
success is the best revenge

@uchiis-blog / uchiis-blog.tumblr.com


I made some sort of game to practice some Japanese words that I’m having trouble with ^_^


An example of how I set up my bullet journal - a fancy page with an overview of to do list and column setup for detailed day to day tasks. Read more about how I use bullet journals here!


12.31.15 || wow. last day of 2015! this is crazy!! i just finished up practicing a monologue, and now i’m going to head out and get some fresh juice. looking forward to doing more bullet journaling today, i’m going to complete the 2016 prompts that i reblogged earlier! anyway, i hope you all have a positively amazing new year’s eve, sending lots of love!


The week in my bullet journal. Not too much to do because it’s still summer :)


23/08/15 2:52 PM // reviewing this week’s tasks and adding some embellishments to the previous pages of my bullet journal. and yes, I do hold a pen like that ✒️


A Glance Into My Bullet Journal Tuesday, 8:49PM

I apologize for how overdue this is; seems like school got the best of me this last half of the semester. Anyway, based on a couple of requests, here is a little peek into my bullet journal. I started this in January completely working off of the original system explained here. Since then, I’ve put a little less effort in making it pretty and a little more effort in making it a good planner for me. You can click photos and view captions for each (not on mobile, unfortunately), but I want to write a little bit on what I like about the system and, more importantly, what is left to be improved.


  • It does an excellent job in consolidating a lot of information I have. All of my school assignments, work projects, and extracurricular tasks/notes are in one place rather than in three separate planners last year.
  • I love (love, love, love) the concept of migrating tasks. I can always keep tabs on things I need to be working on and I can see how long projects take to finished based on how many days it has been moved.
  • It’s pretty! Adding in nice quotes and decoration adds personal value, which makes me more motivated to keep using the bullet journal


  • Even though a lot of my stuff is in one place, the lack of structure can be a bother. I like the predefined organization in a standard planner, especially since I know a lot of my school assignments ahead of time.
  • I don’t actually use the different types of bullets (circles, dots, squares, etc.) because I think it’s more of a hassle than it’s worth. Maybe it’s because a lot of my bullets are for academics, but I haven’t found a good use for the bullet types.
  • I like writing in pen because it results in a cleaner look, but as a result I can’t move things around and prioritize items (a potential benefit in an iPhone app or something of the like), which makes things seem disorganized.

REQUEST TIME: Please talk about your bullet journal experiences! Send me a message with your thoughts on the system, any adjustments you’ve made (esp. if you have fixes for my cons), or other problems you’re finding. Maybe we can collectively create a modified system for students! If you would like to show photos, please tag them with “premed etal” so I can see them too! :)

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