
Notes of the Most Amiable Nature

@thequietsideofme / thequietsideofme.tumblr.com

Just some some stuff I like that appeals to the bookworm, fangirl, crafter, and urban planner in me.

Things Harry Potter Should Have Named His Kid Instead Of “Albus Severus”

Because I have an abundance of saltiness about the name Albus Severus Potter

Remus Rubeus Potter: Remus Rubeus Potter, you were named after a man who fought bravely in the war despite the fact that he had a newborn just so that the world could be safe for his son and the next generation and a man who did nothing but take care of and look after me. 

Arthur Rubeus Potter: Arthur Rubues Potter, you were named after the two best father figures I ever had. Both of which look after me, were always there for me, and only ever cared for me.

Remus Regulus Potter: Remus Regulus Potter, you were named after two of the bravest men I knew. Both of them risked their lives so that future generations could have great lives. One of them was a Slytherin so if you’re a Slytherin then that’s pretty rad.

Dean Seamus Potter: Dean Seamus Potter, you were named after two of the gayest guys I’ve ever met. Me and your uncle Ron shared a dorm with them when we were at Hogwarts. I know they are pretty insignifican but neither of them continually abused me and my friends so…

Fawkes Hedwig Potter : Fawkes Hedwig Potter, you were named after two of the coolest birds I ever met. One literally saved my life and the other was pretty much my only friend in an abusive household.

McGonagall Remus Potter: McGonagall Remus Potter, you were named after two of the best professors I ever had at Hogwarts. Both made sure to look after me and actually teach me useful things like teachers should. THe were both complete badasses and I have nothing but the upmost respect for both of them.

Fred Ronald Potter: Fred Ronald Potter, you were named after two guys who did nothing but make sure I not only had a family but I was extremely comfortable in theirs. 

Remus Remus Potter: Remus Remus Potter, you were named after a guy who was so immensely brave and so incredibly genuine with me that I gave you his name twice.

Florean Potter: Florean Potter, you were named after a guy who gave me free ice cream even though it got him killed by Death Eaters. He was kind to me even through his fear.

Evan Prewett Potter: Evan Prewett Potter, you were named after both my biological mom and the woman who practically adopted me. The were both completely badass and did nothing but love me.

Horace Regulus Potter: Horace Regulus Potter, you were named after two of the bravest Slytherins I know. One of them gave me information that helped me save the world and the other risked his life at 18 years old so that other people could have a chance at defeating Lord Voldemort.

Fred Peeves Potter: Fred Peeves Potter, you were named after two of Hogwarts biggest trouble makers. Raise hell, son.

Hedwig Pigwidgeon: Hedwig Pigwidgeon Potter, you were named after two owls because owls are fucking cool.

Arnold Pigwidgeon Potter: Arnold Pigwidgeon Potter, you were named as a constant reminder to all the people who wonder why Ginny didn’t get to name any of our kids.

Neville Dobby Potter: Neville Dobby Potter, you were named after two incredibly brave beings who were tragically underestimated their entire lives. Also, both of them gave me information that helped me win the death tournament a dark wizard entered me in when I was 14.

Cedric Tonks Potter: Cedric Tonks Potter, you were named after the two bravest Hufflepuff’s I knew. They proved that Hufflepuff’s are much more than nice, they can be incredibly brave.

Remus Tonks Potter: Remus Tonks Potter, you were named after the bravest couple I ever knew. They continued fighting in the war despite just having a baby so that he and everyone else could have a brighter future. 

Nicholas Remus Potter: Nicholas Remus Potter, you were named after two guys who were actually helpful directly after Sirius’ death. One of them was a ghost that you’ll have the pleasure of meeting.

Cadogan Potter: Cadogan Potter, you were named after one of the funniest and tragically unappreciated things that made my teenage years outstandingly better. 

Tonks Potter: Tonks Potter, you were named after the bravest Hufflepuff I ever knew.

•Credence Barbone Potter: Credence Barebone Potter, you were named after a character who deserved better. Come hug me please.

Lee Regulus Potter: Lee Regulus Potter, you were named after two men who despite how young they were still managed to be brave and find a way to impact thre outcome of a war.

Bill Charles Potter: Bill Charles Weasley, you were named after the two Weasley’s that I will never stop wanting to know about.

