
Lying: it's the responsible thing to do

@holisticvolunteer / holisticvolunteer.tumblr.com

Hi. I'm Dani. Bisexual & asexual; a young adult; she/her; they/them. The unofficial Three Caballeros hype girl



not to be inclusionist on main but i find it shocking and frankly a little horrifying how easily the online LGBTQ community has turned on itself in the past 2 years. like, i need you all to know: i’m not old. i’m 23. so that leaves about a bit less than a decade of me knowing i’m gay, and a bit less than that of me learning about my new family and friends and lifestyle and such, as well as a bit less for actively campaigning/being deeply involved in civil rights and social justice issues.

like, i don’t know if yall realize this if youre newer here but: this whole “asexuality exclusion” thing and this “queer is a slur” thing? this is new. this is only within the past two or so years that its gained any real momentum, the same with terfs and radfems. it wasn’t a concept. there were massive, massive rallies in support of our asexual community. it’s horrifying to me how simply and neatly we as a group have gone from “The A doesn’t stand for Ally” to “There is no A at all”.

and i need you all to know: this is not a coincidence that TERFS have risen up in roughly the same time period. i need you all to realize that when you talk about your exclusion of asexuals from our community, you are parroting well-known TERF and neo-nazi rhetoric.

“they are invading [LGBT/women’s/white] safe spaces to steal our resources and oppress us.”

“they’re only pretending to be [gay/a woman].”

“[asexual/trans women/POC] aren’t REALLY [LGBT/women/human].”

and it goes deeper, fundamentally flawed: when you try to reason that asexuality isn’t inherently LGBT, but if you are otherwise LGBT but asexual it’s somehow fine and different but otherwise youre cishet…all you’re saying is that “you’re only allowed in this club if you don’t support others who are like you. you’re only allowed in this club because i as an authority say you fit nicely under a label that i agree with.”

it’s terrifying, to me, and i’m not asexual. it’s terrifying that this manufactured divide using literal talking points created by and stolen from TERFs and neo-nazis has such an appeal to so many LGBT people. i’m worried for our future on so many levels; climate change, political upheaval, the list goes on. standing strong together is so important right now, perhaps more than ever, at least in my lifetime. and yet we are so destructively focused on ideas of ‘the model of social justice’ and ‘purity culture’ and ‘respectability politics’ and so on that we would rather turn on our own–not even our allies but our own community–because we don’t think they’re LGBT enough.

we spent so long saying “my sexuality isn’t a choice” and arguing “why would i choose to be oppressed for my sexuality” and yet…here we are.

@thetatteredveil just in case you get any yahoos arguing with you (who are we kidding this is Tumblr you totally will), I’m 32. I’ve been an activist since 2006.


42, activist since 1995. TERFs have been around longer than that, they just called themselves other things, like “lesbian separatists”. They’ve come around before, and we told them they weren’t fucking wanted. We united against them, and their numbers and influence dwindled. Now they’re back, along with the rest of the fucking fascists.

You ARE correct, OP, but that isn’t all that’s correct. Here’s what you don’t know from experience, only from theory: We beat them before, and we can beat them again. And we’re going to have to.

Capslock translation: You are completely correct.


What’s your fantasy?

I wake up, my debt is all paid off, my bank account is full, my relationships with my family are healthy, and I’m able to travel anywhere in the world.

reblog for this ultimate fantasy life to come true


today i did a double feature of hop (2011) dir. tim hill and sonic the hedgehog (2020) dir. jeff fowler and i gotta say… james marsden is intimidatingly handsome and also has great chemistry with small talking cgi animal creatures

finding myself very invested in the James Marsden Chauffeuring Obnoxious Little CGI Creatures Cinematic Universe  (JMCOLCCCU) 


Imagine having this career


I just want to yell so many good things about Britney Spears. Look at this parenting right here; rather than just twist their arms and tell the ‘smile or no McFlurry on the drive home’ she’s checking if her little boys are comfortable with the cameras and attention and if not, no problem baby boy, you go chill. And I have no problem with her staying to get more pictures, especially not when her other adorable kid wants to.  I mean, it’s her job up to a point. And we all know for a fact she probably watched the film with both the little bugs in her lap anyway. 

Considering what she dealt with and went through in front of paps….god, I love her. 

people can say what they want about her supposed meltdown, but frankly, that entire ‘episode’ always made perfect sense to me. she and i are of an age, and no matter how young or old i was, i always understood perfectly why she did it, and thought it was utter bullshit that a court could order what they did, instead of reprimanding the many, many people that felt so entitled to her that they drove her to extremes just to get 5 seconds of peace.

and now seeing this kind of thing? she has just gotten more awesome.

i remember reading how she got herself a tutor so she could help her kids with their homework. not got THEM a tutor, but she got herself one because she wanted to be the one helping them. that’s a+++ parenting right there ok?

