▒▒░ beauti-blossom

@blueheartrainbow / blueheartrainbow.tumblr.com


█▓▒  & W E A L T H


“ Hmph! An wrestler?? Who haves MY hair do? Excepting of the     bangs. Mines is alot better than yours! “ 

  @blueheartrainbow​ Like this for a short starter. 


“Whaaaaat? Thats not nice! Hey! Whats wrong with being twins for once in the ring?! Don’t know who you are, but you need to try that out some more. Lightin’ up!” She shouted, whats up with this girl and why shes soo rude to Mika? 


But guys, think about super close platonic relationships

Platonic reassuring shoulder/arm/hand grabbing Platonic tight, meaningful hugs Platonic late-night deep conversations that end in at least one person holding back tears or sobbing Platonic sleeping in the same bed Platonic forehead touches Platonic staring into each other’s eyes like the other person is the world Platonic CUDDLES SUPER CLOSE PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS

[ WHOA! Its been like a looong time since I still have this lovey Hsien-ko blog. And met alot of new cool peps for the past months later due to my lack of activity. but not anymore! I haven’t made a bia list in a while, but here it is!  I have already hit 600+ followers and its getting close to 700+, And I’m still happy for this blog and everyone esle! Thanks to all of you cool followers for still sticking up with me! I love everyone of you who followed this smol gal. there are some people here who made my RP experience in Tumblr more fun and greater! ]


CROSSOVER: Interacted with the characters

VISITORS: Haven’t interacted but adore you! 

Im very sorry if I missed any of you guys. : ‘ (


“I’m a pro, too! A pro wrestler! I’ll show you my skills in the ring!”

- Rainbow Mika to Guile, Street Fighter V (Capcom)


(( To be honest. My memory had forgotten many things in this blog. I’m sorry Rainbow Mika and those that are still here. But do not worry. I will do some bit of upgrading on this blog for sure. I might as well go back to Hotaru Futaba blog and do the same. I been so busy in school and I will do it the next 3 mouths later.  ))


(( And those who follow me due to this disappearance of Mika I will do some starters for you all for a post only. and able able to interacted with you all. But please, don’t forget to read carefully. ))


Workaround Tumblr’s New Reblog

Hey all,

Like everyone in the rp community, we freaked when we saw Tumblr’s newest update, eliminating our ability to cut posts. Luckily, we found a solution that WORKS. Follow these instructions:

And that’s it! No further steps are required and reblog will be back to it’s normal beautiful self.


Cody: eh thats blitz he's like my keeper right now Blitzcrank: indeed, mr travers, no more street fights.


“Blitz? What the heck? What is going on with that thing anyways?” 


{💖}--;"Hey girlie, you looking for a manager for your wrestling?"


“Oh, You again? Well I was lookin’ for one, until already got one! Isn’t shes cool?” 

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