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@rxvrie / rxvrie.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Wow, your art is breathtakingly jaw droppingly beautiful, thankyou.

thank you, although it has been forever

Anonymous asked:

what's your biggest regret in life? cool blog btw

not waiting long enough


My notebook with Starry Night Embroidery are for sale!!! (Hand made ✂️). Shipping worldwide.
If you want, send me a private message.
For more check my instagram: poeticamenteflor.


He said white ppl are a plague 😹😹

White people in the notes so mad I’m living

As a white person, I’m fully aware and acknowledge the fact that white privilege does exist. If you’re white and ignore or disprove that information, then you’re part of the problem, rejecting reality and playing the victim card when so many others are out there struggling while it’s easier for white people be stable in any sort of environment. We should be standing up for and helping out people of color instead of pretendjng the privilege we own does not exist. Instead, we should use that privilege to give back and raise awareness for the voices who are disregarded due to their race.

Source: bzfd.it
Anonymous asked:

I'm really excited for another chapter of the bixglows book to come out tomorrow (today?), but like, also scared. Why? Because ch. 12 was so hot that it led to a wank session that was so amazing it led to burst blood vessels in my neck (google petechiae) that led to me wearing scarves to work all week cause I looked like I had been strangled. No ragerts, but I don't have very many scarves.

I’ve had this ask in my inbox for over a week and I just… I can’t even 😂😂😂

Thank you???? 💖💖💖💖

Maybe @bixgirl1 will have something more to say? 😂😂😂

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