
The Dwelling of the Dork

@poke-my-asshole / poke-my-asshole.tumblr.com


can anyone send me a link to a tumblr post that has a picture of someone spreading nutella on something (apparently a phone! thanks for the info, @schmoinkle) and has something to do with disassociating? sorry that’s so vague but i’m trying to find a post for a friend


My thoughts on the election

Trust me i don’t want Trump as president, but it’s not the end of the world. Trump has said he wouldn’t shut down LGBT because it would “take too much money.”


Probably leaving Tumblr. It's been fun guys. Thank you.


i dont know anything about jjba but i do know that theres a boston terrier in it that got human ass eyes and it terrifies me 

that’s iggy, say hello toast

Wrong, its name is “Abomination”

Can someone reblog this with iggy’s original look from the manga

this one?

Yeah thanks

Now we just need that really disconcerting semi-realistic Iggy Araki drew for JoJonium and the trinity will be complete

cursed image

These are all fucking hauntingly horrible

hes perfect and i love him

Leave him alone he has done nothing wrong

Anonymous asked:

How come you don't like stickers? Everyone likes stickers!

I don’t know why I don’t like them. I just know I’ve hated them since I was a little kid. I think I just don’t like them being stuck to my fingers. And I don’t mind bigger stickers, bumper stickers or decals. It’s the tiny ones that I don’t like. Perfect example are those tiny stickers they put on fruit. I HATE THEM! lol


It's ok, I hate them too

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