Tonks Fleur Potter: Tonks Fleur Potter, you were named after to women who managed to look past appearance and still marry werewolf despite the hardships that came with. They were also both gorgeous badasses. Lastly, if someone has something to say about your middle name being girly send a letter to your aunt Fleur and she’ll kick their ass while still having flawless hair.

Oliver Nimbus Potter: Oliver Nimbus Potter, you were named after one of the best Quidditch players I ever met. You better make the bloody Quidditch team.

Alastor Kingsley Potter: Alastor Kingsley Potter, you were named after two incredibly brave men who are often overlooked when it comes to heroes from the war. One of them continued to fight even after being kidnapped. The other was nothing but honest and brave and clever.

Ignotis Potter: Ignotis Potter, you were named after my ancestor who was written about in the Tale of three Brothers. He was humble and clever. I’d like for you to be like him.

•Merlin Newton Potter: Merlin Newton Potter, you were named after two incredibly succesful wizards. They were both very hard working.

Sirius Ludovic Potter: Sirius Ludovic Potter, you were named after the two most dramatic men I’ve ever met. They were both incredibly extra.

Severus Umbridge Vernon Voldemort Potter: Severus Umbridge Vernon Voldemort Potter, I was just gonna name you Albus Severus Potter but I was sitting there and I thought to myself why just give you one of the names of people who’ve abused me. If I and other people are going to be constantly reminded of people who have abused us then I might as well go all in.

~feel free to add~

Aragog Basilisk Potter: you were named after two monsters who showed me the common courtesy of actually being straightforward about their desire to kill me.


Time for Childhood for you 90s/Early 2000s kids


Every damn thing on here except for the apple product


I would also like to add


I missed most of this stuff but i still made marker swords 👍

This post is Fucking me up, good.

I remember all of this, except for the two computer games. Hell, I still like cosmic brownies. That shit is good.


That was…visceral. In how it so suddenly brought back so much.

i just went through a series of slumdog millionaire type flashbacks

holy shit i thought this whole post was a joke because the second one was a syringe going into the person’s arm

that’s a pencil


i love that when poe says “that droid has a map that leads straight to luke skywalker” finn says “oh you gotta be kidding me”, implying he knows exactly who luke is and that he’s important. i love that when finn mentions luke to rey she says “luke skywalker??? i thought he was a myth” implying she knows exactly who luke is and that he’s important. i love that luke skywalker is a legend, a myth, a celebrity. do you think he has fans

I like to think that not only is he famous but that because he’s so elusive he’s actually reached cryptid status in the star wars universe. people host parties when a new blurry photograph comes out, get into debates over whether he really exists or not, skywalker-sighting hotspots are full of tourists and conspiracy theorists wearing shirts with a lightsaber on that say ‘I want to believe’ in block capitals.


he was on TATOOINE you fucking loser

Obi-Wan can find an invisible planet hidden by a devious Sith Lord, Anakin can’t find his ex-best friend on his own home planet while the guy is still using his own damn name.

I know we give Obi-wan a lot of shit for leaving Luke with his real surname but Anakin really is that stupid

the perfect hiding place: the sandiest fucking planet that anakin would never set foot on again

I’d like to remind everyone again that it’s literally canon that Vader can’t step foot on Tatooine because the desert gets into his creaky old man robot joints and makes his suit break down

aka the sand is coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywhere

i  d o n t  l i k e  s a n d


I keep trying to like red wine like a grown-up but like … it’s rotten grapes, guys. You can drink things that don’t taste like rotten grapes. Why

Okay I don’t know when this post is from (I came across it stalking multiple blogs). But in case this might help, here is a brief science/wine lesson.

To start off, some facts:

-White wine is made from sweet pulp inside of the grape (minus the seeds).

-Red wine is made from both the skin and the grape (and the seeds and stems…sometimes? Can’t remember).

-Tannin is the substance found in red wines, coffee, dark chocolate. Tannins are responsible for the bitter taste in those foods.

-Tannins are found in the skin of the grape, as well as the seeds and the stems. Therefore, most red wines will have tannins, versus most whites will have very little/negligible tannins.

-Red wines vary in level of tannins, depending on variety of grape, climate, and fermentation process. Pinot noir tends to be very low in tannins. Shiraz/Syrah, choice of poison for our beloved brunette surgeon, is very heavy on the tannins.

