
veterinary surgeon!


My name is Miranda. I am a student wanting to pruse a career in the field of Veterinary Medicine and become a board-cetertifed Veterinary Surgeon. l enjoy learning about soft-tissue and orthopedic procedures, internal medicine and intergrative medicine.

Day 5 of my boyfriend ignoring me

He doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings like a real adult


7 year old DSH permitted to the clinic a few weeks ago for lameness and a hard mass/swelling in right front leg. After evaluation, x-rays were taken to determine if cancer was present . Load and behold, we have a case of bone cancer, suspected (osteosarcoma) **Skeletal tumors can be benign or malignant, primary or secondary to metastases or adjacent soft-tissue structures** Osteosarcoma can affect the distal radius, proximal humerus, distal femur, or proximal tibia. •clinical signs include lameness, bone swelling, and acute, nontraumatic pathologic fracture of the bone. Radiographs note: Osteolysis, proliferation and soft tissue swelling. For this patient, amputation was a more suitable option, results are still pending..


something people don’t talk about enough: both extremes in autism

almost every autistic trait has something to do with extremes, and for most of them, autistic people can be on either end of the scale. sometimes this is for hyper/hypo sensitivity reasons, and sometimes it’s due to overcompensation.

examples of some typical autistic traits and their equally austistic counterparts:

  • no empathy? how about having such extreme empathy that you cry when your stuffed animals are ignored?
  • no/wrong facial expressions? how about exaggerated facial expressions because you learned early on you were doing it wrong?
  • nonverbal? how about being hyperverbal and not knowing when to stop talking?
  • highly advanced vocabulary? how about when you can’t remember common everyday words in conversation?
  • can’t tell when things are awkward? how about having such an sensitivity to awkwardness that you can barely stand being in the room when an awkward moment happens on tv?
  • has a meltdown over a small tag on their shirt? how about being so oblivious to physical sensations that you don’t know you broke a bone?
  • doesn’t follow social norms? how about a strict adherence to social norms, often accompanied by severe anxiety that you’re not doing it right?
  • can’t stand bright lights and loud noises? how about pressing lights so close to your eyes that you’re temporary blinded and constantly making noises when it gets too quiet?
  • no eye contact? how about intense, sustained eye contact that you don’t know when to break?
  • constantly rocking back and forth? how about being unable to walk without getting disoriented?

remember this when people say “you don’t seem autistic” - there is no quintessential autistic representation. this is what we mean when we say it’s a spectrum.

And a lot of these seeming opposites can occur in the same person!! I can't stand even accidentally brushing against certain fabrics but I have had gruesome injuries I didn't notice until someone pointed them out! I'm hyperverbal but still can go semiverbal during times of stress or forget common words! Autism is way, way more complex to experience than the stereotypes show.

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