would.

For a dollar say woman

i respect people who want to keep their womenstruation to themselves but i have to make it everyone's problem. Literally if it was socially acceptable to lead every conversation with "I'm womenstruating" i would.


I turn 30 next month so here’s what I learned in my 20s:

—don’t work for startups, they’re always one ‘innovative idea’ away adding ‘sell your kidneys on the black market’ to your job description.

—keeping a collection of basic OTC medicine on you will save your life one day. I recommend Advil, Imodium, and TUMS.

—those little single-use glasses cleaning wipes are 1000% worth the money

—overly self-depreciating jokes just make people uncomfortable, wean yourself off of them

—you can buy dehydrated mini marshmallows in bulk online and they’re a godsend for hot cocoa

—people don’t care if you have fidget toys on your desk they just want to play with them

—try to go to bed BEFORE the existential ennui kicks in

Also drink water and eat a plant


This is all GREAT. I turned 40 last week, so permit me to add what I learned in my 30s:

  • keep on not working for startups
  • sometimes there comes a point where the thing (fandom, hobby, friendship, romantic relationship) you loved no longer brings you joy. And that's okay. Try to mourn the loss, take joy in the memories, and don't burn any bridges in case ten years go by and you find yourself back in that fandom/hobby/relationship again
  • it turns out that (ugh) moderate regular exercise is (spit) good for you. The sooner you make it part of your life, the easier it'll be
  • related: if you throw yourself into a new exercise regime too hard and too fast, without stopping to rest or consider whether a particular move is good for you ... well, shoulder injuries are painful and consults with orthopedic surgeons are expensive
  • knees are bastards too
  • don't even get me started on ankles
  • there may come a time when your digestive system is too fragile for ibuprofin. I'm sorry
  • one day you're gonna wake up and realise you no longer give any fucks about some things that used to bother you
  • on the other hand, you might be alarmed to realise what you still give a fuck about
  • never get down on the floor without an exit strategy for getting back up

I turn 50 this year. what I have learned in my 40s:

  • "loving yourself" is less of a feeling and more of an action. you can start doing it any time and it will make your life better and better as you go on
  • this will happen incrementally - be patient
  • along those lines, if you haven't started making an active effort to quit shit-talking yourself, suck it up and do it
  • no, shut up. do it. "but it's haaaaard!" don't care. do it.
  • whether you like it or not, you are mortal and you need to go to the doctor for an annual checkup
  • stretch regularly - your future self will thank you
  • at some point you will encounter people much younger than you arguing passionately and incorrectly about history you personally remember and experienced
  • this will be infuriating and annoying
  • otoh, most other things just... will not matter to you as much
  • at some point you will shift from wanting to go out to being like "eh" and deciding to stay in. this is okay.
  • you will have absolutely no idea what The Youth are talking about and you will not care
  • but if you keep your mind open to new ideas you'll never be irrelevant
  • your company still doesn't love you - don't give them more than they pay you for
  • get a fucking hobby, especially a hobby that involves physically creating/handling something and/or moving your body in physical space. it will do you more good than you can imagine

Just turned 60 and let me say:

  • Find joy, every kind, it's always worth it
  • I'm talking that massive, never-ending Discord chat with your bestie? The one that makes you giggle through the day? It's not a "waste of time," it's what time was made for
  • If that's fanfic for your favorite characters who never even met on screen celebrate that!
  • If that's building a tiny fleet of snake villagers for your snake town and they just cover your mantel hell yes!
  • If that's collecting pillows and making a fort of them every weekend I'll be right over
  • Feeling and sharing joy is the whole point

This is too tempting…, so, I’m 74, and: don’t fund startups

Please keep stretching and exercise enough NOT to need an elaborate strategy to get up from the floor. IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE

Say bye to your employer as early as you possibly can, unless you really love your job. You won’t be sorry.

Keep doing the annual checkups 🙏🏼

Enjoy that fucking hobby you’ve acquired in your 50, or find something new. Do try new things & adventures.


shout out to everyone who participated in the january-february mass depressive episode

Thank you everyone for another great turnout to the january-february mass depressive episode



since tumblr is going to start scraping blogs to train ai be sure to glaze and nightshade your art!! Not only will both of these programs protect your art from being copied but nightshade also poisons any ai that tries to steal it

here is some more info on these tools and where you can download them:


I just want to remind you that sometimes your life really doesn't begin until you are 26+... Romanticizing and obsessing over our youth is harmful. Growing up is beautiful. Discovering who you are and how you interact with the world is a gift. Maturing and learning what you truly want out of life and living in that purpose brings fulfillment and peace. Your life is not over in your early 20's because you haven't figured it out yet, it's just beginning.


Not all construction work is equally enjoyable. For example, enlarging a drilled hole is boring, but fastening pieces of metal together is riveting.

this joke would get the exact same reaction in 1870 that it gets in 2021 and I love that about it

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