


Impressive Miniature Pencil Sculptures By Cindy Chinn

American artist Cindy Chinn creates whimsical and miniature sculptures composed of pencil lead. To carve the graphite to a desired shape, Chinn uses an Exacto blade and a small needle to remove the bulk. Each sculpture stands less than .25 inches on their own. Under’s Chinn’s limited but necessary tools is a 5x diopter magnifying glass, which is essential to carve each figurine. To create one piece, Chinn takes anywhere between 3 to 4 hours, although other detail-oriented pieces like the minuscule locomotive took 9 hours to complete.

To showcase her impressive tiny pieces, Chinn displays them in a case with their own magnifying glass for inspection. Although, her newfound love for carving pencils came with extreme lessons in artistry, Chinn’s craftsmanship skills have been a topic of discussion and admiration.You can find more of Chinn’s incredible work in her Etsy shop.

Anonymous asked:

Where's wonderroot???? I have heard about it but don't know where it's at. Will it be the scraps or have you started more things?????

atlanta and scraps

Anonymous asked:

Well you people are always with eachother.. I used to see scraps shows at his rock, will you play a show their soon???

yeah we're friends and no his rocks shows. might do a thing in feb at wonderroot. i'll keep you posted.


The above are fasciated daisies. Fasciation is most often recognized by the flattened, fused appearance of stems, but can also be seen in flowers, roots and fruits. While fasciation affects the plant’s appearance, it has little affect on the health of the plant. 

There are multiple causes of fasciation. First, it can be caused by a bacterium (Rhodococcus fascians) that mimics the plant’s natural chemicals for controlling cell growth and development causing the unusual growth. Second, it can be caused by physical damage to the meristem tissue where growth is initiated.

The physical damage to the meristem usually occurs when the plant is a seedling and may be caused by an insect, herbicide, or physical contact. Thirdly, fasciation can be caused by a recessive gene. (Source)

Back a few months ago on Facebook, some idiot started sharing pictures of those daisies, claiming they were from Fukushima. Naturally, this caused a wide spread panic until the experts finally chimed in.

I don’t know why people got so freaked out. It’s nothing that I haven’t seen before. It’s most certainly not caused by radiation and it’s more common than you think.


Stars in a Pink Haze - A Stellar Nursery

Here, within the stellar nursery IC 2944, we see a group of thick clouds of dust known as the Thackeray globules (a more specific Bok Globule) silhouetted against the pale pink glowing gas of the nebula. These globules are under fierce bombardment from the ultraviolet radiation from nearby hot young stars within the surrounding emission-type nebula. They are both being eroded away and also fragmenting, rather like lumps of butter dropped onto a hot frying pan. Due to this process, it is likely that Thackeray’s globules will be destroyed before they can collapse and form new stars.

Credit: ESO

p.s. I’m trying a new thing. I’m going to do some inline links to extra sources, let me know how you like it!


you were the pizza hut

and you liked me cause i was the taco bell but you touched me and suddenly i was the combination pizza hut and taco bell and decided the combination pizza hut and taco bell just wasnt for you



Hedgehogs are natural life boats. Prior to the invention of modern safety floatation devices, hedgehogs were used as assistance for people that can’t swim. 

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