

@dean-pudim / dean-pudim.tumblr.com

Raquel, 23 anos. Ask aberta pra tudo, inclusive nada. Agora sou sua melhor amiga, é automático

according to hetero dating law the girl shouldn’t pay for her meal which, logically, means that if two girls go on a date together nobody pays and they get everything for free but the catch is that they have to stand the whole time bc no one can pull out a chair


declan’s 8 year old cousin gabriel has come up with a perfect solution! yes, he admits, it’s true that in order for a date to be sufficiently romantic the man has to pay. when asked how best to preserve the romantic mood if two women go on a date, gabe suggests they simply get the attention of the nearest man and request he pay for their dinner. crowd-funded lesbianism, what a beautiful concept

reblogging this again for the crowd-funded lesbianism tbh

what happens when two guys go on a date?


they fight for the right to pay for the meal, and the losing male pays for the nearest lesbian date



i sure do love girls one hell of a heck of a fuck of a lot

me watching the olympics: where’s mario and sonic

Eu parei de sofrer por amor meses atrás, depois do fim do meu relacionamento. Percebi que eu perdi mais tempo sofrendo do que realmente amando. Mais tempo sofrendo do que cuidando de mim, após o fim de tudo. Já não tenho esse tempo pra perder. Parei de me segurar, de ter medo de falar o que eu sinto, de ficar com algo entalado na garganta, de dizer não a convites inesperados. O diálogo salvou muitos momentos que poderiam ter sido desastrosos e a falta dele abriu as portas pra um ciúme doentio, devastador que aquele que jurava me amar e proteger guardava a sete chaves. Um monstro que tentei amansar. Não mais, já não permito. Hoje eu estou sozinha. Em paz. Tranquila. Serena. Ainda sinto, ainda entristeço, ainda apaixono, mas não cabe mais esse tipo de sofrimento em mim. Sou um ser em constante evolução, construção, reparos. Ontem, eu estive triste porque amei e tive que deixar ir. Hoje eu estou feliz por ter amado, por ter aprendido. Sem sofrimento, celebro o meu crescer. Aguardo o que vier a seguir.


when u adopt one weird girl from the woods but that means adopting all of her weird-ass nerd friends

when u adopt one goofy boy with curly hair but that means adopting all of his weird-ass nerd friends

when ur son goes missing and u have to adopt everyone, including the chief of police


This makes me laugh so much


“Yeah I’m in a bouncy house, but will this country ever bounce back from our current administration?”


i’ll never not love how absolutely noisy huskies are.

my grandma’s husky was the absolute angriest and whiniest monster anyones ever met and i loved her

they’re having a conversation


They’re so overdramatic. I love it.


not to like make a huge fucking post about shit that’s been talked to death but it really genuinely scares me how many straight girls think it’s normal to just… not like your partner. like they think it’s normal and okay for their boyfriends to openly think they’re stupid and annoying and to be totally derisive about their interests and for them not to be friends or have things in common or enjoy each other’s personalities or encourage their interests? you are supposed to be friends with the person you’re in love with. you are supposed to want to talk to them about the things that make them happy. you do not have to settle for people who treat your entire personality as a burden outside of what you do to cater to them.


That’s why you need to know people. People with power. People that have influence, fix problems. I know who that is.


i need to insure my wig before this episode airs

Everybody’s wig getting snatched.

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