
gotta race like a pisshorse

@transizzyhands / transizzyhands.tumblr.com

Connor’s been a little depressed | 33 queer he/they (or whatever makes the joke land). My blorbos are Jesse Pinkman, Eddie Munson, and Gideon Nav/Kiriona Gaia
Ask me about my dogs
Icon drawn by the lovely @pain-art. If you’re under 18, don’t follow me. 🔞

hi trans people i hope you get to live. i hope you get to laugh so fucking loud and revel in how the wind blows through your hair and i hope you get to dress the way you like and i hope you get complimented on it. i hope you get to kiss someone or hug someone or hold hands with someone or be told how wonderful you are. i hope you get to dance to weird music and i hope you go swimming with no concerns other than how much sunscreen to put on and i hope you sing bad karaoke with your friends. i hope a kid spots you from across the road and realizes they don't have to live one way forever. i hope we all live


hey reminder to continue boycotting eurovision and instead turn your eyes on gaza where the last media outlet al jazeera has just been shut down so that Israel can launch its attack on the most densely populated area in the world without scrutiny. Dont stop talking about Palestine


From the beginning, Kondo made clear that her style wasn’t about minimalism or holding your home to some kind of bizarre standard of tidiness — it was about joy. If you liked a type of pen, buy more of that type of pen. If you wanted your living room to be filled with pinball machines, do that (a woman she helped on her show did exactly that.

Now she’s got three kids and her joy is sparked by spending time with them rather than tidying up.

May we all have as much intentional joy in our lives as Marie Kondo. I used to feel guilty about the clutter and tchotchkes that we have in our condo — about half our home decor comes from Spirit of Halloween — but she made me realize that all the weird skulls and spooky stuff is what makes me happy in my own home. To Hell with minimalism, I’m gonna be the weird Halloween house 24/7/365.


god i LOVE marie kondo for exactly this!!! ive been working on making sure that i actually really like as many things in my home as possible - from big furniture and art right down to cups and forks. its been so lovely seeing my space filling up with things that make me smile to see them ❤️


hey reminder to continue boycotting eurovision and instead turn your eyes on gaza where the last media outlet al jazeera has just been shut down so that Israel can launch its attack on the most densely populated area in the world without scrutiny. Dont stop talking about Palestine


i couldn't even appreciate the artistry behind the clothing designs this year at the met gala because my bitterness and anger toward the exorbitantly wealthy has grown too much to be contained i try to say ooo pretty gown but all the black hateful bile starts oozing out from under the lid of its container. 7 months of genocide and the largest homeless camps my city has ever seen and food banks in the universities and baby formula locked behind glass and stomach gnawing guilt over a $7 latte and rent is always late and always behind on electricity bills uh ohhhh summer is here time for another wild fire. oooo pretty gown. the next met gala theme will be bear spray and what happens is i bear spray inside the gallery. i can't even force a sort of healthy detachment anymore like "haha oh well i guess that movie actor is rich it's not like they're an ultra wealthy bazillionaire oooo pretty gown" they're all worms to me vile beasts i look at them in their isolated imagine john lennon covid song bubble and i feeeeeel the milk of human kindness curdling within me. how can you smile at the camera. we are all dying girl. isn't there a protest not even a block away from you guys? protesters and riot cops and homeless ppl in the streets. i guess that's unfair you guys deserve a night of glitz and glamour and getting away from it all as if you're not constantly away from it all. girl we are dying. sick sick world. sick dying world. anyway i didn't watch the met gala this year


i say this every year but tumblr didn’t start doing april fools’ gimmicks until 2014. one year previous, April 1st, 2013, was a certain Incident that i am CONVINCED caused @staff to think “we have to make an april fools’ theme ourselves, because if left to their own devices, they’ll do… That”

wait what

what incident

i wanna learn about the incident

we need to know op


some ppl want to support palestine without aligning themselves with the anti-colonial movement and it shows

obviously condemning genocide is the decent, principled thing to do but it’s not in spite of politics… there are political reasons why the genocide is being committed and political reasons behind how and why is//rael as a state was established and political reasons why people are protesting. and its to do with colonial violence and decolonisation, which protestors and colonised ppl themselves have made abundantly clear. you can’t condemn the genocide without condemning the settler colonial ideology that supports it


