
A nerd

@idso / idso.tumblr.com

Nidwick, Blubber, Oddment and Tweak

David Tennant reads the bookshop scene from Good Omens during Playing in the Dark: Neil Gaiman and the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

Posting here to memorialise this even after the BBC takes it down from their website. Originally performed 12th Nov 2019 at the Barbican, London. 

…his Aziraphale voice is so delicate oh my word, I’m ready to offer my life savings and possibly a kidney in exchange for a full-length audiobook


Sean O'Connell still has the best weigh-in stare downs

You guys, he’s back!


I didn’t know that I needed to see this until I saw it.


To put it simple. You DONT have to act tuff. To be a tough guy.  haha

So I looked this guy up. First, not shown in the first gif is the fact that he’s just wearing regular pants:

Also, he’s written a sci-fi novel and has spent time in Africa building a school and orphanage for abused teenage girls. So, good for that guy.



The fact that Snape is one of the youngest if not THE youngest professor is fucking hilarious.

Like how does he get away with half the shit he does like almost everyone there has taught him since he was 11 and they just see this 21 year old just walk back in like "Sup fuckers I'm a professor now by force better so you better start treating me like one."

7th years in the school are like probably "Didn't this fucker graduate 3 years ago?"

Imagine being a fourth year who has done /said something to your classmate Snape and then in your 7th year he's your TEACHER


1. He Went to School with Snape

2. Got taught by Snape

3. Became part of the Staff like Snape

And the Fact that he's acting like he knew shit about potions is hilarious cause you just got Snape in the corner like

"Listen here you little shit . I taught you. I've seen your test scores. I graded those shits and you coming in here talking about being able to come up with an antidote?...Sit down."

The more people reblog this the more shock I am that they didnt know Snape started teaching at like 21 and he's like 30 first book

People in the tags for the past week having been confused and going bananas so like we gonna forget about the movies. Because the movies got it all wrong

Snape is 31

Hagrid is 63

Professor Mcgonagall is 56

Lupin and Sirius and Peter (3rd movie/book) 33

Dumbledore is 112

Do what you will with this info fam

You forgot Burbage. In the books, she's in her twenties.

Bringing this back around, when Snape started teaching in Aug/September 1981, he was 21

In Aug/September 1981, Lockhart was 17 :')

lockhart, 17, never fucking learned how to read: actually professor ;-)

snape, professorially, as if he hasn’t just had his last growth spurt: on god, i’ll smack the shit out you. put—your hand—down.

@cokeworthcauldrons , your tags are fantastic


Which is creepier, this animatronic Elvis I ripped the face off of while disassembling it, or this selfie with me wearing it’s face?


The fact that you thought of doing this at all


I’m gonna go off on this scene for a hot second, because this doesn’t get nearly as much attention as the talk with his mom and honestly this one hit me harder. So I’m gonna talk about why this scene is so fucking important to me.

The first line. Right out of the gate. “How long have you known?” Not, “how long have you been…you know…”, “how long have you known.” This is coming from a character we have seen (unintentionally, but still) commit homophobic microaggressions on screen at least twice now with many more implied, that difference is important.

Then when Simon answers, his response emphasizes the time they spent together when he didn’t know (Four years eating dinner together). I was sure, I was so sure his next line was going to be “why didn’t you tell me”. Because that’s how it goes right? The onus is always on the queer person, it’s always down to us. But that’s not what he says. He says “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have missed it.”

I don’t think I can put into words what hearing an apology in that moment did to me. I really can’t, I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing for a second. And then he says “All those stupid jokes…”

He is taking responsibility for his actions. He is acknowledging that he was wrong and he is apologizing for the hurt he, however unknowingly, caused his son. This is so rare. Because the key here is, not only is this a father-son relationship, which is always more difficult because men in our society have been conditioned to never be “touchy-feely”, it’s also a parent-child relationship. 

Simon is still a teenager. His father has spent 17 years being the one responsible for Simon’s care; at this point the parent is the one in the equation where the majority of power still sits. For a parent to acknowledge to a child who is still not fully an adult that they were wrong, especially when it’s a father when men are conditioned to never give ground or “show weakness” over things like this, just. It doesn’t happen.

