
City of Courage

@tehrainbows / tehrainbows.tumblr.com

Why hello there! You have stumbled across a blog ran by a full time hookah goddess. I'm currently working on my own hookah lounge. Been fired from every job I've ever had. Fight me.

Everything about this is a masterpiece: the girl that says “wow” and the girl that says “hi” shyly and bill awkwardly lifting his hand to say hi to them I’m cracking THE FUCK UP

The way they all immediately straightened up their postures like the fuckin pope walked in 😂 the sheer power this cool science man has over the american people is palpable


This shot and killed me


I don't know what's worse, that it looks like this, or that they have company

If you leave a college frat guy unattended for a week this is his next evolution


i am SO glad you asked. here is an I Spy of all the stuff i can identify from my four years of living in a frat, going counterclockwise from the bottom left:

right off the bat we've got a can of Keystone Light on the table and Twisted Tea on the floor. the yellow thing on the table is a glass rod used to do dabs with, and the blue thing is the silicone tub they store their dabs in. the orange thing barely sticking out from behind the fast food cup (please let me know if you can identify the restaurant it's from) is a vape battery.

here we have a regular-ass bong with a quartz banger stuck on it being used to do dabs out of. although this works, it is generally frowned upon; dab rigs tend to be much smaller than bongs and i will bet my left testicle that they've smoked tobacco through it at some point and didnt clean it. the black and purple thing to the right is another, much larger vape battery; the purple surface is the top face, and you can see the threaded hole to screw tanks into and the ring left behind by one.

moving along, we have unopened bottles of (apparently nice) vodka and bloody mary mix, which is fairly self-explanatory. the orange thing (which im assuming is what you thought was a sanding pad) is a bluetooth speaker. also note the can of butane to refill their dab torch (not shown) and the ashtray on the left side of the picture mostly covered by a random piece of green paper.

now we get to the meat of the hedonism. there are two glass pipes visible along with a shitload of ziplocs that presumably had weed in them at some point. there's also a tray with a psychedelic pattern on it holding one of the pipes, a bic, and a nicely rolled conical joint. however, based on the RAW packaging on the floor, they didn't roll it themselves; instead, they bought prerolled cones (which come in a conical package) and then stuffed it with weed. the cigarette butts on the ground indicate an ashtray spilled at some point and nobody cared enough to clean it, making mr. barefoot on the right foolhardy at best. the red grinder visible in the center of the frame is a 3-inch 4-piece Chromium Crusher.

the minifridge, microwave, and extra cups under the TV all indicate that the owner of this room probably has their shit together more than most of the rest of the house, which is why they're hosting the Smash pickup tournament. i would also like to note the fact that they're playing Smash on the Wii U but have a Wii power brick (indentifiable by the chamfer on the corner) and an Xbox One also visible in the shot. also there is an inflatable palm tree.

the one thing that still has me stumped is this. i have no idea what the fuck it is but it must be important to take up that much of the coffee table with so much other stuff competing for space. if you have any ideas please let me know because this is driving me insane.


Vivian from Paper Mario 2004 is a transgender woman. It is openly stated in the Japanese version that she ‘appears to be a girl but is really a boy’ seeking acceptance from her sisters, who finally see her as female in the end.

The entire story was censored in America.

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