
@sheynkayt / sheynkayt.tumblr.com

24 / jewish / pgh
Anonymous asked:

Is there anybody that you hate

Anyone I’ve ever hated in my personal life, I no longer hate.


I literally ran out of space typing that whole damn thing but if anyone has anymore questions about me joining a cult that’s fine. But please know it’s solely because I was lonely and not because I was brainwashed haha

Anonymous asked:

I barely use Tumblr anymore but what's this about joining a Christian cult???

When i was a sophomore in college I lived in a single dorm and had no friends. One night I was walking home from rite aid with some groceries (my college campus was in downtown Pittsburgh) and a woman approached me asking if I had time to listen to a bible passage. I agreed to listen to her bible passage, and she asked me if I knew about god the mother. Of course I have no clue what she’s talking about so I tell her no, and she invites me to their church. I tell her no, I have all these groceries, I need to put them away, but she keeps asking me to come with her. So I’m just like okay whatever and I walk with this strange woman into an office complex and we get in the elevator and I think well this is where I die. We take it to the thirteenth floor and when we enter it’s just an office space converted into a small church. She shows me around and asks me if I’d like to do a bible study and I agree because I felt like it would be rude not to. We go into a room and she gives me three topics to pick from; I forget what the other two were but I chose “enlightenment” or something. She reads me some bible passages and explains basically how Christians interpret everything wrong and Sunday is not the right day of worship, they shouldn’t celebrate pagan holidays, etc and she has a book literally entitled “book of facts” which is just evidence supporting these claims. Of course I think this is all very weird but I’m just going along with it. When we leave some other church members arrived and were all hanging out (why are all these people hanging out at church at 10pm on a weekday? Idk). There is a Korean lady who cooks us some delicious Korean bbq and I meet everyone and then I go home to my dorm. But before I left I exchanged numbers with the girl who “recruited” me I guess because I’m a crazy person. The next time I attend she gives me another bible lesson about god the mother. She basically explains that Christians need to stop following Jesus and begin following god the mother (the next coming of god). Otherwise, they will face the same fate as the Jews who didn’t follow Jesus (lol). So I’m just like, obviously they believe some weird stuff but it’s okay. On my third visit I was able to attend one of their sabbath services. They’re singing the songs and I’m following along and the songs are basically about worshipping Ahh Sang Hong. At this point I’m like why the FUCK are they talking about some Korean dude. I’m honestly clueless. However, I agree to return again for what is my fourth bible study. Now at this point my friend in Brazil is fully aware of what I’ve been doing and he tells me it sounds like I’m in a cult but I’m just like whatever. I don’t remember what it was about but the girl did show me some informational videos about their church. This is where I learn the church is called the World Mission Society Church of God. One talks about how the church was formed in South Korea and spread all over the world. One video that I remember in particular is an faq video, and the opening line is: you may have heard the world mission society church of god is a cult, but this isn’t true. And it literally lists all the reasons they’re not a cult. I texted my friend, “oh my god I’m in a cult.” As Im sitting there watching these videos a woman came out of a dark room with the priest and the girl turned to me and said, “oh that’s so and so, she just got baptized. After your 44th bible study, you get baptized.” This was literally the creepiest moment of the whole experience. When I googled this church I discovered they believe Ahn Sang Hong was the second coming of god. I started blowing off her texts and she told me a few weeks later the church was moving out to Robinson, which is a suburb of Pittsburgh where the airport is. I told her I couldn’t take the bus all the way out there and we stopped talking. People later began saying it was a trafficking ring, idk if that’s true, but if it is it’s creepy they’re out by the airport now.


I just read an article that referred to tumblr as a “dinosaur medium”. That’s it folks. We’re officially old.


Damn idk why I’ve been seeing so many midsommar posts lately but it’s really got me thinking about how I joined a religious cult accidentally on purpose because I was incredibly lonely at the time and everyone was nice to me and fed me


Financially privileged people who move to Pittsburgh are the worst. Always talking about how they moved here because it’s cheap but live in 3k condos in the gentrified hood. Always complaining about the city but not using their privilege to enact change. Shit gets old. Pittsburgh isn’t a fucking dumping ground for Silicon Valley tech bros to take for a test drive and head out when they decide they don’t like it. Fuck all the way off.


I’m so glad I’m detached from reality. It sucks out there.

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