And even when Simon gives him an out he refuses to take it. Then he makes sure Simon knows that he is loved unconditionally, and reinforces it with physical affection. And it’s not a Manly Shoulder Pat either, this is a proper full-body hug followed by a kiss on the cheek.

And after a moment of awkwardness, he actively reaches out and shows interest in engaging in the queer aspect of Simon’s life by offering to sign up to Grindr together. He’s gotten it wrong (in the most adorably dad way possible), but the point is he made the effort. He didn’t just leave it at letting Simon know he loves him, he recognized that this is an on-going presence in his child’s life and he commits to continuously being involved with and acknowledging this aspect of his son.

I am someone who has Simon’s life. I am from an upper-middle class white family with two liberal straight parents who were high school sweethearts, and I have one younger sibling. My first car was even a used Subaru station wagon, I could not make this up. This is the moment I wish I could have with my parents. 

They knew/suspected I was queer for years before I finally came out to them, but they didn’t know what to do with asexuality. They were fully prepared for me to be a lesbian and I still managed to blindside them. It was completely unexpected and they hadn’t heard of it so they didn’t know what to do about it. And we are the pinnacle of a WASP stereotype, so all of us suck at talking about our feelings. So while my parents never rejected me, they never tried to “fix” me, and they don’t really drop hints about me “settling down one day”, they also never talk about it with me. I assume because they don’t know how to and they don’t want to misstep.

We will have entire conversations about queer issues with no acknowledgement whatsoever that I am part of the group that issue pertains to. They have never tried to talk to me about what asexuality is, asked me to explain it, or asked about how to be involved in that aspect of my life. Which is unusual for them, both have always taken an active interest in both of their children’s activities. And there’s only so many times I can be the one to talk about the elephant in the room because it’s fucking exhausting

So yeah. This scene, this moment, hit me like a semi truck. Because god do I want that in my life.


I’m crying

I really loved this scene because it wasn’t his dad saying “how long have you been lying to me” but instead “how long have I been hurting you.”

Too often queer people are treated as if we lied or tricked people while we were in the closet, so this scene meant so much to me.


I developed this trick to deal with intrusive thoughts

(disclaimer, I don’t think I have ADHD or anything like that, pretty sure I’m neurotypical if one doesn’t count the depression, but if it can help me maybe it can help you.)

So my mind is always thinking about everything, and sometimes it’s a problem when I want to concentrate on say, a fanfic I’m reading, and a word reminds me of something which reminds me of something else, etc. 

A couple of years ago I started envisioning this front space of my mind, the one I’m using, like a white board where things happen. 

And when an undesirable thought came, I just wiped the white board.

I always visualise the same move, like a wipe to the left. 

I’ve done this for a couple of years, now, and my brain is pretty well trained, so I just need to make the wiping gesture with my hand and the thoughts just leave. 

(sometimes it’s thoughts of my loved ones, so I don’t wipe them, I just gently walk them to the door - always to the left- and bid them good bye. sometimes it’s horrible thoughts about horrible people, then the border or the white board becomes an incinerator.)

It works most of the time, and sometimes a thought needs to be wiped two or three times, but then I can reset the white board and imagine the fic I’m reading again. 


This is a great visualization technique. I also have intrusive thoughts, and this is how I deal with them, just for another idea;

I imagine there’s a giant iron door, and behind the door are the awful thoughts, the things that make me cold sweat and shake. I can’t shut the door on my own, so I imagine a protector, someone very strong like the Hulk or Wonder Woman or Heimdall (my fave), and they slam the door shut. Sometimes I’m tempted to open the door and look inside – to read or watch things I know will bother me, or to relive awful old memories – and I imagine that protector putting a gentle hand on my shoulder and saying, “No, little sister, not today.”

It’s been very affective, to imagine I have help.


Revenge of the Sith AU where Anakin can't kill any younglings because they've set up hundreds of Space Home Alone style booby traps around the jedi temple

Anonymous asked:

is jake gyllenhaal gay??

why would you ask us, a narnia blog, this


the decade is ending and I still can’t believe this is my most memorable digital footprint…. After yall sending Aslan porn and incest porn and centaur porn this still won’t die down please let this die with the decade I am BEGGING

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