
wicked memes

  • "No one mourns the wicked."
  • "Isn’t it nice to know that good will conquer evil?"
  • "Did that really just happen?"
  • "What is this feeling?"
  • "I will be loathing you my whole life long."
  • "These things are sent to try us."
  • "The things one hears these days."
  • "I don’t cause commotions, I am one."
  • “It’s good to see me, isn’t it? No need to respond! That was rhetorical.”
  • “My personal opinion is that you do not have what it takes. I hope you prove me wrong… I doubt you will.”
  • “Smile, wave… and shut up.”
  • "I know you don’t want to hear this, but someone has got to say it! You are out of control!"
  • "Now that we’re friends, I’ve decided to make you my new project."
  • "Oh, look, it’s tomorrow!"
  • "Have you ever considered how you’d fare in captivity?"
  • “Alright, just don’t move… and don’t get mad at me!”
  • "The truth isn’t a thing of fact, or reason. It’s simply what everyone agrees on."
  • "The best way to bring people together is to give them a really good enemy."
  • "Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
  • "You’re the only friend I’ve ever had."
  • "Who isn’t less fortunate than I?"
  • "You’re… beautiful!"
  • “You’re having delusions of grandeur.”
  • “All of my life I’ve depended on you, how do you think that feels?”
  • “You and I are nothing alike and I will fight you until the day I die!”
  • “ I know I’m who I am today, because I knew you.”
  • “But if you let me I’d like to try to help.”

Regarding Hiatus

Idk I kinda lied. I missed this blog too much.

Most of the threads I had open with people are in my drafts, but it might take me a while.

So does anyone wanna start something new?


My character is up for "auction" in one of those charity fundraisers.

$ : My character will react to your character winning mine after a long bidding war with another bidder where the price got pretty high.
✖ : My character will react to your character getting into a bidding war with someone but eventually giving up and letting my character be bought by the other person.
‼ : My character will react to yours paying an enormous sum for them that they know yours can't truly pay.
⁇ : My character will react to your character buying them only after a long and awkward pause where no one else was bidding.
✔ : My character will react to yours buying them... along with buying another of the people up for auction!
⊙ : My character will react to yours buying somebody else and not having bid for them at all.
➨+ : Send this symbol coupled with any of the others and my character will react as if situations were reversed and yours was the one up "for bid."


"Was..I not good enough?"
"Why would you say that?"
"Was it something I did?"
"Was it..something I said?"
"How could you?"
"I don't miss you.."
"I miss you so much, my heart bleeds when I think of you.."
"It's my fault.."
"I should have been there."
"I'm..so..so sorry I couldn't protect you."
"You're dead to me."
"Maybe he was right."
"Maybe she was right."
"I'm not worth your while, am I?"
"Am I so insignificant?"
"I need you."
"It's your choice, now you have to live with it."
"I want to be once again with you."
"You choose the road, love. And I'll make the vows."
"You had it coming."
"You only have yourself to blame."
"I only have myself to blame."
"I have only tears to shed."
"My heart is black and my mind is darkness.."
"The truth is, we're both frauds."
"At least you had good intentions."
"He was too strong."
"I hate this life."
"Once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again."
"You had better start believing in nightmares, you're in one."
"Don't worry about my falling limbs and broken heart, my stitches feel no pain. I love you, that's all that matters."
"You just have to let it go."
"Some things happen, and there is nothing you can do about it."
"This the end."
"Scream all you want, no one can hear you."
"No one can save you now."
"Rest in peace."
"You will never see the light again."
"Just let me die."
"Just leave me behind."
"I won't say it to him, but he's got us beat."
"There is still a way to defeat you."
"Fine, knock yourself out. I mean it."
"You're not a cat. You're a rat."

He doesn’t react to the barely-there touch to his markings, eyes locked on the ground. The kiss, though, gets him to tense up as it sends shivers up and down his spine. “…Are you sure you want to know?”

"I want to know." He soothed, standing up and pressing his chest against Jamie’s back, shielding the scars from his view. Very gently, he placed his hand on his hip and rested his chin on his shoulder, eyes closed.

"My father. They're from my father." His voice shakes, but less than he expected it to. He leans back against his boyfriend's chest, also closing his eyes and sighing quietly.


[text: Pointy] thats bigger than i thought -jm 


He smiles a little wider and nods, lifting his hands to place them over Spock’s. “Yeah.”

"Good." He kissed his lips gently again and then pulled back, turning the ignition back on and starting the car up.

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah." He nods quietly and settles back into his seat again.


"I'm your future husband."

Our muses are supposed to be married in an arranged marriage in two weeks. Send me “I’m your future husband/wife.” For my muses reaction to their first meeting.

Spock appraised the form in front of him, picking at the hem of his own suit for a moment as he looked him up and down, not sure how to feel. He was handsome enough, almost strikingly so, but he was not on board with the idea of arranged marriage - in fact it rather made him want to heave.

"And I am yours." He replied in kind, slowly extending a hand. "Spock."


Jamie just seems to be more interested with every word. Honestly, he wants to know every single thing this man can tell him about his species. 

"You’re interesting. Please, just keep talking.”

"I… There is little to tell that is not already public record; though my species are secretive." He looked at the man and he let out a soft huff of breath, fingers trailing through the water.

"There is violence in my nature." He said quietly. "I have it controlled but it is there."

"I was raised in violence, it's nothing I can't handle. And I'm marrying you, I should know everything I can about your people, right?" He turns his eyes to the water now, watching the fish move just under the surface.

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