
Up to No Good

@mangoapplepie / mangoapplepie.tumblr.com

Andie | 32 | Lawyer | Ravenclaw | Obsessed with Supernatural, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Westworld, Captain America, The Force Awakens, among others

Happiness Will Come To You.

when tho

When You Least Expect It. Probably Late March


reblog for happiness to come for you in late march!


I reblogged this last year and I hung out with blink-182 backstage on March 30. Reblogging again because it worked the first time.


honestly, last year one of the best days of my life happened in late March


I don't know when everyone somehow collectively forgot the actual definition of queerbaiting but like... yall know queerbaiting was never about REAL PEOPLE'S actual identities right? It's about the MEDIA they put out.

Queerbaiting is when media hints that there will be queer rep to lure in a queer audience with no intention of ever delivering on that rep.

Queerbaiting is NOT when a celebrity experiments with gender or sexuality without coming out. They are allowed to explore!

Queerbaiting is NOT when an author writes a queer book without explicitly stating they share the same sexual or gender identity!

Queer media is NOT queerbaiting just because you don't know the creator's sexuality or assigned gender at birth!

Is the media explicitly queer? Then it's not queerbaiting! Simple as that! No one owes you an explanation of their own identity, full stop.


Also like... queerbaiting is a marketing strategy. If something just... isn't queer or feels vaguely queer without ever confirming to your level of satisfaction that it is actually queer, that's still not queerbaiting. It is literally only queerbaiting if someone uses the promise of queerness to lure you in to a piece of media only to not actually deliver on that promise.

Things that are, by definition, NOT queerbaiting:

  • Characters that feel queer not ultimately being confirmed queer in canon
  • Queercoding, intentional or unintentional
  • Media with confirmed canon queer characters that you don't feel are "good representation"
  • Things that are not queer but never made the promise to be queer in the first place

also not queerbaiting:

canonically queer characters not ending up in your preferred ship (or any relationship)


Also not queerbaiting: unrequited love.

also not queerbaiting: the relationship being unimportant to the story or not immediately obvious

I kind of disagree with some of these in the case of Quentin and Elliot. Both characters were canonically queer but they baited their romance for two full seasons only to have it end with Quentin back on the way a relationship with his female ex and then tragically. The promise of their romance kept people watching .


chess is improved by picking two pieces to be star-crossed lovers who cannot bring themselves to kill the other


my toxic trait is that if i am ever inconvenienced emotionally at any time i think oh, i deserve food delivery


Hey 18 - 29 year olds,

THANK YOU! You made a difference. You may not see the overwhelming, immediate, desirable results. Please do not be discouraged. But you stopped more really horrible things from happening. Times are hard. So many people are struggling. But you showed up! Please keep showing up. Please become leaders. Please keep voting in EVERY ELECTION. You are a huge generation full of love, light, equality, and determination to see justice for marginalized people. Use your voices, lead, and VOTE😺💗🌸

What you have done is prevent fascism from spreading unchecked. It may not feel like much, it may feel like you’re shoveling shit from a sitting position (so much of politics feels like that), but I promise you, I PROMISE YOU:

Showing up like this, in a giant bloc, is how Republicans managed to go from “we disagree but we’re sane” to absolute unfettered madness in the space of 40 years. They pushed the Overton window so, so far right.

Keep showing up. Because that is how we push it back left, and make all those things we want—universal healthcare and housing assistance and trans equality and disability rights—HAPPEN.

Y’all did good. Y’all did so, so good. Thank you. Now please, please—keep it up. It’s a long fight and feels endless. But you just showed IT CAN BE WON.


Erection Season; or, Fifty Shades of Black (With a Little Bit of Grey at the Temples) (Romney/Ryan)

The consultant had brought it up toward the end of the vetting session almost as an afterthought. “You realize, I assume,” he began, “what accepting this position means in terms of your - availability to the President.” 

Paul groaned inwardly. “Of course I do,” he said, casting a longing glance toward the window. He’d never gone this long without pull-ups before, and the inactivity was making him irritable. And he’d been sitting in the same hard plastic chair in the same hot and airless room, answering the same barrage of questions (yes, twice; not that I’m aware of; you’d really have to check with the doctors on call that day; never; a little to the left but not noticeably I don’t think) from a parade of seemingly identical and endless frowning, red-faced old men. 

“What I mean to say is that you’ll belong to him - in the way of Vice Presidents.” 


i’m sorry but the way obi-wan and anakin are obsessed with each other is crazy to me. it’s been 10 years and vader is still crawling into every space dump to find obi-wan. it’s been 10 years and obi-wan is still dreaming about what happened. it’s been 10 years and still every inquisitor knows that vader really only cares about kenobi. it’s been 10 years and someone just mentions anakin and obi-wan goes into fight or flight mode. IT’S BEEN 10 YEARS and those f*ckers can still feel each other across the galaxy. that’s not normal, that’s just…. them.


