

@graciouslyforgotten / graciouslyforgotten.tumblr.com


The thing about this is that sculptures like these in art history were for the male gaze. Photoshop a phone to it and suddenly she’s seen as vain and conceited. That’s why I’m 100% for selfie culture because apparently men can gawk at women but when we realize how beautiful we are we’re suddenly full of ourselves…


“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.” ― John Berger, Ways of Seeing


I know I’ve reblogged this before but it’s so important.


Honestly the mere fact that some people refer to Daddy Long Legs as “harvestmen” is creepier than 90% of all deliberately created horror but like the worst part is that the alternative is calling them Daddy Long Legs

They are harvesting our sorrows

True harvestmen, and not cellar spiders which are the other Daddy Long Legs, are truly omnivorous- known to eat everything from spiders, to fecal matter, to leaves and fungus… But one of the singularly most interesting habits of a particular European species is their almost symbiotic relationship with beehives– particularly man-made beehives. When a bee dies inside the hives, workers will remove the the corpse to just outside the hive just before dark. And the harvestmen? Well, they live up to their name.


So what you’re saying is that they are the grim reaper for bees.

The grim beeper


Whilst in Sydney in 1994, a man apparently tries to assassinate Prince Charles. And not a single fuck was given by His Royal Highness.


I’m dead at his face in the last one like “Did you even try?”

And then when he gets pushed he’s like “Wait no let him try!”

his composure is just everything I aspire to be



Like how he stands there as if, “Okay, I’ll be perfectly still and we’ll see if you can hit me this time. Come on, it is like I’m giving you a head start.” He’s more annoyed with his cuff link than the wanna be assassin.



THIS is how you deal with terrorists

Even if you go down you did it with dignity.


You all do know who his mother is right? You know the woman who stayed home during the bombing of London and drove Jeeps in WW2. They are trained to be final boss overlord level composed at age 2.

U don’t fuck with the Queen


His sister, Princess Anne, was the victim of an attempted kidnapping. The guy pointed a gun at her and told her to get out her car. She replied: “Not bloody likely.” And tried to kick him.


eyes emoji judged based on platform

useful and iconic but (like all ios emojis) riddled with unnecessary gradients. 9/10

sneeky. cheeky. v cute. 7/10

simple, looks good on browsers, and successfully conveys the nosiness and curiosity the emoji is generally used for. 8/10

the only one on the list that contains eyebrows, and it works p well. hm? what was that? i didn’t hear you i was too engaged in this tea sweetie. slurrrp. 7/10

emotionless lime green orbs that belong in clip art of an owl and nowhere else. unusable in conversation and needs a scopophobia warning . 1/10 for effort

i feel threatened by this scooby doo looking pair of eggs i don’t like it 3/10

nobody’s pupils are this large without having induced large amounts of hallucinogenic drugs ????? 420/10

what is this. you fucking come into my house with fucking bishoujo eyes and expect me to take you seriously fuck you. objectively The Worst

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