
ॐFly On Little Wingॐ

@hello-i-love-you-60s-rockst-blog / hello-i-love-you-60s-rockst-blog.tumblr.com

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" im just a flower child wishing for a time machine. I want to marry many many rockstars that are way way too old for me.. Animal/nature lover/activist/spiritual/imaginative

43 years ago today » concert for bangladeshaugust 1, 1971

“i think the most memorable thing, really, was the fact that is came off and that it worked because there was very little time preceding the concert, to organize it. the concert happened to be on august the 1st because that was  the only day madison square garden was available. so it was pure coincidence. and all the people that were assembled there with very short notice, very little rehearsal in come cases there was no rehearsal. i managed to do a little bit with the horn players and with the rhythm section but that was the main thing, that it actually worked.” -george harrison 

MYTH: Aquarium research helps us understand and protect wild whales and dolphins.

Much of the research done at marine parks focuses around reproduction and maintaining the health of captive animals to ensure the perpetuation of profits for the industry. Results of studies conducted in captivity may not be adequately extrapolated to wild animals for several reasons:

Captive marine mammals live in small, sterile enclosures and are deprived of their natural activity level, social groups, and interactions with their natural environment.

Many captive marine mammals develop stereotypic behavior and/or aggression not known to occur in the wild.

What we have learned from captive research is that orcas and dolphins are more intelligent than previously imagined, providing more evidence that a life in captivity is inhumane. 

The second dolphin is like morbidly obese lol wtf. It has fat rolls near its dorsal fin. FOR SCIENCE!


I just heard this woman say “you procrastinate because you are afraid of rejection. It’s a defense mechanism, you are trying to protect yourself without even trying.” and I think I just realized what was wrong with me.

Yep, this is a very, very common reason for procrastinating.  It’s also why procrastination, even though it’s often associated with laziness, is a fairly common trait in a lot of people with anxiety and perfectionism issues.

The perfectionism issue part i read in a book called “Steal Like An Artist”, i agree with everything you said

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