-Some white wines (most commonly Chardonnay) are aged in oak barrels instead of metal containers. Oak barrels have tannins, which seeps into the wine during the fermentation process. That’s why Chardonnays tend to be “drier” aka it has tannins.

-White wines like Sauvingnon Blancs are usually fermented in steel barrels (aka no tannins. Aka usually very fruity and light and sweet).

Your ability to taste tannins is genetic.

There is a genetic marker determining whether your taste cells are sensitive to tannins. And if you can taste tannins, the bitter taste of tannins overpowers everything else.

Basically two people can drink the exact same wine and have wildly different reactions because: 1. Person A can’t taste tannins, so they taste the actual wine flavor. 2. Person B can taste tannins, and that tends to overpower ALL the other flavors in the wine. Basically all they taste is tannins and none of the wine.

I am super tannin sensitive, so if I drink a wine like Cabernet Sauvignon (very tannin heavy, aka “very dry”) it tastes like bitter ethanol alcohol to me. It’s really gross. My best friend can’t taste tannins, so the same wine is maybe a little bitter but she can actually taste the grape and different flavors. To her, a wine like Sauv Blanc is too sweet, tastes like sugar water. But to me it tastes good.

So unless it’s the taste of the alcohol or all wines you hate, chances are you might hate the taste of red wine, especially the heavier red wines, because taste the tannin overpowers everything else. And all you taste is bitter bitter ethanol bitter more ethanol. Serena, apparently, with her endless love for Shiraz, probably cannot taste tannins. So she can enjoy all the various flavors of wine without being impeded by bitter tannin tastes.

More tannin info: -Tannins bind to fat.

-This is why tannin heavy wines are recommended with fatty foods (Shiraz and steak). Whenever you eat food with high fat content, the fat builds up on your tongue. A sip of red wine will bind with the fat on your tongue and clear it away. That’s why the sip of wine between bites of fat heavy foods is considered a palate cleanser.

-By that logic, this is why white wines are recommended with low fat foods, like fish. Salmon is fattier than most fish, which is why Chardonnay (tannin heavy white wine) or Pinot Noir (low tannin red wine) is recommended with salmon.

-People who are sensitive to tannins can drink tannin heavy red wines with fatty food and generally the wine won’t taste gross. The fat on your tongue (from that steak) will bind with the tannin and neutralize the tannin taste. Aka the only time I ever drink Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz is with a steak or heavy, creamy pasta. But it only works for one stip. If you take a bit of steak, chew and swallow, then take a sip of the red, you’ll taste the wine. But now that your palate is cleansed, if you take another sip of red on a cleansed palate, you go back to the bitter tannin taste.

-The reason dairy helps coffee taste better is because the fat in milk/creams binds with the tannins in coffee and neutralizes the bitter taste. This is why people who can’t taste tannins can generally drink coffee black without milk (sugar is a different story). It’s also why almond milk in coffee is the worst idea (almond milk is already bitter and has no fat).

More wine facts: -90% of the “aromas” of wine are marketing BS

-You know the labels that say like “cherry with a hint of blackberry?” There’s no real way to infuse cherry or blackberry into grape wine without screwing with the fermentation process. It’s all created by the wine marketing industry to sell you win. Sometimes if you smell cherry before you drink the wine, you might taste it in the wine (because majority of flavor comes from smell). Or if you think there is cherry flavor in the wine, your brain can trick your taste buds into tasting it.

-The only true flavors found in real grape wine are grapes (obviously), oak/earthy flavor (the barrels), vanilla (barrels, oak sticks), tannins. (There are a few others but can’t remember. I think maybe cinnamon?).

-People’s perception of wine often affects how good it tastes to them. Social psychology studies show that people will rate the exact same wine differently if they’re told the wines are different in price. (They rated the more expensive wine as tastier).

tl;dr Whether you can taste tannins is genetic. Exact same wines taste different for different people depending on your genetic makeup. If you’re sensitive to tannins, red wines won’t taste like anything other than bitter alcohol. Genetics/tannins are why people generally have preferences for red or whites.


These koi are really aggressive. But look at the markings!

Fun fact: These aren’t koi, they’re ordinary goldfish! A lot of people think that koi are just large outdoor goldfish, but they are actually separate species. However, like koi, goldfish can easily grow to tremendous sizes and live a long time, provided they’re given adequate space and nutrition.

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