Sorry for who-posting in the year 2019 but the Doctor is actually so named because he wrote and successfully defended a dissertation at an accredited university whereas the Master completed a 2-year graduate program in his chosen field, which points to the existence of a third less-advanced and less-specialized counterpart, the Bachelor

The Bachelor is never seen in the show because he’s still living with his parents on Gallifrey, listlessly applying for jobs and stress-eating

I thought the bachelor was being fought over by 12 women in a big house

galaxy brain:  The Bachelor Tv show has featured the same man for every season but he regenerates like the doctor


obsessed with the idea that the bachelor is ritually killed at the end of every season


One of the first books I read in English as a kid, maybe 1 year after I started learning English, was a booklet with a title like, How to Have a Great Time at Summer Camp. I don’t remember the exact title and I know I only picked it up because the other books in English in my school’s library looked way beyond my level, stuff like Austen and Dickens. The summer camp booklet didn’t look too interesting but it was small with simple sentences. I ended up being fascinated with it because it was the most American thing I had ever got my hands on and it felt impossibly exotic

  1. all the kids had cool American names like Jill and Mike. One of them at one point talked about the “chipmunks” in the woods near the camp, a mysterious word that didn’t exist in my tiny English dictionary, and for some reason I pictured them as scrawny wolves. I had read Little House on the Prairie so I knew wolves were a major concern for Americans
  2. camp “counsellors” were often mentioned, and my pocket English dictionary only defined that word as “psychologue”. I thought it was weird how American summer camps had dozens of psychologists roaming the premises, one for every 5 to 10 kids. That felt like a lot of psychologists
  3. I had no idea that the word “pet” could mean “favourite”. When the booklet said one kid might become “the camp counsellor’s pet”, my dictionary helpfully led me to believe it meant that a psychologist would pick one unfortunate kid to be his domestic animal for the summer. Slightly disturbing. I moved on
  4. the kids slept in “bunks” and my stupid dictionary only defined this word as “couche”. Which is not wrong, but we would probably say couchette instead, or better yet lits superposés, and couche is also our word for diaper so you can see why I continued being deeply intrigued by every new detail I learnt in this booklet. American kids are excited about camp because they get to sleep in diapers
  5. I had never encountered the word “baseball” before but managed to guess it was some kind of sport, but when the booklet mentioned the “baseball diamond” (in the context of a kid saying the baseball diamond was big) I of course assumed it was an actual diamond that you could win if you won a game of baseball at camp. For some reason I had a debate with a classmate over the plausibility of this. I say for some reason because I didn’t really question the diapers or the wolves or the psychologists with their human pets. A diamond though? Doubt. I just remember that we were queueing up for lunch and I was like “What do you think?” and my friend said hesitantly, “Maybe if it’s a small diamond?” and I insisted “No! The book says it’s big!”
  6. among the basic items the book said every kid should bring to camp were “batteries”. I didn’t bother looking up that word in my dictionary seeing as it’s the same in French. I didn’t know it was a false friend, and I was impressed to learn that most American kids own a drum set and bring it to camp as an essential item
  7. on the same page, in the list of things every kid should put in their suitcase for summer camp, another item was “comic books”. I wasn’t sure what those were since in French we call them BD, but basing myself on the word “comic” I assumed they were books of jokes and puns. I loved learning that in the US all kids bring humour anthologies to summer camp, presumably because they worry about running out of funny things to say. I thought American kids sounded nervous and sweet. But also really cool, because of all the drums

I do wholeheartedly believe Wes Anderson is a sick sick freak. I like his movies but I definitely think this guy has like a hidden room in his spacious french apartment that he slips into quietly each night and it is just filled with tiny little doll replicas of all the actors he's ever used in any of his movies and he puppets them around and mimicks their voices and shit. and sometimes he'll text Owen Wilson pictures of his little doll with a comb or something from an untraceable number and pair it with like "see how I take care of you Owen?" and then the following day Owen Wilson will find him at the service table and go, "Geez Wes look at this," and Wes will pretend to be all concerned and horrified but there is this calculating almost eager look in his eyes that unsettles Owen Wilson. and the next time Wes is having a little soiree with all his actors, his beloved beloved actors, maybe Owen Wilson will accidentally get lost on his way to the beautiful bathroom and find that little room and see all those dolls and his throat will hitch with horror. And before he can call Bill Murray or Adrian Brody to look a dark silhouette will appear in the doorway and Wes looks sort of resigned when he says, "I see you finally found my secret, Owen," and Owen Wilson will try and pretend that he's fine with it but they both know better. and Wes will go (the look in his eyes back again) "We both know this can't get out, right?" and he'll grin very suddenly and Owen Wilson will laugh along very nervously and leave the room and eat some brioche and when the evening is over he will rush over to his Prius and frantically click his keys but over the cobbles on the beautiful beautiful street there is the sound of footsteps. and tears are running down Owen Wilson's cheeks but he can't say a word and Wes, emerging from the shadows, will gently touch him on the shoulder and say, "look, I'll drive you to the airport, huh?" and Owen Wilson will try to refuse but they both know it's futile. and, halfway through the drive, Wes Anderson will smile and say, "I'll miss working with you" and then perfectly jump and roll out of the car, wiping off his corduroy pants, while Owen Wilson's Prius swerves into a local patisserie, bursting into flames


“So anyway, it’s getting crazy here in Hawkins. I was in a goofy goofy mood and k-worded a bunch of teenagers again 🤭🤭🤭 no biggie me thinks? Made Max float once and she was SOOO mad lmaoooo🤪 oh and guess what!!!! I think Robin is having a crush on Nancy!!! But Nancy might be still having a thing for Steve??!! Girl it’s INSANE 😭 anyway how’s California?”


Why do I keep getting targeted ads for things like erectile dysfunction medicine and manscaping products. I am a woman who dates women and the only other person on my IP network (my roommate) is a woman. Is it because I keep reading m/m fic???


happy pride month to straight actors who've played a character incredibly gay by accident and to andrew garfield, who did it on purpose

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