
i need you;

@gostfacers-blog / gostfacers-blog.tumblr.com

"That’s my job, right? Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother?" - Dean Winchester

I’m not going to do a follow forever because I’m not ready for this kind of commitment, so instead here’s a “thank you for 2014 and look at those sweet peeps" list.

dreamercas - Cassie <3 I said once, if I’ll ever make a follow forever, you’d be on the top of the list and I guess it’s still true. You are a lovely, talented ray of sunshine. Thank you for your kindness, for just „being there“ once in a while and motivating me. Thanks for caring and being positive, even when it’s so hard. You deserve all the best in life. Don’t ever change. :)

abbyyukiko - Please accept my deepest adoration for working through my stories and thank you for offering your help. I’m sorry that I’m so slow but thanks to you, I have hope that maybe more people can actually enjoy what I write.

arasiriel - I’m always glad when you talk about something that „matters“ because most of the time I just have to nod along. Your art is breathtaking and I will read „with or without you“ if it’s the last thing I do :D

assbuttcommander - There’s something at the back of my mind like I wanted to say something but I can’t remember. Have a hug instead :D

beccaoneilljackson - I’m a horrible, horrible person for taking so long with the prompt. I’ll try to finish it over the next two month. It’s just that I’m kind of “out of” it and have a hard time getting back in there.

bongosonmycassbutt - I always have to smile when your url appears. :)

bradburythequeen - You’re a cutie and it’s always nice when we „run into each other“ :D

candle-jill - Sometimes our pathes cross and it’s always nice.

domlerrys - Thank you so much for your kind words about my dcbb. Believe it or not but I’m carrying this around and I always have to think about it when I write. I can’t think of a better motivation. :)

fabjiv - You have this weird mixture of posts going on but somehow it’s often exactly what I need. I’m glad to have you on my dash.

itsrabbidseason - Your icons alone always make me smile and you’re bringing happiness and the right amount of „German-ness“ ;) to my dash.

jensenackles-aka-perfection - I feel like we have unspoken mutual agreements about reblogging and askgames and that for quite some time :D

kirstenelizabethh - It’s so nice to have you on my dash because you’re just radiating happiness.

m-arci-a - Thank you for being a sweet person and your beautiful, adorable art :)

moriarty-grotto - Dear lovely Amber :) I will forever be in dept to you for making my dcbb a readable thing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

notreally-butmaybe - You introduced me to more fanfiction and Shameless and I’m not sure how I can repay you for that ;) I’m sorry you can’t enjoy spn anymore and that we lost touch because I liked our long discussions. But I hope you found something else that makes you happy :)

teamfreewillshow - It’s always nice when you find the time to drop by my askbox and whenever I see your url I have the urge to finish my football au xD

weshallfindstrengthinpain - You’ve been a lot on my dash early in the year and I miss that. I guess I’ll have to haunt your blog more often.

johnwinchesterappreciationblog - I really just need this once in a while between all the hate.

ficpromptpartners - Here for advertising purposes because it’s an awesome idea!

a - c

d - g

h - q

s  - w


SPN Love Net | Meanwhile Misha Network (looking for members ;D)

I’m sorry if I forgot someone (which is very likely with my brain). Feel free to make yourself known, talk to me, tag me in stuff etc. …

I hope you all have a great year! *big hug*

Thank you!


(Yeah this is not a follow forever.) This has been a really intense year for me: I’ve been to that concert, I got a JIBcon6 Pass (Jensen and Felicia photo ops as well!!!), I’ve worked, I’ve reached my weight goal (for this year), the first meeting of the SPN-Family here in Rome happened, JENSEN ON TWITTER (!!!) and my blog has 5k+ followers WHICH IS FREAKIN INSANE.

Most important thing of all, I’ve met some awesome and incredible people! I just wanted to say thank you, really cause you’ve made my year. This blog is a really big deal for me, I spend a lot of time and energy on it cause SPN really means the world to me and I’m so happy that thanks to this show I had the opportuinity to know all of you amazing people.  No-bolded blogs, no-favs blogs cause you are all damn important and beautiful.

•A-E dancewithmejensen //  beladdons // deanwinchesterdaily // deanwinchestergifs // croatoansammy // cheriiart // cassammydean // cuddlersammy // acklese //  castielcampbell // deanofthedamned // castielandmoriarty// chevroletdean // cutiekieren // a-study-in-gayness // abductedean // amellywood // bladechord // bring-me-some-pie // destiel-iscanonshutup // deanwinchter // amuletbrothers // dailyackles // destielbook // coolong //  •F-L justjensenanddean // itsjustjensen-archive // itsajensenthing // harderdean // fumblingcas // howtotrainyour-toothless-dragon // illbeyourdirtylittlethrill // i-call-my-dick-roman // gostfacers // killthethingyoulovemost // lovelydeanwinchester // let0sexual // iprayedtoyoucastiel // jarpadackle // freewillsam //  gadreelsam // gadreevil // fallenkevin // kinklear // littlevalkyries // kanses // jensenacklespl // jensenfans // jenacklesdaily // jensengifsdaily // happydeandaily // holyackles // lullabysam // •M-S poorbeautifuldean // punkmeg // sunrisejensen // snowflakeydean // majordean // sueprenatural // napukka // spnjensenlove // supernaturaldaily // savingchesters mythicdean // mytharc4dean // maliatatertot // radiantdean // reeduschick // mishangeles // stubbledean // marymotherofdean // sensitivehandsomeactionman // rockyoulikeafandom // mishatrollinsandjensenfreckles // mostly-jensen // martyrdeans // nightsam // padaleckhi // runbabyrunnnn // slidetounlokid // prouveaire // ruth-connell •T-Z thewaywardbutt // winchesterandwinchester // thecwspn // winterchesters // ticklishdean // thisfeliciaday // toxicsammy // xdick-stiel // timetraveldean // takeru-echy // yelloweyedcrowley // 

Thank you guys! Hope you the best in 2015!

(I’m sorry if I missed someone! But tbh i do follow 345 blogs and you are all simply amazing!!! ♥♥♥♥)

Thank you omg :D!


I realize now that on my graphic it’s says 2104 instead of 2014 and I’m really sad but I can’t redo it omg I’m trash

it’s new years eve so I thought it was time to post my 2014 follow forever!  thank you guys, this has been an amazing year my blog is only a year old so  I hope that you all had a good year and my best wishes for 2015. (◡‿◡✿)


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ clummings

my other rad friends:

zarrypotters, elsafuckingmars, wayward-orphans, and there are a few of you in here who I absolutely adore and we’ve only talked maybe once or twice so you probably know who you are? at least I hope you do but I love you all

mutuals bloded, favorites itlaicized






and I probably forgot a few of you because I am trash so please check out my blog roll (◡‿◡✿)

Thank you!:D


cas, you need to promise me something. if i go dark side, you gotta take me out. knife me, smite me, throw me into the frickin’ sun, whatever. i can’t go down that road again, man. i can’t be that thing again.

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