
Poetry hate club

@starry127 / starry127.tumblr.com

J / they/them / arthritis can suck my ass

so I’ve seen a few posts going around about executive dysfunction lately, specifically about the difference between executive dysfunction, procrastination, brainfog, fatigue, [insert other disabled reasons for not completing tasks]… and laziness. they’ll talk about how, fundamentally, laziness is about how you Don’t Want To Do A Task And Don’t Care, and how other reasons ultimately boil down to some sort of inability to complete the task.

and the thing is? I honestly don’t think the difference matters.

as someone who was abused and gaslit my entire academic career specifically over schoolwork I failed to do because of executive dysfunction and procrastination, I don’t think it’s helpful to talk about laziness as a thing that exists, rather than as a capitalist construct designed to blame people for not being as productive as they “could” be.

even though I identified symptoms of executive dysfunction while I was experiencing them, I had no words for what I was experiencing. so when I was asked why I didn’t do the homework dozens of times, all I could say was that I didn’t know. this wasn’t acceptable, obviously. I was told that I had to know why. was I incapable of doing the homework? I didn’t think I was. so I must be neglecting it on purpose out of laziness. eventually I internalized the message that I was a lazy person who lazily didn’t do homework because I was lazy.

I don’t remember what exactly it was that broke through the gaslighting and made me realize I was experiencing executive dysfunction, but I do know that if I’d seen these posts back when I was a teenager about the difference between laziness, which is bad, and executive dysfunction, which is value-neutral, I would have fully believed myself to be a lazy person. even if I had the symptoms of executive dysfunction right in front of me, where I could see how closely they matched with my life. I was so convinced that I was morally deficient that the option that meant I was a bad person making excuses would have seemed more right to me.

I get that there’s an impulse a lot of neurodivergent people have to lash out at the hurtful, hateful labels that were applied to them by picking another target and saying “I’m not lazy! that guy’s actually lazy!” but ultimately, this game of hot potato hurts more people than it helps, because it only helps people by letting them take a turn punching down on those who are even more vulnerable than they are.

Laziness does not exist - There was a great article on Medium about exactly this! I very much agree. It’s only logical to Not Want to do a Thing because you just know how much you are going to struggle, because that happens again and again and again. You can’t really separate motivation and executive dysfunction and apathy - they bleed into each other 


oh this is a life saver

So these are both “Aw Fuck I’m outta real food” meals BUT ALSO:  if you’re learning how to cook, these are great “baby steps” meals to learn how to cook basics into something enjoyable without “wasting” anything expensive.  Though I maintain that even cooking screw-ups are valuable in terms of lessons learned.

Also they’re great for when you get absorbed in something and you realize your blood sugar is dropping and you need to make something Quick.


I don’t think of myself as a cook at all, but I looked through this list and was like “if you have [center] and [any item on a surrounding ring] how do you sit there thinking you’ve got nothing to eat?” Like, I buy a fair amount of staples knowing that I’ll be able to quickly assemble them into something tasty if I’m hungry and don’t have anything instant (or in a leftovers container because I made it earlier in the week specifically to eat for a week): butter, cheese, noodles, and more.

It still impresses people how I can go into random kitchens with no food in them and emerge with Filling Snacks for Five People. This is the secret: knowing how to assemble Cupboard Meals. And these charts are incredibly well-laid-out too!

Adding butter and some of the pasta water to the pasta + parmesan + black pepper combo will also give you a simple alfredo.


anyway no matter what the actual plot is of Falcon and Winter Soldier there simply must be a scene where Sam and Buck go to some important event, possibly in an undercover situation, and that trope happens. checking weapons at the door.

Sam maybe leaves a couple things, then waits while Bucky produces weapon after weapon until Sam just eyerolls, shakes his head, and walks off to do whatever. The rest of the scene has Sam carrying on whatever mission and occasionally it cuts back to Bucky still discarding weapons, or you’ll get a glimpse of him in the background still at it. It gets absurd. There’s just an ungodly amount of weapons and it’s to the point where the audience has to wonder where he’s even taking them from.

Sam gets almost finished with whatever he’s doing and is about to have to go tell Bucky to pick everything back up so they can leave but then a (possibly even unrelated to either of them) fight breaks out and Bucky looks vaguely annoyed, glancing over the massive pile of weapons and deliberately selecting something before jumping into the fray. the ensuing scuffle is ridiculous and beautifully choreographed and is amazing and tense and just. fantastic.

Fight ends, they’re both very much ready to go home (or move on whatever plot-important thing has developed because of the fight) and then there’s a moment where they’re both left standing in silence just kind of staring at the weapon pile before Sam goes “man we’ve talked about this”


unstoppable force (my thirst for an education) vs immovable object (my excutive dysfunction preventing me from actually doing any work)


nick fury, on his (fake) dying breath: dont trust anyone

steve rogers: hello sam whom i met like 3 days ago i just kinda like you and think you are cool so im gonna tell you all these crazy ass shield secrets if thats fine by you

sam, after captain america and Russian spy lady roll up at his door talmbout theyre bein hunted: that’s fine, also can i help i been kinda bored lately also i can fly if that’s helpful


glamorize going to bed early, like, 8pm early

instead of making high stress levels a competition, brag about feeling whole and at peace.

make it cool as hell to take 2pm naps and go on mindful walks by yourself.

talk about mental health and normalize visits to counselors or support systems

teach kids that being different is beautiful and that it’s healthy to love what makes us who we are.

make #selflove and #selfcare the most common hashtags


black cats are wonderful because you can stare into the void and not only does the void stare back, sometimes it trots up to you happily and begs for pats

the void is loud and wants chicken


the thing that always comes to me about the concept of Transtrending is … who even Cares? so what if someone turns out to be happier being cis after trying out different pronouns, different ways of thinking about them selfs or their genders? so what? who did they hurt? if a dfab person tries out they pronouns and asks for gender neutral terminology for a couple months and then says “hm, i think i am actually happiest with she pronouns, i am a cis girl” who did she hurt? she didnt hurt any one she just chilled in a different gender zone for a while.

and then what about someone who did try out different pronouns and then ended up saying “wow! this really works for me, i am so much happier with these new pronouns! i am trans!” ? they couldnt have learned that without experimenting 

calling all gender exploration transtrending and acting like its some harmful or appropriative thing discourages people from exploring their genders, reinforces ideas about transness being immutable + A Condition, reinforces the idea of rigid gender roles (by saying like. people arent allowed to consider other genders for themselves in a gentle way / arent allowed to express their gender differently) and makes it way harder to figure out trans stuff bye 

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