
Memoria Invictus

@jadeshadow88 / jadeshadow88.tumblr.com

Restless Daydreams of a Misty-eyed Wanderer

Both were filled at the same time with the same water, only one had oysters.

:/ The next time you think it’s okay to be nonbinary, remember the cost. We are killing our planet 😔


Wtf. No, be who you are. This doesn’t define you.


I offer some context

It was indeed esoteric


Oysters are cool. Also I’m Enby and like to eat oysters. Also I have no idea what’s going on. 


Make Some Pocket Extenders for Your Pants

So I don’t know about you, but I’m often frustrated by the ridiculous smallness of girls’ pockets. At a bare minimum, I need to be able to shove my cellphone in there - come on, pants companies! So what I started doing was making myself pocket extenders. I’ve done this several times, for pants and shorts. It’s great.

I just got this pair of jeans, so I thought I’d show you how to do it. I kind of feel like it just hasn’t occurred to some of you that this is an option, so maybe now it will. All you need is your pants, some fabric (I just took a random piece from a scrap bin), a needle, and some thread (thread doesn’t even need to match the fabric since literally no one will see it).

See? Ridiculous. Like, half a cellphone, or only 2.5″. Useless.

 So turn those inside out to expose the pockets.

Figure out how big you want your pockets to actually be. I kinda go by whatever looks like might be right. I didn’t really measure them. Fold the fabric in half, so you have a pocket, and then fold it in half again so you can have two equal ones.

Try to get the edges to line up enough, pin it in place, then sew up the sides! Are your stitches crazy uneven and wonky looking? Doesn’t matter; nobody’s going to see it. These are in the inside of your pants. The only thing that matters is that it holds up. So I double-did the corners, since those tend to get the most stress.

Cut open the bottom of the existing pockets.

Pin it in place, then sew around, joining the new pocket to the old pocket. I did this by keeping my hand on the inside, so I wouldn’t accidentally sew through the other side. Again, I reinforced the corners, and didn’t worry about what it actually looks like. Then I turned it in side out to make sure the inside was all joined properly.

Yay all done! And the pockets are so much bigger now!

Whaaaat I can fit my entire phone and entire hand and probably something else now, are girls’ pockets even allowed to do that?! Heck yeah they are.

@wastelesscrafts seems up your alley?

Absolutely! I know I’ve reblogged this tutorial before, but it’s a very useful one.

You’ll get more use out of your pants, and this is a great opportunity to upcycle fabric scraps.


“Oh no there’s only one bed” trope doesn’t really work with Team Rocket because honestly they’d be more like “oh my god look, a bed!”


Dude they canonically sleep all cuddled into a pile even when there isnt a bed

Perfect addition, and I love that so much

Allow me to add a collection of Team Rocket casually sleeping on each other, because this is the only reason I’m alive

Honestly they could have a million beds and they’d still end up sharing one


The PR after the Meghan and Harry interview has been pretty desperate and transparent but I am LOSING it over this headline, what a gift

The reactions. I can’t stop laughing.

Lost it at the rock’s tweet


I’m not sure which is funnier. Stanley Tucci saying that Ryan Reynolds is a sexier bald man than Prince William when he has a full head of hair, or Stanley Tucci saying that TILDA SWINTON is a sexier bald man than Prince William.


He’s correct


I lost it so hard at the inclusion of Tilda Swinton that I didn’t even fucking notice Ryan Reynolds

I saw Ryan Reynolds before I saw Tilda Swinton, and now I’m dead.

I’m just over here appreciating that the Entertainment Weekly url is “EW” dot com

Branwen (Bronwen meaning ‘Blessed Raven’) was the goddess of love and beauty and daughter of Llyr (god of the sea) and Penarddun in Celtic mythology. Because of her connection to white ravens if they were found in the willd they were considered sacred to the goddess. They were also associated with prophecies and dreams in the Celtic religion. The druids believed ravens were able to travel to the Otherworld and return with messages of ancient knowledge and wisdom from the deities. Branwen was also a triple goddess of Avalon alongside Ceriddwen (goddess of the moon) and Arainrhod (goddess of reincarnation) and was considered to be the maiden aspect of the triple goddess due to her beauty as a young woman.  (Georges Hobeika Fall 2018 Haute Couture Collection)

Not unrelated news: Florida has passed a rule on 11/17/21 to ‘withdraw’ from OSHA, citing objections to the new OSHA rule requiring employers with 100 or more employees to require vaccinations.

I’m sorry what? Can a whole ass state withdraw from a workplace safety organization?


Yes, but not like they want to.

See, in many cases of federal regulation (including OSHA) a state can run it’s own state version… Provided they use the fed as the bare minimum.

Also, the plan for the state version has to be approved by the Fed.

So Florida absolutely can replace OSHA in the state, but only if they want even *more* regulations, but *less* regulations. And the very person they’re trying to spite (President Joe Biden) would have to sign off on it. Sand these things take years to setup anyway, so hopefully the pandemic will be over by then (thus making the whole thing moot).

So yes they can, but but for the reasons DeSantis wants to, not on the timetable DeSantis wants to, and not with the outcome DeSantis wants.

Which is how you know this is just pandering to the base, and not an attempt to govern.




Welcome to the They/Themporium were we come fully stocked with all of your non-binary needs.

We’ve got classic models

EDM vampires

60’s housewives but they’re not racist

Genies who’ve only ever had to grant the wish “could you stay with me a little bit longer”

The cause of your parents divorce

Just a flat out witch who’s not even trying to hide it no more

I don’t even know what this is but I know it’s making me ask questions you’re not ready to know the answers to

So come on down to the They/Themporium don’t bother calling in we have unlimited personalities and none of them like talking on the phone

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