Love Sick with Onew Ache

@leemotherfuckingjinki /

Marian, Shawol. Other blogs for Super Junior, girl groups and ASoIaF. I tag shit on request. 95% SHINee. Thirsting for Jinki 24/7~
Anonymous asked:

So, u're telling me that onew is always praising key and key is always being cute and attentive to onew (have u seen key holding onew's hands and hugging him all the time). They are so domestic though, kibummie making fun of jinki and jinki keeping quiet and only smiling. The yang & nam show just made me a onkey shipper. I've seen the light and will now ship them hard forever


Why do people never want to tell you their middle name like who gives a shit its not a nuclear launch code its your damn name

reblog with your middle name in the tags


“im getting old” starter pack

  • “this is way too sweet”
  • “they’re remaking that movie already????”
  • “my back hurts”
  • “wait, people get mad about that now?”
  • “I can’t eat that, its gone fuck my stomach up”
  • “hold on let me check my calendar first”
  • **turns on the radio** [groans]
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