
The Great Happiness Space

@shinyloverholic / shinyloverholic.tumblr.com

lazy with no ambition

since twilight is randomly trending i just wanna say that the real reason renesmee tried to kill bella in utero was because she heard her decide to name her fucking renesmee


Hey. LIVING COSTS MONEY! How about giving more money to the companies that employ me and MAYBE I MIGHT BE OK

This is such a funny thing to me because in Thai culture, it’s completely normal to live with your parents when you’re an adult. In fact, most people live in their family home until they’re married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Saaaame in Pakistan dude and being abroad for grad school is really fucking me up I am not built to be even slightly independent 😂

In Western culture (including America!) it was completely normal for people to live with their parents in adulthood–sometimes until they married, sometimes longer.  In America, that changed (for men) in the 1940s and 50s, when it was really really easy for an 18 year old to get a good job that paid more than enough to live a comfortable life on, or to afford college which would then practically guarantee you an even better-paying job.  Women joined the trend of moving out at 18 in the 1960s and 70s.

And now those jobs don’t exist, or are few and far between, and guess what!  People are living with their parents again.  But that 70-year span was just long enough that it fell out of common memory, and now people are seen as “failures” because the economics have changed.


A very great deal of Western culture, ESPECIALLY America, is actually still based on a memory of the 40′s and 50′s as the baseline of normalcy despite them being a total fluke at the time. World War II and McCarthyism created a massive shift towards rabid patriotism, Christian fundamentalism and the ideal of the “nuclear family” that resembled nothing before it and we’re still recovering from as the majority of our most powerful politicians are old enough that this period of sudden fanaticism is their “nostalgic good old days” and the way they think things are “supposed to be.”

I love when these posts randomly become tiny history lessons, it soothes me


last year when i was teaching 11th grade one of my fav students came in crying so i put the class on a filler activity and we just talked. they were doing ICE raids in the city and she was worried her parents wouldnt be there when she got home. then she was worried that ICE may come to the school and take her. we looked the laws up together and printed it out so she could carry the papers with her. 

it is illegal for ICE to raid a school and take children. ILLEGAL. i told my student (and eventually the class in like a blanket statement because i had quite a few undocumented students) that if anyone did come i would put my body between ICE and my students and really struggle. honestly my heart broke so much that day - take care of undocumented people in your life because they deserve so much better than this ffs. this woman is so very evil and has a black heart and i hope she rots in prison


at a really specific time @ night i feel like i wanna fall in love or som shit lmao but then i wake up and im ok again


spoiler alert: jack jack gets the infinity gauntlet and singlehandedly takes down thanos in incredibles 2


Baby: K-k..

Parents: He’s gonna say his first words!

Baby: Kpop stars weren’t just lucky to get popular.. They worked hard and thus they got famous and successful. Please stop forcing the luck thing on them. They all deserved it.

Parents: Shit you right


Me: Pokémon Go is just another casual game for mobile…

*watches new Pokémon Let’s Go trailer*


Destroy the idea that tattoos make you trashy

Destroy the idea that white ppl with tattoos are edgy and poc with tattoos are dangerous


People like to ask why I listen to kpop if I don’t understand the lyrics but if language barrier was a problem Gangman Style and Despacito wouldn’t have been as popular as they were

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