The Fool Watercolors Jessica Douglas
Sunrise Watercolor and colored pencils Jessica Douglas
White Snake Green Snake Watercolors Jessica Douglas
Wisteria Dragon watercolors, silver enamel, pearls, Czech glass beads, melted sand, mica stone Jessica Douglas
World of Warcraft fanart for Adri watercolors, colored pencils, some gemstones and beading Jessica Douglas
Windswept watercolors, colored pencils, hand cut papers Jessica Douglas
frogger watercolors and colored pencils Jessica Douglas
Charlotte’s Dragon Pearls, silver, Czech glass beads, abalone shell, alexandrite, silver micha watercolors Jessica Douglas
A rose by any other name Watercolors Jessica Douglas
Flight Watercolors Jessica Douglas
The Hunger Layered resin and watercolors Jessica Douglas
Tropical Leviathan Assorted gemstones and minerals, watercolors Jessica Douglas
White Flowers Watercolors and gel pen Jessica Douglas
Leo Watercolors By Jessica Douglas 2019
OKAY according to tumblr I should be completely fixed now. We’ve literally combed this account head to toe so to speak. I am so very, very sorry that you all had to deal with that. Please poke at me if it happens again but it should be completely clear. To make up for it I’ll set up so once a day nice art and zeus pictures come up. ONCE a day. Once. Thank you so much everyone for giving me the head’s up. I don’t come here often anymore so I’d not have known for a long time.
The actual Jessica here: Welp. Hacked again even though I did EVERYTHING tumblr told me to do. I’m working with customer support to get this cleared up and fixed. Bear with me.
Hey everyone. Thanks for the heads up about being hacked. My son woke me up so we could get it taken care of immediately. I believe I got all of the posts, and the password has been changed, etc. etc. Let me know if anything else pops up. Yes I’m still around, I’ve just been working pretty much non stop on new paintings and haven’t been the best about updating social media. Zeus is still doing great, he’s snoozing in my bed and wanting me to go back so he can go back to leaching my body heat. Thanks for your quick responses. Talk to you all later!