
Life with Dragonwife

@twinflamable / twinflamable.tumblr.com

FFXIV RP blog, on Coeurl and Mateus. Some other stuff, too, mostly other MMOs. Send me an ask if you want to rp. I'm open to RP on skype, discord, PMs, or whatever. I still do Wildstar RP.
Herein I commit the chronicle of the traveler. Shepherd to the stars in the dark. Though the world be sundered and our souls set adrift, where you walk, my  dearest friend, fate shall surely follow. For yours is the Fourteenth seat—the seat of Azem.

My boy Seeker, back before he defected from the Dominion and he was still Lieutenant Caspian Serapis and a scientist for the Collegium. Here he is having a Very Bad Time in Grimvault (to be fair, what other time is there to be had in Grimvault?).

Absolutely phenomenal art done by Klaisen on twitter, they did such a fantastic job with the mood and lighting and emotion in this piece, exactly what I was looking for.


Well, one benefit of the anima grind obliterating my desire to play current content is that I’ve regained interest in alts and doing old world stuff xD Got inspired to draw my Drakkari primal, Tecali! Patrons got to see this a month ago 👀

I haven’t drawn her since 2010 in anticipation for Cata… (you can find the old one on my deviantART, xuza). I was very pleased to eventually get to give her the white snow leopard-ish artifact cat form, and the snowy owl flight form.


Yoshi-P went on stream today and made coffee biscuits from the game! I went ahead and translated/edited the recipe slide to share. 

They bake at 180C/350F for 13mins and are super simple to make! Just mix the wet and dry ingredients together before combining. The stream recommended each cookie be about 30 grams each and placed a centimeter apart. 

I used the scoop I had on hand which is a little bit more than that (#30 size). They didn’t spread at all, so 1cm apart is definitely ok! I would’ve liked them to be more brown, but IRL happened and dried my dough out. Baking more would’ve been bad. Maybe you guys’ll have more luck!!!


2020 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that

It was the culmination of 70 years of calcified post-war conservative politics (and yes I count neoliberalism in that), unchecked capitalist greed, and near complete civic disengagement by the largest generation in recent history (cough boomers cough cough).

As this year comes to a close, as a COVID vaccine looms, as Biden prepares for inauguration, it’ll be tempting to just put all of this behind us and move on. Please don’t. Because that’s exactly how we fucking got here.

2020 has been written on the pages of history for decades. All the signs and the evidence that all of this would happen—and all at once—has been there. Shouting at us. For decades.

Nobody wanted to hear it, few were even willing to consider things were as bad as people warned, and everyone was too busy with life to take the time out to do anything about it—because “work”, because “finances”, because “school”. We put off dealing with things until they exploded in our faces with such force they nearly blinded us. And now we are faced with escalating problems alongside more “work” and worse “finances” and harder “school”—all which are more stressful and trying than they’ve ever been. And the problems still need addressing—more pressing now than they were yesterday or the day before.

And It didn’t have to be that way.

We could have dealt with income inequality and corporate malfeasance and voter suppression and poverty/social welfare and all these related issues back in 2011, during Occupy Wall Street—that big reaction to the subprime mortgage crisis, when activists were screaming from rooftops about how all that shit was going to get worse if we didn’t deal with the root of the problem properly now.

Remember how instead of bailing out families so they could pay off their mortgages (which would have cost a shit ton less) we bailed out the auto industry and Wall Street? Remember how people lost their homes? How banks went after people who didn’t even have mortgages with them??

Look at how corporations have behaved during the pandemic (Amazon engaging in price fixing on essentials), look how the stock market has become emboldened by receiving absolutely no punishment for the “Great Recession” (betting on fucking water futures as resources dwindle and Flint continues to suffer), look at how corrupt police departments across the country have consolidated power over their communities after decades of hero worship and blank checks. Look at how they protect corporate property while killing innocent black people.

We could have dealt with these issues back in 1999 during the WTO protests, which were concerned with one of the very problems we’re dealing with now—economic globalization and the suppression of labor. But like Occupy those protests were suppressed and destroyed, and ultimately forgotten—and by the time 9/11 rolled around no one wanted to hear a word of sentiment which questioned American politics or could be construed as anti-American because 2,996 deaths and Never Forget.

Today, COVID-19 killed 3,054 Americans. Just today.

So when 2021 rolls around and we talk about what a shitfest 2020 was and “what even was that??”, the answer is plain on the pages of history. How and why we ended up here—it’s all there waiting for you to connect the dots. And every time you reduce 2020 to just some awful, wild, miserable year you are supporting the false and self-serving narrative of the people who dragged us here in the first place.

So I’ll repeat:

2020 was the culmination of 70 years of calcified post-war conservative politics, unchecked capitalist greed, and near complete civic disengagement by the largest generation in recent history. It didn’t come from nowhere, and there are clear cut roots to these problems and ways to fix them (and a long legacy of activist thought and discourse on these issues). But that means you can’t “go back to brunch” or “check out of politics” or “focus on X” to the exclusion of other things.

Take that with you into 2021.


Do you ever start writing something that you’re excited about and that seems like it’s turning out well and that you’re getting eager to share, and then you start typing it up or doing an edit pass and it’s just awful it’s awful its premise is fundamentally flawed and it’s out of character and the prose is clunky and the plot is badly paced and ludicrous and the whole thing is embarrassing, how could you have done this, how could you have sunk so much time into this, you can’t even look at it, how is this that shining thing you were so excited about, how could you even have considered finishing it let alone sharing it with anyone, you’re crying, your mother is crying, nuns are spontaneously exploding in the streets,

reread the WIP I wrote this about and turns out actually it’s fine


being a student right now is so fucking terrible is anyone coping

like what the fuck is a deadline when 1 million people have died


I’m not a student, but this is a thought that crosses my mind every day. And every day I try telling myself, Keep working, because when this is all over, you’ll be glad for the work you’ve done

It’s like the long winters of the past, when the granaries would slowly empty and people started to fear spring would never come again: during the dark days, you do things. You repair your tools. You enjoy each other’s company. You sing old songs and write new ones. You make ropes and nets and weave blankets and do anything you don’t have time for in the summer. And it’s hard to do it and hard to stay hopeful, but that way, when spring comes - and spring does come, spring will come - you can start working in the fields with a brand-new plow and good boots and a head full of songs.

Thank you


Lofi Cali Girl - beats to relax/study to during the climate change apocalypse I saw the Lofi Girl meme floating around about all the different countries and thought about making one for California where I live, and well…

The 2 photos are taken by my SO of the sky outside our house. That contrast between inside and outside is crazy! And lastly the comic on her laptop~


The real Sorrow of Werlyt isn’t that Gaius had 5 other kids we didn’t know about but that every child he’s been in contact with over the last 20 years has had their lives rather irreparably altered (and in a lot of cases, ruined) by him. And so far all the NPCs who should have the strongest opinions about Gaius (Cid, Raubahn) have been telling the WoL to ease up on him. 

Because these seemingly adopted ones aren’t his only children. Fordola and the Crania Lupi are his children. Asahi and Yotsuyu to an extent are his children. Nero’s inferiority complex towards Cid can be argued as having been fed by Gaius. Livia’s bloody trail across two continents started with him.

I’m all for redemption arcs and villains having to answer for what they have done, but given what’s been written so far I have my doubts about how that’s going to be executed. Which is a shame because Gaius is a really great villain, there’s plenty of good fodder to explore with a man who’s fallen from Emperor Solus’s right hand man to having to come back to Eorzea accused of murdering Emperor Varis.

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