Joe Biden makes a speech saying Hamas are driven by the ancient desire to eliminate Jews. Hamas was created in 1987, Joe. Ain’t nothing ancient about them. So unless you are implying that Palestinians are driven by the ancient desire to wipe out Jews which is KKK cross burning level of racism, you might want to tone down the racist bullhorn that you are mistaken for a dog whistle.

Liberals were brought to tears by Trump’s racism will nod along to Biden’s open pronouncement to eliminate Palestinians and Arabs in general.

The first Hamas constitution had antisemitic language in it (quoting the 19th century antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Article 32), but everyone who signed that original Hamas charter is dead.

The 2017 charter explicitly condemns antisemitism. But these facts don't matter to people who commit genocide. Antisemitism in one article of a document nobody uses anymore is justification, to them, for killing 50,000.


someone needs to say very loudly that peaceful protests are not morally superior to violent riots or any other form of violent resistance. people do whatever works for the specific goal in their situation. if the university students are peaceful it is because that's what their strategy is. it is not because peace and dancing is the only legitimate response to seeing a child on your phone with half his head blown open.



Additions: if your viral load is suppressed by medication to the point it’s undetectable, it’s considered untransmittable, even without condoms. Children with HIV+ carriers are usually given medication when they’re born, to make sure any of the virus doesn’t take hold (which we also do to adults who fear they’ve been exposed, it’s called PEP ((Post Exposure Prophylaxis)), which is a month of medication and must be started within 72 hours of exposure).

(There’s also PreP - Pre Exposure Prophylaxis, which is taking medication if you feel you are at risk of being exposed to HIV, whether through sexual partners or sharing injection needles)

This is why we need universal free healthcare - so people can go on and have happy, healthy lives despite the HIV diagnosis. Nobody should die or live in fear when the treatment is so damn simple and effective.

HIV is not as deadly as it once was in the 1980s-1990s. 

There’s been a lot of progress in this. So long as you’re taking your medications (anti-retrovirals), it’s essentially become another chronic disease like diabetes or COPD etc. HIV patients nowadays are living into their 60s and 70s and are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease rather than opportunistic infections or AIDS defining illnesses. 

If the HIV viral load is undetectable, then your CD4 counts (your white cells that are affected by the virus) should normalise. Such that you’re no different to the general population when it comes to infection risk.

Yes, we should all still be precautious, but it’s no longer a death sentence. 

Stigma remains because of how it is transmitted.

We need to share this information as widely as possible.

Silence still Equals Death.

[image description: a widely smiling black woman hugs a black man and their two children, who are also smiling widely. The woman holds a sign reading “HIV+” and the man and the children hold signs reading “HIV-”. This image is on a tweet by bucci jenkins @/Glorico who says “bruh what”.

There are 2 replies to that tweet, by GEM @/Rozthecreator reading “the woman is hiv positive, she takes her meds which makes her count low, she can’t pass it off to her husband which makes her still able to live her normal life and reproduce. The stigmas of hiv has to stop, and as Blacks especially we have to educate each other.”

The next reply is by t a y l o r @/G14_Classified_, reading “people on this app talk about sex 24/7 but are completely ignorant when it comes to stds and how they can/can’t be contracted. Yikes”.

End id]


TW: Animal Death / Death

Senior pets have a hard time getting adopted. The likelihood of adoption is only 25% compared to 60% for a younger dog. Unfortunately, this is often due to prejudice. I want to raise awareness with this comic (and also get back to my roots, which I haven't really managed to do yet). But I want to start uploading more regularly again. Thank you for your patience so far.

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