
Can't you see?

@yoshoika-blog / yoshoika-blog.tumblr.com


Hii (。´∀`)ノ if you don’t recognize this url its because I used to go by aogir-i Uhm…tbh I don’t really know what to say!? I was going to write this huge sappy speech but it feels weird  now that I’m actually sitting down and typing it. So I’m gonna make this short.   I never even expected this blog to get past 500 followers so to now have it at 10x that, well, I’m a bit shocked to say the least. Thank you guys for making my tumblr experience so much more enjoyable and fun. It really means a lot to me that you decided to follow this anime-trash blog haha ♥ ♥ ♥ And since school is starting soon, here’s hoping for a great school year!~ ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Faves in italics Friends in bold.

- to H

-jenjam 0ujo 3rologirl3 8zip 10kou a-ogiri a-phonia a-riisa adorabubblr ai-gis aichirou akahito akashis akiashis amerabu autorita bakachromateyes bakakawa bakanekii bakusaiga buruberry byebyebirdys cattiepon chidoki chihiruu chitaii cieled d–oki dearestsoul deathissleepy derikisu divorced-lama dolceshu dreamlike-melody dzun e-r-w-i-n edwardelrrics eiriian errichi escarletes eulaylia euthanaize evanqelic f-uwa frac-t-ures fu-kurou fuy-u genzais gourmet-chi h-a-i-s-e-k-i haaiise habuti hakuunn hana-yori hanachuuu hanaeru himederejpg hitsuyo 

I to R

i-will-draw-forever instrumentaldream jikoshu jinyume jungotori junsui-chan justnosense k-un kaizune kanekine kanerdki kietaii kirishimma kohmorebi kojiiro komories konayukii kurai-reii kurolove kuroshirotoiro kutsuna kxncho kzuru lenpai locoyaki mangastories massushiro mermaid-pegasus midforde mikaelahykuya mikatake miuses monokuronoai mostlyromance mugenchi myuun nanasehh nareku nataku-s ne-zushii nemuicchi nezu-mi niijimura nikumas nozoya oikawawas oononoki pacchiiru paralian-s phoeix pomacusk prince-vegeta psychesplintered psycho-slayer rebellious-phantom redapplebud reii-sama rockettension routehappiness ruukina

S to Z

s-eramic s-h-i-t-a-i s-hirow s-shirayuki-hime sabishiis saitahma saka-nade senj0ugahara serelyne sexpai shikudo shinkachiiin shirozi shitsaekki shoujonotes shoujoromance sireai spceage spirition suuzumes suyazu t-amaki taig-a takassugi tenshii-ro the-little-sufferer the-other-moose theshoujolife tobito tohskas tokyo-ghouuls torihaizu touhhka u-usurai uke-aru usuraii versaceri vimoravec vorick y-osuke yannase yechiru yikespluto yoshiohka yoshoika yuikkos yukiimisaki-chan yumetsugu yumierro zeetsubou zetsuubo

Sending all my unconditional love and utmost appreciation for all my wonderful and beautiful followers that have continued to follow me on my tumblr journey! I wanted to make a follow forever to show my thanks and especially mention those that have supported me and made me smile. Carry on, and don’t stop being the amazing human beings that you are  ♥ ☆*・゜゚・*(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

A - J

K - N

O - Z

Message me if I misspelled your url or if you’ve changed your url. Sorry in advance!

Source: kougaami

I might go on hiatus starting tomorrow bc I still have an unfinished yearbook to layout and design, a 2-day orientation for the freshmen in our college, and I gotta get ready for classes on the 4th.

Might be back tho around the second week of August.

It’s been almost a year since I joined tumblr. As of making this 10 months but I feel like if I wait I’ll completely forget about it. I’m not very good at this whole description thing so I’ll just get right to it. +Blogroll 


bertholdts - a-sakuras - akashis - cattiepon - bakamura - fulllbusters - escarletes - blackqull - daughterofsatan - attackontitans - chizusu - alicenakiri - ackernam - fuutai - durararas - akahito - alexbenedetto - chizuruyu - attack-on-yume - eufleuric - bokutoho 


gretlusky​ - junpeihyuuga​ - kootsmeow​ - joyfuljack-a-lackie​ - hhiyorin​ - lilopelekai - lovelysora - gasaisyuno - haisesaski - izayas - kurummi - kirishimma - kazeyamas - itsumis - luuchans - kadrena - huedhaut - hitsougaya - kammishiro - kirishimma - greatgretuski - kanyekiwest - jaegvrs - lostmenma - lordzuuko - lordsousuke - gurensex - ginnozah - heichuus - hanae-ichihara - kommaru - ka-keru - haxse - hyakyuyas - kippeii - heichos 


neopuff​ - nijimurashuuzous - momoisatsuki - rapunzelaisaka - queenquinzels - sezakis - sexuoh - satsuyo - punziella - seikis - naruzumake - s-indria - marcomallow - submachineguns - nannaseharu - seiryuus - nanazse - rivaillechiou - sexpai - ryugaizaki - mmatsuokah - ssousuke - shuzuya - petraralls - mitsukunis - mitskii - sasukeeuchiha - mahiros - maikohana - mazusu - naruseis - rei-ryoku - suzuyas 


zuzuthefirelord - yaworu - zetsueen - taikos - zenwisterias - yoshoika - yamazakisosukes - tsuyuake - zeetsubou - towawakasa - youkas - zeino - yamazekis - utadas - ttoujis - tenkas 
“Yūichirō. You remember, right? The one who saved you was me. Don’t forget who was there for you when you came crawling out of the vampire capital. Me. I went out of my way to teach you how to live here. Even how to use a sword. If you feel like you owe me at all, then pay me back today. You live because of me. You are mine. You belong…to my faction. So don’t go wagging your mutt tail to the Hīragi.”
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