

@lifeinlowkey / lifeinlowkey.tumblr.com

Matteo | 1994 | Italy Previously at the url: can-i-put-anything-here
The full set of features of inweb is extensive and this is not the place to go into that. In brief, though, kit section files [...] can't use any of the interesting tangling features (such as @d, or @< ... >@); but they can use all the weaving features. Inform users don't need to have inweb in order to write or use kits, and don't need to understand what the last sentence said.

I do appreciate when documentation knows its target audience.


Question, is the link to "dazzling dan's" tumblr page part of the documentation or just embellishment provided by tumblr?

Tumblr currently has a very specific bug whereby if:

  1. a post contains a sequence of characters consisting of an @ symbol followed by any single letter;
  2. that sequence is not hyperlinked;
  3. the post contains at least one occurrence of the letter in question preceding the above sequence; and
  4. there exists an active Tumblr blog with a single-letter name corresponding to the letter following the @ symbol;

... then the first occurrence of the letter in (1), above, plus the single character preceding it, will become a link to the blog in (4).

For example, the original post in this thread contains a non-hyperlinked sequence consisting of an @ symbol followed by the letter "d". Consequently, the first occurrence of the letter "d" in the post, plus the single character preceding it – and "n" in this case – becomes a link to d.tumblr.com.

You should be able to reproduce this yourself using any letter that satisfies criterion (4).

okay, let's test this out: @k

did it work?

EDIT: and the answer is... yes! it works exactly as described! what even is this site

I'd genuinely love to see what kind of mutant regex they're using that causes this.

(For those having difficulty reproducing the issue, it's possible that the character preceding the prior occurrence of the offending letter needs to be non-whitespace, and depending on what platform you're using – i.e., mobile versus desktop – it might also take a bit of finagling to prevent the editor from automatically hyperlinking the @ for you before you submit the post.)

someone in a different reblog chain figured out that it works for longer sequences, not just single letters. based on that, my best guess (which could be completely wrong) is that tumblr's backend is using one regex to check whether the post contains an @ symbol followed by the name of an active tumblr blog, and if it finds one, it then uses a different regex to find the name of the blog plus the preceding character and turn that sequence into a link to the blog. maybe what it's trying to do is make sure the link gets added when someone @'s a blog even if the user didn't select the blog from the list of suggestions, but for some reason they went about this in a bizarrely convoluted way.


i stopped the dental technician while he was applying fluoride to ask what the fuck the flavour was supposed to be. And he was like oh I was wondering that too. It says it's walterberry.


Item: Walterberries, a delicious snack that cleans teeth and freshens breath. HOWEVER for every ten berries a creature eats, roll 2d10; if you roll the same number on both dice, the creature is afflicted by an hour of mild One-Who-Knocks-Ism, a condition marked by grouchiness, snarling catchphrases, and a hunger for blue raspberry rock candy. Creatures unfortunate enough to experience multiple hours of the condition are at risk for hair loss, alignment shifting towards Evil, and +1 on Skill Check (Alchemy) for every hour spent.


tiktok porn is so so funny.

why even try at this point


Imo the funniest part about tiktok is that despite how ridiculous and pervasive the censorship is, there's no evidence that any of it actually works. People get videos with allegedly suppressed words to go viral all the time. The Washington Post's social media team even did an experiment where they tried to get a video suppressed or banned by saying as many "bad" words in it as possible only for it to become their most popular video by a wide margin. Hell, the only tiktok to crack a million views on my account is also one of my most profane, and some of my other most popular vids are jokes about BDSM with no censorship.

The practice of self-censorship was developed because people saw that their videos were flopping and assumed it was because they were getting shadowbanned for mature content rather than accept the reality that The Algorithm is random and unpredictable.

That entire app has made it standard practice to use Orwellian newspeak euphemisms for everything for literally no material reason. It's like the online equivalent of every desk fan in south korea coming with a timer because a huge swath of the population there believes with no evidence that you can asphyxiate if you sleep in a room with a fan running overnight.

A similar phenomenon happened on Twitter. People straight up believe they can't say words like "commission" or "fundraiser" or "auction" or else the algorithm will hide their posts from people, but the fact is people just tend to interact less with posts asking for money or advertising a product. Despite several tweets debunking it, I still see people still to this day censoring the word commission because they think it will help more people see their posts.

Mythology is not an ancient rock but an ongoing, unceasing river in the bloodstream of all humanity. Ignore the presence and flow at your own destruction.