This makes me so happy :’)


She got a court order because she was, by her own admission, raising her kids like her mother raised her. The judge sent her to therapy and parenting classes to work out all of the horrible stage-mother bullshit she had to live through. I mean, she thought it was normal to give her kids cough syrup and whiskey so they’d sleep, because it’s what her mother gave her to knock her out when she got rowdy.

I think Britney is a great role model for adult abused children and is living proof that you are not trapped in the cycle of abuse.

The purest 90s kid experience is being so happy for Britney Spears in her new life


If you think like that, please don’t ever have children.


Listen, my parents installed a lock on my door so I could lock everyone out of my room if I wanted to at sometime around 8 years old. They had a key of course for safety but they’ve never had to use it and they’ve never used it when they didn’t have to.

I was allowed full access to any books, movies, and internet I wanted fully informed about our family beliefs and practices but I was given no supervision once I reached about 13 because my parents trusted me to stick to the rules or not as I felt and come to them if there was anything that I had questions about.

As long as I said where I was going, who I was with, and when I was going to be back and then phone if anything changed I was allowed to do pretty much as I pleased from 13 onward.

I moved back in with my parents after university and the first conversation we had was my dad telling me that if I felt like they were treating me like a child to please tell them because they had no intention of doing so.

I still live with them and I’m comfortable here as an adult. When I eventually move out again, which I feel no rush to do because I feel respected and given more than enough elbow room, I will probably talk to them often if not everyday. Because they’ve always respected my privacy and my autonomy both physically and emotionally. If you want an independent and fictional child trusting them and giving them their space will do you many more favours than not.

meanwhile, my parents…

  • password protected my computer so i had to get permission every time i wanted to use it
  • put a passcode lock on our pantry so we couldn’t eat without permission
  • regularly checked our internet browsing history
  • shut off the internet at regular intervals, including when i needed it for university homework
  • did monthly checks of our bank statements and would confiscate money if they didn’t approve of our activities

in response, i went behind their backs and opened a new bank account, got a secret job, bought my own groceries, and used the wifi from the school across the street. they didn’t succeed in disciplining me. all they did was force me to distance myself from them.

your children are not your property. they are human beings, and they deserve basic human rights.


Holy shit.... Never Again Action (the group who started #JewsAgainstICE) had an ICE detention truck drive through them while they were shutting down Wayne Detention Center in Rhode Island this evening (August 14th).

Like they were holding the line across the entry gate and refusing to let night shift guards in and a massive truck just, fucking, drove up to them then slowed as the protestors got up from where they were sitting, alarmed, then the truck accelerated into people.

It doesn't seem like there are any serious injuries. The people who were around the truck after it stopped accelerating into people were pepper sprayed.

The truck was driven by an ICE guard.

As this information is publicly available, the law in the US does not consider this doxxing, which is why it was on twitter on the first place. Here's the guy.

Its the same people. If you can stomach working for ICE its because you're a right-wing fascist. Same tactics, different day.

Fun fact, y’all!! Jewish protesters have been surrounding and shutting down ICE detention centers for weeks now, and we’re getting absolutely NO media coverage. None. In the slightest. And by jewish protesters I mean THOUSANDS OF US HAVE BEEN PROTESTING FOR NIGHTS ON END AND OVER 250 HAVE BEEN ARRESTED AT THIS POINT AND WE ARE GETTING ZERO COVERAGE. This is probably the biggest protest movement in american jewish history and it’s getting no coverage. We got hit with a truck DRIVEN BY A DETENTION CENTER GUARD and pepper sprayed and many people ended up in the hospital - one man in his sixties has a broken leg and a potentially broken back because of it. PLEASE REBLOG THIS. THOUSANDS OF YOUR JEWISH SIBLINGS ARE TRYING TO SHUT DOWN THE CENTERS AND WE’RE GETTING ZERO COVERAGE. PLEASE PLEASE SPREAD THIS AROUND.


So I used to have a Russian friend who had a pretty thick accent and like a lot of Russians tended to eschew articles. She would say things like “Get in car.” And stuff.

Well one day this asshole who had been kind of tagging along with us asks her why she talks like that because it makes her sound dumb and I still remember her response word for word.

“Me? Dumb? Maybe in America you have to say get in THE car because you are so stupid that people might just get in random car, but in Russia we don’t need to say that. We just fucking know because we are not stupid.”

One time I was proof reading a paper for a Russian student. As I was correcting her paper with her, the many mistakes in her grammar started weighing on her. I asked her what was wrong, and she said, almost sobbing,

“In Russian I am so intelligent and clear. In English I am like [an] idiot”

Respect to anyone trying to master a foreign language. I get so sad thinking about that student.

Full offense but people who make fun of someone else’s accent or belittle their limited vocabulary when they’re speaking a language not native to them are fucking disgusting and are just begging to be punched.

They’re speaking your language because you don’t know theirs. That’s not something they should be made fun of, it’s something that should be commended because learning a language is hard fucking work.

I hate people who do this so much.

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