I remember discussing Tintin casting choices with a friend from Germany and remarked how it was odd he often has an English accent in adaptations rather than a Belgian one, and my friend just replied "that's because Tintin gives incredibly strong English boy energy (derogatory)"

Here in the UK there's a lot of weird classism tied into accents. Today accent diversity and representation in broadcasting is actively pursued but in Tintin's time there certainly was a preferred accent to have.

imagine this exchange happens between pages 28-29 in The Crab with the Golden Claws


anytime someone from the UK orders a print from me I’m delighted because the addresses tend to be charming and sound completely made-up, I just suspend my disbelief and accept that I’m sending a package someplace with a name like Bristleberry House at Ditchmallow in Brambleford-on-Cotton—incredible lmaooo I bet this gets delivered to you by a badger in a little coat

The replies to this post are fucking hilarious


I am once again posting my ever-growing collection of towns that sound like PG Wodehouse characters:


All of these areas are places you would certainly get killed in on Midsomer Murders.


I mean these are cute but I also need you to know I grew up near a place called Nasty


this post is absolutely bafling as a british person because like 85% of these names just feel so incredibly normal to me it’s so jarring to see how non-british people react to them

you can’t convince me there isn’t some dude - sorry, some bloke named Kirby Underdale who lives near that last sign. he drives a little too fast, it makes everyone nervous, and his neighbors decide to have a sign made and installed instead of talking to him about it.


My favorite: Ottery Saint Mary. (Insert image here of very long-suffering Blessed Virgin with otters climbing all over her.)


How about addressing a package to one of these?

And there’s more… :->


I love those "asking cosplayers at a con what their day job is" videos because it's always like

*muffled voice issuing from a huge suit of armor* im a cybersecurity specialist

or it's like

*woman in a bunnysuit* im a phd candidate in neuroscience


*guy in fully operational digitigrade mechsuit* I uh bag groceries.

Yeah I built it myself from scratch.


Paraglider and black vulture chilling



I NEVER get tired of this video. It would be fantastic if the bird was just flying near him, but the fact it feels safe and comfortable enough to land ON his paraglider, isn't startled when he pets it, and is NIBBLING HIS SHOES... blessed moment, absolutely fabulous, 10/10 gold stars.

Okay but the bird isn't just nibbling

Note that it doesn't start nibbling until he starts smoothing its feathers.

They're grooming each other.

This is called parahawking! That vulture is tame -- it’s wearing jesses (a leather tie around the leg that a falconer will use to hold a bird when it’s on the glove). In fact that vulture is employed. Parahawking birds seek out thermals the same way they would naturally, allowing paragliders to follow them in the process.

Vultures are often used for parahawking both because of their attraction to thermals, and because vultures, as scavengers, are comparatively gentler and more sociable than birds of prey!


Check the glider's dive stress and G-rating, then fit a Jericho Trumpet siren and go parahawking with a peregrine.


A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, even if what he's doing and the reason why he's doing it are...

Somewhat obscure... 8-o

If I've got the accents right (evidently not!) these folk are from County Cork Kerry (thanks to @weirdgirlsareprettiertoo for the correction!) but since I'm from County Antrim, I'm not qualified to say if that's a reason, an explanation or an excuse.

"Get the leaf-blower!"

Who wouldn't want a Grandpa (or Dad, in this case) with such a loopy sense of humour? :-D


Your wish is my command, random advertisement. I don't know what you expect me to do with your devilish concoction, but your wish remains my command.

I need to know what demographic hates this! Dentists? Dermatologists? General Doctors? Counter-Terrorist Organizations? Interpol? The USPS? Grocery Store Employees? The lucrative 18-35 demographic? Will I be put on trial for war crimes? But you don't tell me, you just tell me to mix one with the other and fail to tell me who hates this one weird trick!

Well joke's on you I'm going to do it without looking at your probably actively malicious website, and find out what you're not telling me! If it turns into an explosive, it's entirely on you, random advertisement.

Update: Don't try this at home or anywhere. This creates one of the worst things I've ever personally made.

It started off fine as I mixed them. It changed to the color of the toothpaste (white), and vaguely resembled lotion in appearance. Then I made a horrible error. I touched it.

I touched it and immediately nearly all of it adhered to my skin. Everything I touched thereafter gained a thin layer of vaguely minty-smelling slime. It was some unholy abomination of a substance. Water couldn't get it off. Soap couldn't get it off. It stuck to tile, it stuck to wood, it stuck to carpet, and it doesn't adhere to itself, so no amount of scraping with my hands could get it off, it just spread more.

Finally I had to get a sacrificial towel to wipe the substance off of me and everything I'd touched on the way to get the towel. Despite washing and scraping with a brush, my hands still smell like mint and feel slightly slimy. I can feel my skin burning from the mint flavoring of the toothpaste nearly an hour after getting it off my skin. I didn't even know that was possible until today. I could have gone my whole life without knowing that, but now I know.

I have no idea what the ad actually wants you to do with this concoction as I did not click through, but I can only assume it wants you to use it to torture prisoners or something, there seems to be no other possible purpose for it.

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